New Illness Discovered =(


Jan 25, 2009
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This is serious guys, you may die from this. And I know hundreds of people that use this everyday so it may come as a shock to you.


New Illness: Facebook Depression?

This may sound like a joke, but it's not: researchers at Stony Brook University in New York have found that too much Facebook usage can leave you more prone to anxiety and depression...that is, if you're a teenage girl. In a study, a group of 13-year old girls were evaluated by psychology professor Dr. Joanne Davila and her colleague, Lisa Starr. A year later, the researchers followed up with the girls, testing them for depressive symptoms.

Feeling Down? Blame Facebook!

The results of their tests, recently published in The Journal of Adolescence, showed that the girls who excessively talked with their friends about their issues had significantly higher levels of depression. Today's online tools provide even more ways for this to occur. Says Dr. Davila, "Texting, instant messaging and social networking make it very easy for adolescents to become even more anxious, which can lead to depression."

The problem with these electronic tools du jour is that they allowed the girls to discuss the same problems over and over again. This caused them to get stuck obsessing over a particular emotional setback, unable to move forward

A Couple of Caveats

Turning a critical eye to this research, though, we have to wonder: is it really Facebook and IM that's getting the girls down? Or is it just the nature of teenage girls to talk themselves to tears? We already know that teenage girls engage in excessive talking and rumination...and they've been doing so for years. It's just the means by which they communicate these days that has changed.

Years ago, those same girls may have spent hours on the phone or writing out their thoughts in secret "slambooks." Even longer ago, they probably sat at their desks writing out long, emotional letters. For many girls, chatting about or dwelling on their problems is just a part of growing up.

It's not necessarily the medium through which the chatter tasks place that's the issue - it's the amount of discussion that leads to the feelings of depression. Said Dr. Davila, "[The girls] often don't realize that excessive talking is actually making them feel worse."

It's also worth pointing out that the study involved a relatively small sample of girls: 83 in total, which doesn't seem like a large enough group to form any definitive, universal conclusions.

What we can conclude here is that social networking sites haven't changed anything about how we communicate - they've just given us a different platform through which we do so. And our interactions with other online can mirror those we have off.

Update: Please note one of the study's authors has contributed to the discussion to clarify the details of their research. Although the article we linked to examined the study's findings in the context of Facebook, the actual study did not examine Facebook, she says. However, the DailyMail article is quoting the lead researcher Dr. Davila as saying "Texting, instant messaging and social networking make it very easy for adolescents to become even more anxious, which can lead to depression. Teenage friends have always chatted about their problems, asking each other why a boy didn't call or if they should break up with a boyfriend. But frequently discussing the same problem can intensify into an unhealthy activity for those who use Facebook and other electronic means to obsess about it." While the actual paper may not have focused on Facebook, it's clear that the researcher is thinking about how this sort of co-rumination occurs using today's electronic means. The headline "Facebook Depression" is meant to be a little tongue-in-cheek and it should not be taken literally to mean that using Facebook causes depression.

On a serious note, my friend deleted his Facebook Profile and then spiraled into a depressive state. Kinda sucks but its really annoying that this happened. Also I do notice a shitload of people complain on Facebook now, you might as well call it BitchBook
I feel depressed alot. I use facebook too. I blame the broken family/household I live with though.
I'm depressed without facebook. I mean I have it, but I pretty much don't use it, and don't want to. Occasionally I'll pop on there and do something on it, but that's about it.

Really depressed the past couple days. It's just like a heavy fog that rolled in and I can't shake it.
I am the popular social networking site, bookface.

Doesn't surprise me. I have that many 13 year old girls complaining about their lives in my news feed it gets near impossible to filter it.
Doesn't surprise me. I have that many 13 year old girls complaining about their lives in my news feed it gets near impossible to filter it.

Quoting for when the police need evidence of you being a pedo.

I hope nobody is taking this "study" seriously. Its a load of hogwash.
Social networking is for queers!

A real man hates himself silently and his friends openly!

Plus, most people get too goddamned carried away with that shit.

Like people on twitter writing about when they went and took a dump on the toilet.

Plus, most people get too goddamned carried away with that shit.

Like people on twitter writing about when they went and took a dump on the toilet.

Shitbook: where people get together and shoot the shit with friends and family

I post like one new wall message a week on FB. i really hate it when someone was like, "damn my stomach is hungry for some chicken wings and beer." and 10 mins later they have another update, "could use some more beer right about now" and I'm at work getting all hungry and thirsty
She wouldn't even be, like.


Well according to wiki girls enter puberty anywhere from 9 to 17, so theoretically I guess she could be.

I remember when I was 13 one of my classmates had some pretty nice knockers.
The reason they give doesn't seem to make much sense. Particularly against the idea that talking about a problem alleviates it.

It seems far more likely that people talking about their problems through so many media means far more people get to hear about other people's problems. And while getting your own problems off your chest might help, hearing other people's issues tend not to. In my experience, hearing about a problem which everyone else has but you makes you jealous. And wanting a problem isn't good.
I had to make two because as you VERY WELL KNOW I'm also a a fan of BBP, so we can eat them together while we watch The View on the Tivo this afternoon.

Someone's a bit dense this morning.

Someone's is a bit completely unoriginal in their choice of adjectives this morning.
I whine on Facebook plenty but I'm not depressed. It's mostly about how everything in my lab breaks or defies physical laws or how I stupidly screwed up last night and wasted six hours.
I had to make two because as you VERY WELL KNOW I'm also a a fan of BBP, so we can eat them together while we watch The View on the Tivo this afternoon.

Someone's is a bit completely unoriginal in their choice of adjectives this morning.

There's nothing wrong with my adjectives. Originality is not a prerequisite.
Also, stop misusing the post reporting system.
I believe that I used it just as it's intended to be used, though I fully recognize that privately owned internet forums are far from a democracy. Enjoy the remainder of this power trip.
Well, no. It's intended to be used to report posts that actually warrant moderator attention.
You're not the only moderator of this forum? I do believe there's a bullet point about setting a model, essentially not being gossipy and participating in public childish debates, so let's take it to PMs if you're interested in continuing this, duder.
New illness discovered: Getting a moderator infraction on might lead to you getting your panties in a bunch

If you're a 13 year old girl.
You're not the only moderator of this forum? I do believe there's a bullet point about setting a model, essentially not being gossipy and participating in public childish debates, so let's take it to PMs if you're interested in continuing this, duder.
Mmmmm, banana bread...Oh I am so making a banana and apple crumble later now.