Overwatch and Civil Protection Radio Chatter

correct...Also they say 'shit!', which is quite funny :D Though, I thought troops were more disciplinated than the hl1 grunts and didn't curse

Due to the nature of the Combine soldier modifications I find this highly doubtful as that exclamation would be unnecessary and they wouldn't say anything unnecessary.
I've never heard that! It sounds almost scripted rather than the chatter, due to the fact the sound of a explosion prevents the soldier from completing the offending word...

At which point did you hear this? Cheers.
It just happened to happen in the sniper section with Barney. I toss a grenade in the window and and then "OH SHI-
" *sniper falls out of window*. Made me actualy lol.
I'm starting to think that the regular soldiers might not be as brain wiped as originally imagined. Didn't Alyx state that they were volunteers in ep 1?

I'm sure they have all sorts of mental conditioning and implants, but i suspect that for the most part their minds are kept intact and that the overwatch is very much willingly carrying out the combine's will. Why waste time and technology mind-wiping those that will do the job willingly. Save the mind-wipes for those that are unwilling, i.e. stalkers.
My take is, the Overwatch soldiers are augmented and flash-trained, but apart from that, they aren't mind-wiped - the human mind is always the best processing unit a machine can imagine, and wirks fantastically in combat, especially after augmentation.

The personalities of individual soldiers are left intact, as they're part of their combat performance, and it's harder for the resistance to set up a single tactic to fight them all - some charge the enemy, others prefer sniping, while another use grenades mostly.

I gather the Elites are the most cyborgised ones, as some regular soldiers tried to get out of the Citadel in Episode One, while the Combine Elites stayed behind to blow it up.
Civil Protection officers have to go through memory replacment procedure to climb through the ranks (it's one of the Overwatch Lady's announcements). I image that the trans-human troops get it too but they seem to have some human aspects. Doctor Breen gives them a pep-talk and they can even be heard cursing.
Most metrocops should have human aspects, actually, seeing that there are some like Barney who didn't go through surgery of any kind to climb through ranks.

EDIT: Woo, Poison Zombie post.
What Ripcord Means

That's right, Bouncer is thier code for hostile incoming grenades but I guess the Combine code for their own grenades is Ripcord.

In combat, the soldiers use bouncer to identify enemy grenades, or their own grenades that they are throwing. Extractor, though, I believe they only use for their own grenades. And I've never heard them say 'ripcord' in combat.

I've never heard Overwatch use "Ripcord" in combat, but it's in the sound files...

Guys, I've been messing around in Half-Life 2 and Garry's Mod and I am now 100% certain of what the code "Ripcord" means.

When you throw a grenade at an enemy combine, you may notice he says "Bouncer! Bouncer!". Well that is the code for "Take cover! Enemy grenade!".


When an explosive barrel is burning close to an enemy Combine, he will run away and shout either "Ripcord! Ripcord!" or "Displace!". Also, if the Combine approaches burning debris or fire on the ground, he will also shout either "Displace!" or "Ripcord! Ripcord!".

"Ripcord!" is used when the Combine approaches hazardous materials. I'm still trying to decode other Combine chatter, but this I am dead-on certain of. Try it out.
Brilliant! I've been sat here for the last three years, constantly refreshing this thread, waiting for someone to explain all the above.

God bless you, Mr Ninja. I can finally move on with my life.
Ninja must've been bent over a hot keyboard for the last three years to figure this out.

You got a key to the city, man.

EDIT: A kitten dies every time you necro-post
Two kittens die every time someone whines about a legitimate necropost (like the one in this thread). BrazilianNinja, good first post, you're officially my top 2010 joindater.
I was just thinking about this topic last night and thinking I should make a Combine jargon wiki page for future reference. Also, well done BrazilianNinja. Welcome to the forums.
Heh. I actually knew about this because in the translated version, the voices are much clearer, and "Ripcord" is changed into "Move away!".

And yes, they do swear in the translated version.
I was just testing this and ripcord is definitly what they say when running for a hazard. That and displace. Also, they were saying the untagged viroms line while shooting antlions.
God damn Ninja.

God damn. You've shattered my belief that all new members are dumb queers with an IQ equal to that of a dead turtle. Welcome to the forums.
No, I'm saying there's no way anyone could crack your cynical hate for newbies with just one post.

But yeah he did have a pretty insightful post.
Well, this is MY first post, so sorry if it's dumb. ;)

I'm playing through HL2 for the 3rd time now and have been greatly entertained by the writing for the background voice of the Overwatch Announcer Lady-- she's the queen of the futurespeak euphemism thesaurus, if I can say that.

I'd like to take a crack at transcribing and posting a bunch of it, but I don't know how I can get into the files to play them. I got the Orange Box from Steam, so no discs... is it possible to access the sound files, or does anybody know if it's all been posted somewhere else already?

Thanks! Best game I've ever played, now I can't wait for Ep3.
Yes. You can use GCF Scape to view *.GCF files.