Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

It's to tie the curtains to the side.

It's best for dogs not to ask about things above 2 feet from the ground.

edit: haircut and new glasses

I only wear them in the morning and at night before and after putting my contacts in, so it doesn't matter much to me. They were like 60 bucks. **** you.

That synth was over a grand so eat it.
Okay, so cheap ass glasses, expensive ass audio equipment... I need to know how much that haircut cost and then I can figure out if you're a cheap ass or rich ass.
One of the photos from last night's gig. Really relaxed atmosphere with it being an acoustic performance.
Quite a lot of interaction with the crowd and such. Great night!

Yeah but the love between them is even more beautiful than the landscape.
Latest pic of me without my fursuit head. Still wearing the paws, sleeves and tail, though. I was suiting at a supermarket (a little while after this photo was taken) which was so much fun!
Oh god, someone didn't turn off their windshield wipers before turning off their car.
I like how enlarging text brings out all the beautiful colors within.
Damn, ARMA III is lookin pretty high fidelity these days.
They still nailed the product placement licenses.
Ultra rare image of me in class. Not sure why my lab partner thought it was necessary to take a picture of me.
Is that frozen treat a character from something? To me, it looks like either a snake head or a pear with a moustache.