PS3 Early Adopters Are Probably ****ed


Oct 2, 2003
Reaction score
Ken Kutaragi says PS3 hardware upgrades will happen every year.

No, seriously.

HG: Is it planned that it extends its spec every year like PC?

KK: I think it's okay to release a (extended) configuration every year (laugh). Though I say it like a joke, Dell will do it and Apple will do it too. In PC, if you fix (the spec) for 2 years you'll be catched up. Computers should be changing, right? It's inevitable that 60GB (HDD) will become short, memory may become short too. There are many possibilities.

So you're spending $600 on a console that could be outdated the next year, and the only upgrade possible is a brand new purchase... Kutaragi is BATSHIT MAD.
what he means by hardware ??? like a Video Card !!
weskerQ8 said:
what he means by hardware ??? like a Video Card !!

Could be anything. And since consoles aren't meant to be opened up and tinkered with, and since the majority wouldn't know how to add things like a video card, the only way to upgrade would be to buy another console (defeating the purpose of a console being a simple gaming machine for those too techno illiterate for PCs).

Unless there's a free trade-in, this is not likely to go too well.
This ruins the whole meaning on console.

You buy one, play it for four years and then get a new one amazed at the technological advancement. Now it will just be gradual increases. Pff.
Yeah, plus the whole Cell thing would probably complicate any DIY improvements to it.
Does that mean that games will have to come with changable settings for graphics and memory? If a newer console has a better graphics card or faster memory, then older consoles will be lacking behind and have to run a new game on lower settings? That's how it works with PC's.

If this is the case i am definately not getting a PS3 until later in it's life.
This could be taken any number of ways. I doubt they would screw over their entire audience by releasing a new and better version every two years requiring another completely separate purchase. Just like it won't play used games, right? Just like its broken and slow, right? There are a lot of rumors going around right now and a lot of liberties taken with many of the quotes on the Net and much of what is said is total bunk. I'll believe it when I see it.

Early adopters are always going to be screwed to an extent anyway. I thought everyone knew this already....
I cannot honestly see the playstation being upgradable, unless they have some modular system. Even then, we would probably see a repeat of the "put-xbox-in-fridge-then-hit-with-hammer-because-internet-told-me" school of console customization.

Edit: just read it through. all sounds like hype and difficult to implement theory to me.
If they changed it enough they could just call it Playstation 4...
Ren.182 said:
If this is the case i am definately not getting a PS3 until later in it's life.
Why buy it at all then if this is your attitude? If it will always be changing, you will always be waiting to buy it forever! :O
VictimOfScience said:
Why buy it at all then if this is your attitude? If it will always be changing, you will always be waiting to buy it forever! :O

Well I wont be able to even afford one for a long time. Well I could, but I'm not prepared to pay the asking price for it.

I'm all for upgrades, dont get me wrong, best way to keep a system going. I didn't say I'd wait until they release their final model and wont be putting any more upgrade in it. I'm just saying I'm going to wait until a better/more stable version is released.

I have a first-gen 360 and will be getting a Wii on release. I just wont be able to afford the PS3, so I might as well wait for a better version. I didn't mean it in a bad way ;)
Seriously, I've been a PS-only guy since the first one came out but I'm leaning more and more towards Nintendo's Wii. It's the only console, while still upgrading the specs somewhat, is more focused on fun rather than graphics.
I'm gonna put this down to "the millions of things Sony say they will do(digitally aged movies anyone?) but are blatantly talking out the ass about.
Qonfused said:
Seriously, I've been a PS-only guy since the first one came out but I'm leaning more and more towards Nintendo's Wii. It's the only console, while still upgrading the specs somewhat, is more focused on fun rather than graphics.
And offcourse the better the graphics the worse the gameplay:rolleyes:
Gray Fox said:
And offcourse the better the graphics the worse the gameplay:rolleyes:

Hopefully this wasn't a serious post. I could sense the sarcasm but the Wii is the only home console to do something so bold, yet it be so simple. Motion sensors would enhance the gameplay in any game. Other consoles have tried (EyeToy) but this is the only full-balled attempt and revolutionizing the home console.
Qonfused said:
Hopefully this wasn't a serious post. I could sense the sarcasm but the Wii is the only home console to do something so bold, yet it be so simple. Motion sensors would enhance the gameplay in any game. Other consoles have tried (EyeToy) but this is the only full-balled attempt and revolutionizing the home console.
I couldn's possibly argue with that, since i agree with it.
But at the same do not underestimate the experience that a powerfull console like the 360 or ps3 can offer, there are worlds beyond our imagination possible on those consoles. Remeber SupCom can not be done on old harware so more power can and does provide more oppertunity and flexebiliy to dev's.
Gray Fox said:
I couldn's possibly argue with that, since i agree with it.
But at the same do not underestimate the experience that a powerfull console like the 360 or ps3 can offer, there are worlds beyond our imagination possible on those consoles. Remeber SupCom can not be done on old harware so more power can and does provide more oppertunity and flexebiliy to dev's.

Yep. I can't wait until the release of the PS3. Sony has always surprised me. I'll just have to wait to see how everything turns out.
GJ on missing the point of a game console, Sony. Stop trying to make the PS3 a computer, everyone already has a computer.
VictimOfScience said:
Yeah, one was only partially screwed over with the new GBA and DS models...:|
Yes, because the DS Lite and GBA SP had better computer hardware, and some games didn't run on the old ones.
I can see the idea behind a larger HDD but anything else would just be ridiculous. I doubt they would actually change core components such as memory, CPU speed, and the GPU. Kutaragi is full of it.
So, it's like a pc, except no keyboard/mouse with a controller, which you could have bought one for a PC?!!?! STUPID SONY!!!! I used to be a fan of Sony. Not anymore, they turned retarded.
So consoles are that refuse to be called PCs? I am confused :|
Linux, web-browsing, upgradable hardware . . . what are they smoking over there? Oh yea, people are also supposed to get rid of their PCs. What about typing? You go to write an email and it takes you an hour. Ok, so we plug in the keyboard....and mouse...and then?

For some reason I'm reminded of the Phantom console.
I really wonder if Sony goes through with this what developers will think. My guess is many will just give up working with Sony or only focus on making games for the original first edition of the PS3 and essentially make any new ones somewhat useless.
99.vikram said:
And that's how dinosaurs and consoles became extinct...
So are you saying that Ken Kutagari killed the dinosaurs??? Someone better call Stephen Jay Gould!!! Oh wait ;(.
If this goes through then it's utterly retarded. The benefit of developing for a console is that it's fully standardized so no compatibility bullshit. When you start adding new hardware or having to cater to the old hardware you're removing that benefit.
I remember having to buy one of these for my N64, some games like perfect dark and majoras mask required it. It really pissed me off. But at least it was pretty late in the consoles life.
Unlikely this will involve scrapping the system. The PS3 may have removable parts, insertable slots etc. Plus he was partly joking, knowing that anything short of a PS4 or an upgrade more expensive than $100 will flay PS consumers.
Now if this is true, this is going to be annoying and stupid by sony.
It's true that they're thinking about different PS3 configurations for the future, but it isn't true that they're going to be making PS3s with faster CPUs and GPUs, more memory, etc. or any other exclusive features that games will require that might keep them from playing on earlier PS3 models.
A few other revelations appear in the Ultra One report, an investigative story into the reasons for the PS3's high price point. Izumi Kawanishi, head of Sony's Software Platform Development Division, commented to the magazine that one difference between the PS2 and the PS3 is that the PS3, as it was announced, is "nothing more than just the basic system." Sony is considering releasing models with larger volume hard disks and upgraded network features in the future. However, Kawanishi noted, Sony won't be changing CPU clock speed or memory amounts, as all PS3s have to run the same games.

You'll probably see the premium PS3 model replaced with the 120GB HDD, or a 200GB one, with patches and updates built in, etc., but no upgraded Cell, an extra 256MB XDR RAM and an Nvidia RSX2, etc.