Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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ĐynastҰ said:
last night

Chronicals of Riddick.

so ****ing awesome

Only The Godfather deserves 10 out of 10. Chronicles Of Riddick huh ? Pitch Black is far better :)
Into the Blue 6.5/10

Wasn't bad, nor was it good. Generic plotline.
Garfield_ said:
Only The Godfather deserves 10 out of 10. Chronicles Of Riddick huh ? Pitch Black is far better :)

meh saw Pitch Black a few days before on Sky, some parts are brilliant but i must think riddick is better though.

anyway, just watched Sin City last night


had high expectations and wasnt too impressed really. a very 70s 'commentary' type film. lots of blood and an incredibly weird-and-sometimes-hard-to-understand/follow storyline. only starts making slight sense toward the end, but even then the stories dont seem to connect that well.

anyone else feel differently?
Vita è bella, La - 9/10 Very good!
Lola rennt - 9/10 Also good!

I know I picked two, but I watched them within fairly close proximity of each other, and I recommend them both.
oh and Apocalypse now was good too.. 9/10, I really liked the visuals, and the whole "headless chicken" theme that was applied to the US military, the directors cut version has some nice extra scenes in it too. more good visuals there.
Sin City was absolutely ace :)

Last night I watched:

Starship Troopers 2 1/10 laughabley crap.
ComradeBadger said:
Last night I watched:

Starship Troopers 2 1/10 laughabley crap.

The 1st one was good.. I liked that
bliink said:
The 1st one was good.. I liked that
Wasn't the second one done on a really low budget and went straight to video/forgotton quickly.. I remember hearing some noise about it but then it seemed to vanish overnight and I always got the impression it was kinda on a par with AvP *shudders*
the 2nd starship troopers had none of the subtleties of the first and it was just a brainless shoot em up.
bliink said:
the 2nd starship troopers had none of the subtleties of the first and it was just a brainless shoot em up.
ahh.. so it WAS like AvP then? :)

I liked the first troopers film, avoided it for ages as it didn't seem the kind I'd go for but caught it one night on tv and ended up liking it. Even if it did have Doogie Hauser in it :p
bliink said:
the 2nd starship troopers had none of the subtleties of the first and it was just a brainless shoot em up.
Wasn't even much shooting.. there was crappy gore and they tried to make it into a bad bad bad horror film full of inconscistancies... oh, and with some bargin-bucket political moralising that was as subtle as a blow to the head.
ComradeBadger said:
Wasn't even much shooting.. there was crappy gore and they tried to make it into a bad bad bad horror film full of inconscistancies... oh, and with some bargin-bucket political moralising that was as subtle as a blow to the head.
So you'd definately recommend it for those nights in with mates that usually involve 976-evil, killer clowns, night of the creeps, Rhodan vs Mothra vs Godzilla's baby cousin and other instantly forgettable classics while under the influence?

Sounds good to me :)
Yes. Me n my flatmate got through a case of carlsberg, a pizza and a shizzload of popcorn :)

Just pissed ourselves at the bit with the comms.. and the random random zombie types that at first were normal, then slow, then fast, then slow again, then some slow some fast

ComradeBadger said:
Yes. Me n my flatmate got through a case of carlsberg, a pizza and a shizzload of popcorn :)

Just pissed ourselves at the bit with the comms.. and the random random zombie types that at first were normal, then slow, then fast, then slow again, then some slow some fast

lol, i can just see me ending up enjoying it more than the first now :p

(but for all the wrong reasons)
ComradeBadger said:
Even the beginning titles are unintentionally hilarious :E
lol, you really didn't like it did you haha. Damnit just making me want to see it all the more now too! :p

oh and on-topic

Clockwise 9/10 Still great even if its old

Rising Damp the movie 10/10 its so bad its good!

Adam's Rib 9/10 watching it now.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Grey and Facepunch need to slap themselves. Immediately.

For a Few Dollars More - 9/10.
Serenity - 9/10

I might have given it a slightly better rating if I hadn't been forced to watch it from the 2nd row, where you have to turn your head to look from one side of the screen to the other. :/
(for the record, yes, I did watch the whole series as well)
the_ghost_of_you said:
Sprited Away - 9.5 out of 10.
Awesome, awesome film. Best japanese animation i have ever seen and i absolutely hate all that stuff.

Since you're in Australia, i'll just point out that you should check out channel SBS at Wednesday 10pm. "Laputa: Castle in the Sky" is on and it was made by the same animation studio that did Spirited Away.

Last film i watched was Oldboy (again)

Last film i watched for the first time was
Transporter 2 - 7/10.

That was surprisingly cool for a brainless action flick.

Also - Has anyone seen 'Seven Samurai'? I'm thinking about buying it but i can't seem to find it anywhere to rent it first.
Sparta said:
Also - Has anyone seen 'Seven Samurai'? I'm thinking about buying it but i can't seem to find it anywhere to rent it first.

No, I havent. But it is worth buying. It had Toshiro Mifune in it and was directed by Akira Kurosaura (ehm, spelling) That in itself makes it worth buying.
Sparta said:
Awesome, awesome film. Best japanese animation i have ever seen and i absolutely hate all that stuff.

Since you're in Australia, i'll just point out that you should check out channel SBS at Wednesday 10pm. "Laputa: Castle in the Sky" is on and it was made by the same animation studio that did Spirited Away.

Last film i watched was Oldboy (again)

Last film i watched for the first time was
Transporter 2 - 7/10.

That was surprisingly cool for a brainless action flick.

Also - Has anyone seen 'Seven Samurai'? I'm thinking about buying it but i can't seem to find it anywhere to rent it first.

If you like Miyazaki flicks I urge you to check out Princess Mononoke/Mononoke Hime. Probably the darkest and most mature film he's made, and most likely my favourite. I saw Howl's Moving Castle in Japanese the other day, and whilst aimed more towards kids it is also great, although I couldn't understand very much. I don't know what the english dub will do to it either (I hear Billy Crystal really hams it up...). Porco Rosso and Nausicaa are also definitely worth checking out.
Transporter 2 9/10 Loved that movie!
Just randomly watched it because I couldn't sleep :

Adrenalin - Fear The Rush
Worst movie ever.
Here's the plot :
In 2007 some virus kills millions of people. When it comes to America, people are put in camps. After a few years, some monster-guy shows up and kills a group of 5 ppl. One survives, tells the cops and a girl and guy cop go after it. More random killing, the girl survives and calls in reinforcement. Three ppl arrive. One guy gets shot but keeps on going. They track him down to some old prison. The government now kicks in too, and goes to the prison. The cops keep on following the monster in the vents. The guy that just got shot gets shot again in the knee. He keeps on going. One of the girls gets shot too. They follow the monster, but the monster manages to lock them up (???). They keep on looking for help, but suddenly they see a gun up in the vents (which are now closed by the monster). The wounded people get shot again. The guy gets 2 bullets in his arm, 2 in his gut, one in his shoulder and he STILL keeps going :/. The girl gets 2 bullets in the gut.
The surviving girl now has to go for help (seeing the other guy was supposedly eaten). Government keeps bs'ing about how the monster might be the spreader of the virus and it will be 2 hours until he becomes infectious (although he has already spread it to millions of people already). Surviving girl suddenly finds the exit, and re-enters with a team of expert marines. Monster jumps right in the middle of the marines. All marines die or get seriously hurt. Girl randomly survives. Girl keeps on searching for monster. Girl suddenly gets a flashlight beam aimed at her. Fade-out, fade-in. She is now hanging on a rope with her hands, with the wounded guy hanging next to her (alive). The wounded girl is lying on the ground. Monster kills girl on ground. Monster wants to eat girl hanging on rope. Girl on rope kicks monster into a really short black-out. Girl manages to get loose. Girl kills monster. Both survivors go to the exit and are happy. Suddenly (And this is the ONLY plot twist in the ENTIRE film) the third guy that was supposedly eaten, reappears, good and well.
The sucky end.

Well, that really ruined my evening :/
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