StarCraft II

I'm all for a Hl2net tourney. Even though I'm mid-silver it could be really fun.
this is just obnoxious.

my wow acct was cancelled quite some time ago, tonight, my acct gets compromised, and i lose my shit, a few days before my acct runs out.

****ing great -_-

here is one disadvantage to wow being linked to my ****ing sc
I'm all for a Hl2net tourney. Even though I'm mid-silver it could be really fun.

Same. We will have to make three divisions though: Europe, North America and Oceania.

Isn't it an idea btw to make a thread with usernames? I'll be glad to make it and maintain it.
What does that even mean? Can't you play with someone not Bronze? What about if he's silver and you're gold?
What does that even mean? Can't you play with someone not Bronze? What about if he's silver and you're gold?

You can pretty much play anyone in any bracket, but it's set up so that you're generally matched with people around your skill level and thus in your bracket. It's not wholly accurate, but it's not terrible either.
Different leagues aren't a problem. Different regions are.
I meant Bronze. Sorry, I haven't even placed yet but I'm pretty sure I'd be in the Dreg Of The Dregs.
Is it even possible to win against an A.I. on Insane? It's Insanely hard. He had 11 zealots, 6 stalkers and 2 colossi before the 9 minute mark. He cheats so much, his workers harvest 7 minerals a pop so you're always outnumbered and outteched. I figure you have to use some cheese tactic to win or be extremely defensive and try to gain map control so you can get even in income. I tried planetary fortress rush but the workers blocked my landing zone :(.
Just beat 7 insane A.I.s on FFA, or so I thought :( Didn't get the achievement. I wonder if I accidentally didn't put everyone on Insane or maybe you're not allowed to save and reload? I found that you need lots and lots of siege tanks to be able to protect yourself. In the end I had probably a dozen or more behind two planetary fortresses (blocking a huge choke) plus marines and marauders and when they came with one of the A.I's huge army I just destroyed it and proceeded to destroy his base, then I went back and waited for the next A.I to come. Only had to do this twice though since they had taken eachother out.

Edit: Did it once again and still got no achievement because you can't play "VS AI" apparently, you need to make a custom game and add the AI :(. No save/reload then I guess :(.
Yeah, but it seems kind of luck based since one game different A.I. just came one after another and attacked me in a short span of time and on the third attack my defense crumbled. Would suck to have to remake because of something like that :|. They shouldn't be working together damnit! It's free for all!
Yeah, but it seems kind of luck based since one game different A.I. just came one after another and attacked me in a short span of time and on the third attack my defense crumbled. Would suck to have to remake because of something like that :|. They shouldn't be working together damnit! It's free for all!

I don't know about you, but whenever me and a friend would FFA with a group. we'd ally! :p
This is worth a double post. Best win so far. Down here in the Bronze league we tend to turtle a fair bit. I have taken Numbers' advice and I approach the matches quite defensively. See what the enemy does and react on that. As it turned out the Protoss dude I was playing against had the plan to build up an army of those floating super ray guns and trash my base. He totally forgot about air defense though. I sent in six Banshees cloaked, wrecked his two command centers, and tried to damage as much else as possible. When my shields were heading towards zero I pulled them out again to a safe place.

That spurred him into action. His fleet of about ten ray gun bastards was heading towards my base. I threw a couple of Vikings against them about halfway, after that two Battlecruisers, but I wasn't really a match for the concentrated fire of his capital ships. In the meantime however I sent a couple of new Banshees to my hideout near his base. Together with the other ones I went in again and then a race against the clock started. I wasn't defending my base (except for a couple of turrets) and he wasn't defending his (ditto, he learned from his earlier mistake), so it was basically about wrecking stuff as fast as possible. I beat him in the nick of time: his last pylon blew up when my last building, a secondary command center, was already in the red. Noobie pride. :)
Kisze, you need to make it a custom game. If you just play against AI it doesn't count. I couldn't tell you why it is that way because it goes against what the achievements suggest.

Also, the insane ai isn't that hard to beat if you rush them before they get the war machine moving.
This is worth a double post. Best win so far. Down here in the Bronze league we tend to turtle a fair bit. I have taken Numbers' advice and I approach the matches quite defensively. See what the enemy does and react on that. As it turned out the Protoss dude I was playing against had the plan to build up an army of those floating super ray guns and trash my base. He totally forgot about air defense though. I sent in six Banshees cloaked, wrecked his two command centers, and tried to damage as much else as possible. When my shields were heading towards zero I pulled them out again to a safe place.

That spurred him into action. His fleet of about ten ray gun bastards was heading towards my base. I threw a couple of Vikings against them about halfway, after that two Battlecruisers, but I wasn't really a match for the concentrated fire of his capital ships. In the meantime however I sent a couple of new Banshees to my hideout near his base. Together with the other ones I went in again and then a race against the clock started. I wasn't defending my base (except for a couple of turrets) and he wasn't defending his (ditto, he learned from his earlier mistake), so it was basically about wrecking stuff as fast as possible. I beat him in the nick of time: his last pylon blew up when my last building, a secondary command center, was already in the red. Noobie pride. :)

I think what you need to do is really just see what units do what. Playing against some AI like Quixoticism said is a good start, but you can do it wherever you are. The important thing to remember is that every unit has strengths and weaknesses and is a counter for something else. When you're looking at void rays (the ray guns I assume), you have a decent number of options. For one they do bonus vs armored things, so battlecruisers are right out. Vikings are a fairly good choice since they also do bonus damage vs armored (void rays are also armored) and are cheap by comparison to the rays. However, since they're also armored, they take bonus damage from void rays as well. One of the best counters to void rays is marines. They are light (not armored, no bonus) and because void rays are single target, they have to kill them one at a time.

Generally as Terran, marines are your best friends. They're good vs everything except your standard AOE (siege tanks, colossus, high templars, etc) and are cheap to make.

I won't throw a bunch of Terran strats at you because they're everywhere... but what is really important is knowing what does what and what to do when a certain situation arises. Being able to react properly to given information can definitely make the difference between a win and a loss.

On winning and losing, isn't it amazing how much a seemingly minor mistake can decide a win or loss. When and where you attack, whether you retreat and when, missing a small spot in scouting, letting a single worker go free, building one too many units when you need something else. It's crazy.

I'm still sticking by the tier 2 rush strat. Stalkers and marauders go together wonderfully. They take out buildings so fast that, if you can make it to a back door or get in the base, you can cause so much havoc in a small amount of time that you pretty much automatically have an advantage even if you lose every unit. Stalkers can maneuver so well with their speed and blink that they can be microed in to great position. The concussive blast + their speed means perfect kiting vs melee.

Ok I'm done with this long post.
Thanks! No time for a long post but I still underestimate Marines too much I think. Higher tech = better in my mind, but that isn't the case right?

Also, I need to scout more. I tend to do my own thing first.
I got a guess past.

I saw "14 days" and shit myself; then I saw "or 7 hours" and shit myself in sadness.

Either way, it's going to be a long day at the laundromat.
This is worth a double post. Best win so far. Down here in the Bronze league we tend to turtle a fair bit. I have taken Numbers' advice and I approach the matches quite defensively. See what the enemy does and react on that. As it turned out the Protoss dude I was playing against had the plan to build up an army of those floating super ray guns and trash my base. He totally forgot about air defense though. I sent in six Banshees cloaked, wrecked his two command centers, and tried to damage as much else as possible. When my shields were heading towards zero I pulled them out again to a safe place.

That spurred him into action. His fleet of about ten ray gun bastards was heading towards my base. I threw a couple of Vikings against them about halfway, after that two Battlecruisers, but I wasn't really a match for the concentrated fire of his capital ships. In the meantime however I sent a couple of new Banshees to my hideout near his base. Together with the other ones I went in again and then a race against the clock started. I wasn't defending my base (except for a couple of turrets) and he wasn't defending his (ditto, he learned from his earlier mistake), so it was basically about wrecking stuff as fast as possible. I beat him in the nick of time: his last pylon blew up when my last building, a secondary command center, was already in the red. Noobie pride. :)

Heh lol.

The thing about my Decisive Battle Doctrine is that it requires that you constantly modify the units according to the enemy's units, and also that the enemy needs to devote most of his forces into attacking you (and of course, losing many) before you send your troops in. Of course, marines are always good.

I never use Decisive Battle when fighting Terrans, btw. Siege Tanks will make sure that any attack by either side will be repelled without a significant factor.

Here's my list of Doctrines that I've come up with whilst playing on Korean servers:

Decisive Battle

Superior Firepower - for against Terrans, basically the two of you are locked in a siege tank battle and the one that has more will be the one that wins. Btw, never attack a tank line without superior numbers - you will lose about a third of what tanks he has when attacking before you get to go to siege mode.

Fast Air - I almost always use this against terrans, simply because I do not want to waste my time on a lengthy tank battle. One barrack, one factory, 6 marines, one tank, 2 starports, 2 vikings, then go straight to banshees and put some vikings in there for air superiority.

Terran Volkssturm - Basically shitloads of marines early on. Works best before the other guy gets higher tier units like Collossi. Add a few maruaders in there, and you're all set.

Note that while using static defense, it is very very easy for a Terran player to be cut off from resources and starved to death. Just wait until the enemy wastes valuable units on attacking your defensive line, and continue moving up, or if you feel that you are placed at an advantage, go for the attack. Continue building units as you do so, since you do not want to be without units when it turns out you don't have the upper hand.

Note that I might be full of shit here. Find what strategy suits you best and go with that. You also need to be more flexible, too.

And no, I'm not good enough to go Diamond.

Thanks! No time for a long post but I still underestimate Marines too much I think. Higher tech = better in my mind, but that isn't the case right?

Also, I need to scout more. I tend to do my own thing first.

It's a good idea to scout with the SCV that builds your first supply depot. That's about the right timing to see what kind of build your opponent is going and figure out what you need to do about that.

Also, loads of marines are always good against void rays - no splash damage, etc. etc. Vikings can work, but you need to micro a bit, and if they've already researched the speedups for VRs, you're ****ed without large numbers of vikings. VRs can attack while moving, so your slight advantage in range is gone.

I've never won a game without large numbers of marines involved (unless I went fast air against terran), and they're certainly more important than they were during SC1. Of course, you need to mix some other units, like Maruaders, Medievacs, perhaps Thors for extra firepower, Banshees for all-around air support, etc. etc. But marines will probably be the backbone of your army. (Unless you're fighting Terran, and he's got lots of tanks. Then you go Banshees all the way or Thors with Tank support. If you have the resources, Thors with Tanks cannot be beaten when fighting Terran, and is very good against Protoss. Zerg will just outnumber and swarm you to death.)

Banshees are awesome by the way. I think I'm in love. So beautiful , the way they launch those missiles and kill everything groundside. :p

EDIT: This is one instance of my DB doctrine. The enemy thought, 17 minutes in, that they had massed enough Stalkers and zealots to have a go at my base. I forsaw this (with scouting, Xel'Naga towers, sensors, etc. etc.) and had a planetary fortress ready at my front resource yard. Two tanks on top of a hill and 30+ marines and maruaders were enough to repell the attack, causing significant damage to their forces. I had seen enough to recognize that their remaining forces were placed at a disadvantage and started to chase them. I wiped most of his attackers, destroyed his front yard, and entered his main base. The enemy, without enough forces to commit to the fight, left the game.
I'm impressed by the number of fancy things people are making.
That vid is kinda old, saw it months ago, but still cool, indeed.
Thanks for all the strats, Numbers. Gonna try 'em out right away.
Well, tell me how they work out. :D Strats always need refining and whatnot.
It went quite well. I played six matches; won three and lost three. Which is pretty good, since my current average is a win for every three losses.

The extra Marines sure do help. I even won a match yesterday when my opponent was massing Vikings, but found out that I was waiting for him with a huge army. He litterally dropped ten seconds after he saw them (checked the replay to be sure).

Banshees are still a giant pain in the butt. Missile turrets help detecting them but they get blown up too fast. Maybe build one or two ravens to help with stealth detection?

What also worked swimmingly was a tank rush. It was a bit reminiscent of the Stug rushes during the CoH beta. The number of tanks alone was enough for my opponent to give up.

My losses were mainly during longer matches. I get bored after 30, 40 minutes and less concentration usually means I lose track of things and lose.
Most matches shouldn't last that long and those that do should be frantic.

I haven't done much 1v1 ladder(still in my placement matches) because when I'm on I always play with Letters an Xev.

Marines are wonderfully powerful though. One 3v3 game we got cheesed and I was the only one left, I made 8 rax with 5 reactors and massed marines and they decimated everything that they threw at me. I lost eventually because they got some mutas in my base while I was out killing their bases and ran out of money.
Banshees are still a giant pain in the butt. Missile turrets help detecting them but they get blown up too fast. Maybe build one or two ravens to help with stealth detection?

Just save energy with your orbital command and scan them when you have units near who can kill them
A squad of Vikings with a Raven attached works great for aerial defense I found. Those Ravens seem to be made of glass though ...

And you're right about the speed Quix, but bear in mind it is the Bronze League I am playing in. Everybody seems to burrow in. What worked splendidly for me tonight was tank rushing. It hits your opponent before they're good and well ready. Won two out of three times that way. :)
I still have 43 practice matches to do. Been playing mainly co-op online against hard AI.

Im getting sick of turtles though. I lost today against a Terran (I was Zerg) that clearly was fairly noobish, he only had 1 expansion on a 1v1 map, hadnt destroyed his rocks until about the last 5 minutes of the match.

Meanwhile I had 3 expansions (and somehow he consistently had better resource collection through the entire game), and built sizeable, mixed strike forces to hit beind his lines and take out his resource line, and to deal with whatever he threw at me...which he did...the guy really liked cruisers and M&Ms. And no matter what I threw at him, he just laughed and sat there.

So I thought he'd run out of resources and have to attack. Unfortunately, he did. And basically steamed over me after I unleashed what I thought was a huge attack on him (14 fully loaded overlords). Those cruisers take so much damage, and he must have had about 20 of them. I had no chance in hell. But what was I doing? Focusing my attack on his guys, rather than trying to take down his buildings or mineral line.

I just cant find that strength and weakness balance when Im the zerg. Everything I do just seems to fall apart. I hate doing rushes because thats just lame, whats the point in playing etc. Damn it this is frustrating.
Just skip the practice matches, Dynasty. The whole map set-up favors turtling.

Also, I present you Thorblob:


The fun I had with this dude. Before he sent in this armada of Thors I made a great surprise attack on him. Early on in the game I sent a SCV to scout his base. He didn't notice so I hid him behind one of those curtains of steam right in his base. I built a sensor pole there, a factory and all the tanks the little space could hold.


Then with the help of a diversionary attack I sprung my trap and wrecked half his base. After that he apparently went wild with Thors, which I disposed of with my Banshees. They continued the work my tanks had started and won me the game. :D
Playing as terran, is it worth setting up missle towers or should I just use marines as AA?
Playing as terran, is it worth setting up missle towers or should I just use marines as AA?

Mix of both. It's always best to keep a healthy unit composition to barely hold off from any surprise units thrown at you until you can get more of the countering unit. So that's why you have M&M, you keep the marines as a bit of AA with marauders spearheading vs armoured and buildings.

The missile turrets are crucial as they can decimate small forces or buffet them until your main force retreats back to kill the air. In most instances, well-placed missile turrets ward off air attacks because your enemy doesn't want to lose his expensive air units. And the missile turret will always help even without AA because it has detection, so you can kill off any observers/DTs/banshees the enemy shits out to scout or harass you with.
It never hurts to have a couple turrets if you're expecting air. They're more useful against zerg and terran because of mutas and banshees. Against toss air you're better of with marines/vikings. Marines of course are handy in backing them up.
Building 3 turrets around my cc saved me one of my placement matches when some guy tried to sneak in some cloaked banshees.