The f*** me, Munro's doing some work thread


ValveTime Administrator
Staff member
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
If there's anything you think the site is missing then post here and it shall appear!
Blow up dolls for the '03, '04, and '05 members.

And holy shit, the big takes me to the main page. I <3 you, Munro.
/me hugs Munnies

I've been waiting for this since time began. I can finally have just one bookmark now.
1: the link at the top goes to the home page.

I'd like to see some of the characters that show up as "?" fixed (pound symbol being the most frequent case that I've noticed.)

And I'd like you to consider enabling the strikethrough font effect for post's.

And while our UserCP's "Edit Your Details" page has the field, "Steam Community ID" I'm not sure if the link you can fill out there shows up anywhere.

I can't think of anything else, the site's pretty much perfect I suppose :thumbs:
Dog back up above the Navigation Bar.

But i doubt the PHB actually does anything, does he?
Increase the dammed PM box size, as well as the avatar size.
Also I should be a super moderator.
Increase the dammed PM box size, as well as the avatar size.
Also I should be a super moderator.

You know, this is going to keep me smiling all damn day.
I'm glad, cause it's your childlike wonder that inspires me to come back to this forum every day.
Will we ever have swf/flash support here, like facepunch forums has?
I would suggest a reputation system that another forum that i visit has. Too much negative rep sends you into a "day care" forum. I fear it would be abused though.

Now as with anything else there are a few rules.

1 - Abuse of the system will get your privileges here at TMT removed ( hint: Daycare )

2 - On the topic of Daycare, members with excessive negative rep points will be automaticly sent to that forum. ( hey don't blame me, if 100 people negative rep you - you're doing something wrong )

3 - stop with the constant posts about what rep level you are at and who +/- you to get you there. Nobody cares unless it's a case of abuse. This is a tool, not a social ladder.

Now how the rep points work.

A new member will start at 5 points. You can not +/- a post untill you have 50 or more posts and a rep level of +10 or higher.

Your reputation power is how many points you can +/- a post. This number is determined by a few factors:

1 - you get a power point for each 365 days you are a member of the forum.
2 - you get a power point for every 500 posts you made.
3 - you get a power point for every 100 points of rep you have.

In short the longer you are a members and the more positive contributions you make to TMT, the stronger your standing in giving out points is.

Hope this clears a few things up.
It's been that way for five years.
Lol no it hasn't, it used to take you to the forum index, now it takes you to the main page, Munro even announced the change in this thread.
100x100 is rather large.'s always been nice and small like that. A 64x64 compromise wouldn't be half bad. I believe you're asking about bug-fixes rather than improvements, though.

I'll pay you ?100 to fix the GBP symbol.
Lol no it hasn't, it used to take you to the forum index, now it takes you to the main page, Munro even announced the change in this thread.
That was an exception. Most of the time I've been here clicking on the banner took you to the main page.
? means I get to choose the currency after he's finished.
50x50 is fine, I just want more KB, instead of 30 something like 100KB.

Also what about that gallon of milk you were supposed to pick up?
Fix the wiki so that people can log in and make changes. Or just remove it altogether since no one has made a single change to it in months because of the inability to log in.
The old HL2 picture at the top, with Gordon as a silhouette and dog on the left side, it was way better.

Also might be a bit much, but a new skin or 2 would be nice rather then blue or tan.
The tan background! I always used to have it tan but I had to switch to blue. :(
Could I request the forum button on the right of the main website be replaced with an actual button?
A way to view past poll results. If you click on the link it just says "View our past polls from the main page", which isn't true.

I'd like to see some of the characters that show up as "?" fixed (pound symbol being the most frequent case that I've noticed.)

And I'd like you to consider enabling the strikethrough font effect for post's.

And while our UserCP's "Edit Your Details" page has the field, "Steam Community ID" I'm not sure if the link you can fill out there shows up anywhere.

I can't think of anything else, the site's pretty much perfect I suppose :thumbs:

The characters issue is a server issue. Until we get our web server upgraded we have to put up with this.

Strikethrough is added - use [strike]

No. People abused it sadly and wont be returning.

Increase the dammed PM box size, as well as the avatar size.
Also I should be a super moderator.

PMs - no. Just delete stuff. Don't forget your sent messages count towards your total. Avatars have been increased to 70x70 and 60kb

I now want larger boxes to type my PMs in.

Click the expand button on the post bit.

Custom titles. Could be fun.


Will we ever have swf/flash support here, like facepunch forums has?


I would suggest a reputation system that another forum that i visit has. Too much negative rep sends you into a "day care" forum. I fear it would be abused though.

Possible abuse. May look into though.

Fix the wiki so that people can log in and make changes. Or just remove it altogether since no one has made a single change to it in months because of the inability to log in.

Big job will be done this week.

The old HL2 picture at the top, with Gordon as a silhouette and dog on the left side, it was way better.

Also might be a bit much, but a new skin or 2 would be nice rather then blue or tan.

Anyones welcome to make a new header image or skin for the forums ;)

Could I request the forum button on the right of the main website be replaced with an actual button?

I'm crap at graphics but if someone makes a decent one I'll add it.

A way to view past poll results. If you click on the link it just says "View our past polls from the main page", which isn't true.

All fixed now, cheers.
All hail the God-King Munro.
He has brought larger avatars upon us.