The iPad???

I just went and played with one, I was surprised to see it had Pages/Numbers which are the apple equivalent of word/excel. It also had a basic file system, you could save and open documents on it.

It was obviously a lot faster than my iphone and was much more responsive with just about everything. The iphone apps that get expanded to fill the screen look pretty rough on the edges. It's a cool device, but just like everyone I can't see a $500 use for it.
My only issue is how people call this an ebook reader, I thought the whole point of an ebook reader was not to have a backlit screen so you don't get any eye strain.
My only issue is how people call this an ebook reader, I thought the whole point of an ebook reader was not to have a backlit screen so you don't get any eye strain.

It's not so much the back-light as it is the screen refreshing itself 60 times a second. With e-ink, once the screen loads, it remains that way without any refreshing until you load up a new page.

Edit: I leave the internet for a while and come back to an iPad onslaught. I can't wait for the artificial hype to die down.
I find it ridiculous how all of the ****ing media is always in a ****ing furor over the latest apple product release. It's ridiculous. Apple doesn't even have to pay them for them to fawn all over it and sell their product.

Seeing news presenters lavishing praise over products not even released is a joke.

Bilderburg owned media promotes Builderburg owned product in the name of cultural conditioning!
It's not so much the back-light as it is the screen refreshing itself 60 times a second. With e-ink, once the screen loads, it remains that way without any refreshing until you load up a new page.

Edit: I leave the internet for a while and come back to an iPad onslaught. I can't wait for the artificial hype to die down.

LCD screens don't really have a refresh rate, they will remain on whatever color of their last instruction until they are asked to be changed.

My dad got this and I got to play with it yesterday. It's a cool toy no doubt, but I would much rather have a netbook for half the price. The internet browser on it is actually really cool but the lack of flash support kind of ruins much of the experiance.

I hate Apple stuff except for the iPod. I got one and it's cool. Using a Mac though is like learning how to use a computer backwards or something. Really it is. There is no right click, or anything you are used to on a normal computer. :|
you can set it to allow right click, or just use a universal mouse.

seriously hool, come on now.
There is no right click, or anything you are used to on a normal computer. :|

For the past like 5 years you've been able to click on the right side of the mouse to open a right click menu. And before that you could click and hold for like 1 second or press command+click...that's three different ways of right clicking.

edit: I have a problem with these types of charts:

So all the apple stuff is in red, which typically denotes bad/worse/negative. Then they don't call the red items an "apple advantage" they call them an "hp threat"...which is weird because they call hp's advantages an "hp advantage" not an "apple threat", where's the consistency? Also, I like how the hp processor has the advantage, even though (and correct me if I'm wrong) there's absolutely no benchmark's out for the ipad processor.

I'm probably reading too much into it, but even if I am, I think the chart could have been done better...if not bigger.
All arguments aside, I'm really curious as to how this will play out. I really wonder if devices like the Ipad and other tablets will revive Novels/Graphic Novels/Comics.

To me, those things are slowly dying, so if trendy tablets raise their popularity again, it will be a huge step.
Perhaps the convenience factor may help. But sometimes I just have to have a goddamn paper printed page.
Personally, I want one that can run photoshop, so I can draw/paint/sculpt more easily, and wherever I am when the inspiration hits me.


Anyways, I was looking around, and isn't the JooJoo, or HP Slate supposed to have this? Surely there is something out/coming out that does?
it can't run photoshop? wtf
I hope this piece of iFail doesn't catch on. Not only is it an uninspired pile of sh*t, it promotes a terrible business model of selling uncustomizable iBoxes that Apple has full control over.

And for those you who aren't developers, here's some typical Apple news: You can only code for this hunk of junk in C/Objective-C. No Ruby. No Scheme. Why? Because Steve tittyf*cking Jobs said so, that's why.

Someone recently wrote a program to sync the iPhone with the iPad, by getting the PC to pretend to be an iPhone (and act as a bridge.) No doubt it will be rejected by the app store. Why such an ugly hack? Because Apple doesn't respect it's customers enough to care what they want. They know that legions of fanbois will line up for whatever sleek appliance they peddle next.

That company has long outlived it's usefulness to the world, it's fast turning into the old Microsoft. I hope Jobs goes senile before he poisons the industry for decades...
meanwhile at General Electric Forums:

"this new Black and Decker toaster is the PITA!!! **** GE and their fail boat they rode in on!!!

this sort of criticism is reserved for apple. I mean no one gives a shit when other companies release their products. at this point apple doesnt even have to advertise. good and bad press seems to follow them whatever they do. methinks it's part fan boyism and part fan boy envy

anyways it's ****ing stupid because who gives a ****? buy what you want and move on. this endless whinging is annoying
I hope this piece of iFail doesn't catch on. Not only is it an uninspired pile of sh*t

As opposed to the fantastic laptop-with-windows-crammed-into-tablets we've had for the last 10 years? This is fresh.


Anyways, I was looking around, and isn't the JooJoo, or HP Slate supposed to have this? Surely there is something out/coming out that does?

The JooJoo is only a web tablet, it doesn't run apps/programs. It also sold less than 100 units.

HP Slate will probably run some sort of crippled Photoshop (like the iPad).
As opposed to the fantastic laptop-with-windows-crammed-into-tablets we've had for the last 10 years? This is fresh.

The JooJoo is only a web tablet, it doesn't run apps/programs. It also sold less than 100 units.

HP Slate will probably run some sort of crippled Photoshop (like the iPad).

From what I read the Slate will have Win 7. So it will be able to run full blown photoshop as well as thousands of other standard applications, unlike the crappy iPad.
I really hope you can use a stylus with it. Doesn't it come out in a few days?
From what I read the Slate will have Win 7. So it will be able to run full blown photoshop as well as thousands of other standard applications, unlike the crappy iPad.

Cool, my netbook runs Windows 7 as well. Does it run it well? No, and I doubt the Slate will either (if it ever comes out). Tablets are not for work.
I really hope you can use a stylus with it. Doesn't it come out in a few days?

Yup, thats the big thing I'm looking forward to. We just dont know yet how well this will work, they advertise that you can do handwriting on it. But I'm hoping you can do actual drawing/painting in photoshop.
Cool, my netbook runs Windows 7 as well. Does it run it well? No, and I doubt the Slate will either (if it ever comes out). Tablets are not for work.

It will come out, June 2010 being the rumored release date. And there are questions about how well it will run but from the demos HP has released they have been extremely smooth:
It will come out, June 2010 being the rumored release date. And there are questions about how well it will run but from the demos HP has released they have been extremely smooth:

Where's Photoshop? A few websites and a NYT app isn't exactly pushing the envelope.

June 2010 for a product that most consumers don't even know exists?
I really hope you can use a stylus with it. Doesn't it come out in a few days?

Sent you a pm.

And yes, the Slate will have a digitizer, so it should support full stylus pressure sensitivity.
Where's Photoshop? A few websites and a NYT app isn't exactly pushing the envelope.

June 2010 for a product that most consumers don't even know exists?

Like I said, it's windows 7. That means any windows application can run on it. Yes, obviously that doesnt tell you how fast, but it will run. If performance is an issue you can install photoshop 7.0 on it which Im sure will run just fine, still way more powerful than anything the iPad has to offer.

And why not June 2010? Obviously they already have units developed as they are showing them off.

Krynn, that's awesome!
Cool, my netbook runs Windows 7 as well. Does it run it well? No, and I doubt the Slate will either (if it ever comes out). Tablets are not for work.

I've got a tablet notebook, runs Windows 7. Photoshop runs great on it. Oh, and it uses a pressure-sensitive Wacom digitiser. Yummy.
Like I said, it's windows 7. That means any windows application can run on it. Yes, obviously that doesnt tell you how fast, but it will run. If performance is an issue you can install photoshop 7.0 on it which Im sure will run just fine, still way more powerful than anything the iPad has to offer.

Simple question:

What are you going to be using the Slate for?

And why not June 2010? Obviously they already have units developed as they are showing them off.

They're showing off a prototype. Where is the marketing campaign?

Exactly. It's just a laptop in a tablet, we've had these for years.
What is your point 63? Everyone knows its not being marketed well/at all yet. Nobody is claiming it is either.
What is your point 63? Everyone knows its not being marketed well/at all yet. Nobody is claiming it is either.

He suggested it's coming out in June, that sounds like a claim to me.
So what? Things get released without major marketing all the time.
So what? Things get released without major marketing all the time.

True, but you would think that a huge corporation's answer to an incredibly successful device would involve some dollars.
True, but you would think that a huge corporation's answer to an incredibly successful device would involve some dollars.

Are you trying to say the iPad was successful?

Umm, dont get their point. They didn't mention any of the functionality, just that it doesn't look as good as it should. I don't care about looks, I care about functionality. That's why I think the iPad is crap and this has potential.

63, what will I be using the slate for? Anything I can use a computer for. You can't say the same thing about an iPad. I already mentioned being excited about being able to draw and paint in photoshop, that's a huge deal for me and many others.

And when was the iPad announced before it was released? A couple months tops. June is still 2-3 months away. They will market this, but they will market it closer to release. I'm guessing starting next month. And yes, that it's coming out in June is a rumor as I said, I have no official announcements for that. But that's the rumor, and a believable on.
the ipad isnt marketed as a replacement for a pc just like a netbook isnt a replacement for a laptop. couldnt see myself doing any serious work on a tablet ..maybe mock ups or sketches. but not final work. the ipad is a platform to consume media: movies, books, music etc. really it's a conduit for itunes store just like the iphone/ipod is. at some point I'll get one; I'm rarely an early adopter of new tech. I'd rather someone else put it through it's paces before I buy