The most painful pain you have ever experienced.

I had viral infection at uni and the main symptom was polyarthritis. It affected most of my joints - fingers, back, neck, legs, hips, feet, toes etc - and moving caused considerable pain. I was pretty much bed ridden for a few months and when I did move around I had to get people to open doors for me - couldn't move my arms more than a few degrees from my side - help me upstairs, cut up food and give me drinks etc. That was a shitty time.

I once fell into a slate pit as a little kid and got a 4" shard of slate stuck into my knee cap - that was also a bitch.
When I was between 7 and 10 years old, I set fires to all kinds of things for amusement.

So, I'm about 8, melting this big toy truck. While I was barefoot, I stepped on a puddle/glob of plastic that was melted and on fire. It stuck to the bottom of my foot and oozed between my bare toes.

Think how sensitive you are between your toes and on the bottom of your foot

3rd degree burns/soaks/surgery... ****ing insane pain of unimaginable proportions that took months to stop hurting.

I've got some really nasty injuries since then, and they are like being tickled compared to that.

Ouch - that's sounds ****ing nasty. repiv's leg and highlanders back also made me cringe.

This thread reminds me of:

Quint: [referring to a cut on Brody's head] Chief... don't you worry about it, Chief. It won't be permanent. Wanna see somethin' permanent, boom-boom-boom?
[Quint pulls out a false front tooth and laughs]
Quint: Hey, Hoop, you wanna feel somethin' permanent? You just put your hand underneath my cap... and you just feel that little lump. Knock an ole un, St. Paddy's day, Boston.
Hooper: I got that beat.
Hooper: [to Brody] I got that beat.
i think mine was when i had a blockage in my intestine and it literally felt like someone was ramming a knife in my abdomen every minute. didn't last too long thankfully though, bout a day or 2
Probably breaking my arm in primary school. Shit was so not cash.
I had appendicitis Friday night. Fortunately I got into the hospital early so I was doped up through the worst of it. Pretty damn painful though.
Probably having a perforated appendix. Feels like your about to shit out satan.
Apparently it exploded and got all my intestines covered in puss, they had to cut open my belly and vacuum clean it.
Spent 5 days in hospital not allowed to eat anything.

And like Shaker said... I also tend to bump my knee into sharp objects, shit hurts bad, mostly making me lie down somewere making strange noises and curse.

Also braises, ****, a metal frame ripping your jaw appart slowly hurts alot, made me cry lol.
The metal wire holding my teeth together while my jaw got widened had sharp ends that would regularly stab the inside of my mouth.

Oh and ofcourse when your lying in bed and your foot or lower leg contracts all its musles without you being able to stop it, and it causes this intense burning sensation. God i hate that.

And blue balls...

Having four of my teeth pulled out to prepare for braces.

The idiots used too little analgesic, and it was an agony.
I've been very luck with regards injury and pain. Worst I've had is appendicitis.
For me it was having my wisdom teeth grow in. I've never broken a bone and the surgeries I've had went fine, but the pain from this was just so goddamn unbearable and constant.
I'd have to say somewhere between benzo withdrawal and severe hangovers. Both are things that I experienced as being more painful than breaking my arm, having my two front teeth burst through my lip or slicing open the upper part of my eyelid (which I hardly remember, I was a tot)
After my knee operation I was sitting on the sofa with my leg outstretched. Big mistake. My knee seemed to lock and the muscles went into spasm. The pain I felt has got to be some of the worst pain I've ever felt. I was stuck on that sofa for nearly an hour in complete pain before someone came to help me up.

God it actually beat me down until I had to break and cry. I was 17 or something?. Not cool.
earache at its worst can be awful

nothing else really springs to mind
Did you also recently die from a drug overdose?
Too soon, man, too soon. :(

Once I was walking home at about dusk, and on the main road of the town I live in, there's a wall that's about a meter off the ground on the side of the pavement, but on the other side either drops into a river (at about two stories height), or onto the roots of a tree at about 2/3rds of two stories (by that I mean imagine dropping out of a second storey window when hanging from the ledge and dropping). I was walking on this wall that's not that thick, but it's something I always did.
So was walking by this tree and lent to grab a branch to pick a leaf off it and lost my balance. Fell the entire height onto the extruding roots of this tree, landing directly on my back, winding myself really badly. Took me five minutes to stand, and was still winded, grasping for breath. Had to walk home with this, and had the pain for days.

I don't walk on that wall any more.
The pain I felt when I came round from my mouth op was really bad, so bad in fact that I couldn't stop crying for ages after I came round, and I was 17 then. Earaches and migraines are also some of the worst pain. And hangover headaches.
The first time I shaved my genitalia.
I was dragging the razor up the underside of my dick and I sneezed and the razor slid across my dick making a small but incredibly ****ing painful cut that bled every time I had a hard-on for a couple of weeks.

Broke my wrist 10 years ago riding a bicycle.
I was speeding down the sidewalk and hit a hole in the cement, flew off the bike and into a light pole.
****ing hurt like bitch.
Shit man. If you're shaving your balls and about to sneeze drop the razor!
It would probably be that time about 2 years ago. My upper body started itching, at first i thought it was a crapload of mosquito bites. I went to school where it became worse, i scratched myself nonstop till i was very red. The rash had spread to my arms, my entire torso, but not my head nor legs. When i got home it developed into the most painful shit ever. It was like someone had smeared acid cream all over my skin, it was becoming white and bubly, INSANELY ITCHY, very painful, and it wouldnt go away. I would take the most hard surfaced towel and just wipe all over my body to scratch it, but my arms got too tierd, so i went to the carped and started rolling around (im not joking, im ****ing serious i was panicing), but shit wouldnt help either. When my parents got home they applied some shit to ease the pain, it made it worse for like 10 minutes were i wasnt allowed to scratch at all, so i just walked back and forth throughout the house in pain, biting hard. The pain eased and i was able to relax for a bit, but it would strike again within 5 hours. This went on for about a week. I got almost no sleep at all, i couldnt lay down on any surface because it would irritate the skin. Sometimes i just couldnt take it anymore so i took any ragged surfaced object i had and rubbed it all over myself.

I still dont know to this day what caused it...
Getting pushed while holding a glass of soda and having the glass shatter all over my foot, sending liquid refreshment into my bloodstream while having the glass go through my entire foot. And having to get 7 stitches. My first time.
Probably either fractured arm from falling off a play structure or appendicitis, and the subsequent forced walking they made me do.
Bruised Coccyx, kidney infection from dehydration, abdominal abcess, tooth abcess and broken hand that wasn't treated were all pretty much way beyond my 'hmm feels good' threshold, though thankfully not all at the same time. I'm sure I yet have unimaginable pain to look forward to. yay.
Most deffinatly when I had surgery to remove an infected part of my tounge,
Imagine someone cutting off a part of you that has a very large amount of nerves/sensors
it would be very close to cutting off your own dick
the idiot doctor who did it missed a part, so i had to have the operation the second time
needless to say, I made sure they gave me a morphine drip the second time around
I once fell of a wooden slide while I was standing backwards at the top. This was in the middle of the summer (over 30°C), so I wasn't wearing a t-shirt and the wood was burning hot. My entire back was torn open after I slid off on my back, and then I fell down with my back in the warm sand.

All the sand came in the wound, and it burned like hell. I was nine years old, by the way.