uni aint all it's cracked up...


Dec 18, 2005
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i'm at uni in bournemouth which supposedly has a good nightlife, but compared to london, the capital city, it's nothing. plus there's nothing to do in the day! at all!

i come from london and i'm getting extreme cabin fever here. plus i've never been anywhere more white in my life! where are all the black people etc? it feels wierd..

plus that whole 'a levels are harder than uni' thing. like 'uni will be soo easy, you never do any work' etc what a complete lie! i have 9 hours of lectures on monday, 9 on tuesday. lectures wed morning then planning for shoots. more planning on thurs plus scripting, storyboarding etc. shooting on friday. then this week i was building sets quite literally with no sleep from friday eve to monday at 12pm. then i had 8 hours sleep and back to building from 2am on tues morning all the way to the evening on wed.


plus it's a seaside town but there's no harbour and no fish and chip shops!!! SERIOUSLY!! NO CHIPPIES!! WHAT THE F**KING F**K????? HAVE I LEFT ENGLAND WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE???? WHERE ARE MY CHIPS!!!?!?!?!
Wait.... You actually go to lectures?

You haven't got this whole Uni thing worked out just yet have you :LOL:
yeah funny guy. that smiley makes me want to punch you. i have to go to lectures, it's not an academic course, if i don't go i don't know the technical stuff and i can't perform in shoots, then the films don't get made and no one works with me.
University is what you make of it. If you're not already I suggest trying to pay for school out of your own pocket. That way you appreciate the value of your education. And you will be to poor to go out at night so it doesn't matter if there is no nightlife.
Hey, Uni is the best time of your life. If you chose a course where you work 24/7, should you complain?

I personally get 2 hours on tuesdays, 4 on wednesday (drop-ins so you only show up if you need help), 2 on thursdays. Thats Human Geography at Gloucestershire.
Woah, seems like youre in hell, well acctually, sounds like youre in some boring place where you might turn emo
University is what you make of it. If you're not already I suggest trying to pay for school out of your own pocket. That way you appreciate the value of your education. And you will be to poor to go out at night so it doesn't matter if there is no nightlife.

i do already, i have to work full time over all my holidays to pay for it, at the moment i can't afford to eat. yay!
Wow who would have thought University was somewhere you went to learn?

I don't understand the reason now that people go to Uni is more for the nightlife and ravers, not to learn something they're interested in. Rambler at least you're working at something you chose to. I assume that even though you're working, you're having fun.
Work hard during the week, then spend your weekends getting shitfaced and trying to pork everthing with a skirt and a pulse.
I don't see what the problem is with having to work for your degree ! What do people expect, walk in and they hand it to you on a plate ? What else separates you from the other bums if you just turn up at uni, piss around a get a degree out of it ? That's right, nothing, hence the need to work if you want to get a degree that's worth having *shock horror* !!

edit: and even given that, was still a great experience and one that i'd happily choose again.
I worked my arse off for my honours degree. Uni is hard work, very hard work. You make it fun by socialising, doing your work in the union bar with your mates, blowing most of your loan in the first month on some great freshers nights out then having to spend the rest of your semester sipping pints on cheap ass student nights out instead. Can't afford to eat? Ring home, get a tenner, and buy 17p cans of soup and 8p tins of beans. Morrisons is your friend. Aldi is your friend. You're a student, for gods sake.
wow who would have thunk that you actually have to study in University ..that's just perposterous ..you should probably quit and become a custodial engineer instead
Well my sister just left uni, and she had lectures, work AND assesed work at the local hospital, so she was pretty much working for hours and hour everyday, including weekends, and she says it was one hell of a time.

Its a myth to think that you go to uni to **** about, you go to uni to work your arse (if you have picked a subkect that holds a future that is), but during that time you are having a blast.

Wonder what computer engineering will be like at Manchester uni...
I'm not at Uni yet, one and a half years left of my A-levels, but these A levels are ****ing hard. I have to do 2-3hours homework per night, of medium-very hard difficulty, and then go to college from 9-3:45 in the day.

Sounds like your course is just shit... I know most physics courses have 20 hours of lectures+lab work per week, or I might do maths which I assume has less work with more independant stuff.

To be honest I can't wait till I go to Uni, and Badger sure as hell seems to enjoy it, I guess your course is just to intensive.
Personally I think university is more about the experience than anything else :)

And in all honesty, not much is going to top London in terms of nightlife :p

But yeah, you have to work, it sucks, but it's fun overall.
Personally I think university is more about the experience than anything else :)

And in all honesty, not much is going to top London in terms of nightlife :p

But yeah, you have to work, it sucks, but it's fun overall.

Manchester has amazing nightlife also, thats actually one the reasons why its really popular
Personally I think university is more about the experience than anything else :)

And in all honesty, not much is going to top London in terms of nightlife :p

But yeah, you have to work, it sucks, but it's fun overall.

Ahh, the Uni experiance :D :cheers:

Well Rambler, it seems that your course is one where you do all the work in lectures/seminars etc.

For me doing Modern History and Politics the emphasis is on independant working i.e going out and doing all the background/further reading you're meant to do. Of course i do none of that yet and just skim by with lectures and seminars :O
'a levels are harder than uni'

you were lied to.

Seriously though, Uni's no doss if you're expecting a serious degree at the end.

Granted the hours are typically less than a full time job, which lets you socialise a lot more than otherwise, but you've still got to pull your thumb out, especially around exams time.
I'm not at Uni yet, one and a half years left of my A-levels, but these A levels are ****ing hard. I have to do 2-3hours homework per night, of medium-very hard difficulty, and then go to college from 9-3:45 in the day.

Sounds like your course is just shit... I know most physics courses have 20 hours of lectures+lab work per week, or I might do maths which I assume has less work with more independant stuff.

To be honest I can't wait till I go to Uni, and Badger sure as hell seems to enjoy it, I guess your course is just to intensive.

ohh, you poor boy!

what about uni from 8:00-16:00/18:00 an homework at least 3-6 hours a day.

i'd seriously want to brake the faces ofeveryone that says uni is easy and fun.

what kind of crappy uni are you going to, i ask you?
my mom allways told me stuff about university that if dont study the whole time you will fail and the only job you will get is cleaning toilets

and you know what???
is true

so I really want to know what this stuff about beign a universitary is going to night partys all the time?
But I want to go night partys all the time :(
But that's just not Communist, is it?!

I'm doing an Open University course, while working full time. I live in the real world

-Angry Lawyer
First years of universities are easy because the classes are bogus breeze-through classes. Junior and senior level classes are where things get tough... and then try balancing work on top of that. It can get tough. I have no social life other than with my girlfriend (pretty much on the weekends).
University is what you make of it.

Totally what I was going to say.

For me doing Modern History and Politics the emphasis is on independant working i.e going out and doing all the background/further reading you're meant to do. Of course i do none of that yet and just skim by with lectures and seminars :O

Otherwise you won't learn anything, besides the scrapings necessary for your assignments, exams and dissertations. That was my mistake anyway... ;( And if you don't know much, your degree isn't that worthwhile to employers, if you want to work in something relevant to what you studied. I'm going to have to do my Masters to try and fix this - ahem - discrepancy...
Also, you should do plenty of independent work and research to actually find which specific areas really interest you, make yourself an expert in something particular.
Keep in mind most people here (including me) have little to no life experience after college and can't tell you what effect working hard at uni is actually going to have on the rest of your life. Not that having fun isn't important, but you working hard now will let you have fun for the rest of your life. That's the idea, at least.
Despite being a touch off-topic, I just feel the need to weigh into the "university is vital" debate here, as it's something I feel quite strongly about.
It's a lie. You don't need university to be successful (unless you want to be a scientist, engineer, doctor or something along those lines). I take pride in the fact that I don't go to university - I'm living instead of learning to live.
I start my dream job in January and I'm not even old enough to have finished uni yet. Projected £30-40k earnings first year, £100k+ by year three. Not that I'm in it for the money.
The point is, university means jack shit in a lot of cases, so long as you can justify your decision not to go to employers. The question always came up in interviews, and most of the time they agreed with my point of view.
Know how I'd really be throwing my life down the drain though? By giving up this job and going to university.
wow who would have thunk that you actually have to study in University ..that's just perposterous ..you should probably quit and become a custodial engineer instead

ahhaha....I'm getting my AA Degree so it's not like I'm not getting an education.
Despite being a touch off-topic, I just feel the need to weigh into the "university is vital" debate here, as it's something I feel quite strongly about.
It's a lie. You don't need university to be successful (unless you want to be a scientist, engineer, doctor or something along those lines). I take pride in the fact that I don't go to university - I'm living instead of learning to live.
I start my dream job in January and I'm not even old enough to have finished uni yet. Projected £30-40k earnings first year, £100k+ by year three. Not that I'm in it for the money.
The point is, university means jack shit in a lot of cases, so long as you can justify your decision not to go to employers. The question always came up in interviews, and most of the time they agreed with my point of view.
Know how I'd really be throwing my life down the drain though? By giving up this job and going to university.

Its pointless to say that going to a university is either vital or unimportant. It depends on your aspirations and what you want to do as a career in life.

You're right, there are alot of very good jobs you can get without going to a university. Therefore, saying its vital to go to a university isn't necessarily true.

However, there are also alot of other jobs that do require some form of study and degree in, such as the medical field. You simply can't succeed in the profession without a degree to show that you know what you're doing.

So really, it all depends on your career choice.
It's also an awesome experience that no amount of money can buy you at any future point in your life, and like everyone else here that's been to Uni, i'd do it again in a heartbeat. If all you want from life is money, then fair enough.
it is cool i guess, but bournemouth is just so rubbish. i keep going out all the time and i've got with these girls. but i dunno, it's all so vanilla you know? even the people. maybe it's because i come from a big city.

the clubs round here are just so tiny and rubbish! i think i'll just have to resort to drugs, i do love them so.... it'll be ok when my gf gets back i guess.
Despite being a touch off-topic, I just feel the need to weigh into the "university is vital" debate here, as it's something I feel quite strongly about.
It's a lie. You don't need university to be successful (unless you want to be a scientist, engineer, doctor or something along those lines). I take pride in the fact that I don't go to university - I'm living instead of learning to live.
I start my dream job in January and I'm not even old enough to have finished uni yet. Projected £30-40k earnings first year, £100k+ by year three. Not that I'm in it for the money.
The point is, university means jack shit in a lot of cases, so long as you can justify your decision not to go to employers. The question always came up in interviews, and most of the time they agreed with my point of view.
Know how I'd really be throwing my life down the drain though? By giving up this job and going to university.

I pretty much agree with most of this, except the earning truckloads of money part.
Having an education helps of course, there's no denying that, but it isn't essential to success.

Believe it or not, charisma and "knowing people" are big factors in scoring a job. Experience is another major one, and it doesn't have to be from work. The way mod makers get jobs in the gaming industry applies to other fields as well.

The trusty ol' internet is a huge resource of knowledge that you can soak up, get some kind of certification, and get a job. Chances are this will be a bit harder than being properly taught, but it can potentially save yourself thousands of dollars, just takes a bit of effort. It may not be what you want, right away, but then you'll have experience to help you land the better job.
it is cool i guess, but bournemouth is just so rubbish. i keep going out all the time and i've got with these girls. but i dunno, it's all so vanilla you know? even the people. maybe it's because i come from a big city.

the clubs round here are just so tiny and rubbish! i think i'll just have to resort to drugs, i do love them so.... it'll be ok when my gf gets back i guess.

You are quite an odd ball.
Please get help.
repiV, this isn't the 'university is vital' debate. That was another thread and and think you bored us sufficiently in that discussion, thanks.
There's plenty of things to do in Bournemouth, like play bingo.
I study in a little town called Skövde and if it wasnt for the Uni and the military, this town wouldn't exist. It's kinda boring since you meet the same people over and over again where ever you go. I miss the big city :(