What age did you first get drunk?

What age did you get pissed at?

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I wasn't talking about his position, I was talking about the specific sentence I quoted. Who buys a game and plays it only a week? Maybe if you suck at reading reviews before-hand.
I bought BG&E on Steam for $10 and I played it for three days.
Who can resist those steam deals anyway.
I'm at the age (17) at which most people (in my college) are chugging alcohol at any time they get the opportunity, but i don't indulge since nigh on all the alcohol i've tried doesn't taste good enough to drink. I just stick to orange juice.

Pear Cider is tasty.
If you're going for taste and enjoyment, Bailey's alllll the way!
17 I think. That was the first time I drank to get drunk at least, before that I had tasted wine and beer and even liquor but never in such quantity that I really felt anything.

I started smoking ganj at 15 :p
I drink sometimes, but I never drank enough to get drunk.
Much to the surprise of everybody i know, i don't drink, and have not gotten drunk...yet.

But i do get high...a lot...i mean seriously a lot...
Much to the surprise of everybody i know, i don't drink, and have not gotten drunk...yet.

But i do get high...a lot...i mean seriously a lot...

Your liver and brain both thank you profusely.
I THINK it was about 14 on holiday, could be mistaken though.
Where's the option for "I drink but I've never been drunk"? Consuming large amounts of alcohol for any reason is something I avoid. I drink for the taste, although I can't stand beer.
If you're going for taste and enjoyment, Bailey's alllll the way!

The good thing about Bailey's, though, is that it's so rich you can't really drink huge amounts at once. You would get get sick very quickly, not from the amount of alcohol, but from how bloody rich it is!! Well, some people might be able to drink a lot but it's something I would never really want to try!!!

Where's the option for "I drink but I've never been drunk"? Consuming large amounts of alcohol for any reason is something I avoid. I drink for the taste, although I can't stand beer.

Yeah, that's the same for me. As i said before, I drink but have never been drunk.
I got drunk at a friend's birthday, when I was 19. And by that I mean I had frequent trips to the balcony to puke from it, mixed with sleeping while sitting on the couch with my head hanging over my chest. It's on tape BTW. There just had to be a camera on that party.

That's the first and last time I drank and vomited afterwards. I don't intend to repeat it. Getting positively drunk, ie. not wasted, but getting in a stupidly good mood, ftw. I just don't like the 'happy fool' look I get and then see on photos.

CyberPitz said:
I was frantically trying to dial mothers number, but due to the drunkness, I couldn't hit the right numbers for shit.

I lol'd hard. :D
14, I gave into peer pressure. My cousin told me to drink, I did. I got wrecked. I found myself attracted to my current girlfriend of 19 months. Thank you alcohol!
I'm at the age (17) at which most people (in my college) are chugging alcohol at any time they get the opportunity, but i don't indulge since nigh on all the alcohol i've tried doesn't taste good enough to drink. I just stick to orange juice.
A ridiculous excuse! You can put all kinds of things in orange juice, young man, and I'm not just talking about your penis. Or my penis.

Pear Cider is tasty.
Agreed, I wouldn't want to drink enough to get drunk on it though :p
The solution is to alternate it with shots of vodka or similar.
I'm at the age (17) at which most people (in my college) are chugging alcohol at any time they get the opportunity, but i don't indulge since nigh on all the alcohol i've tried doesn't taste good enough to drink. I just stick to orange juice.

Pour a wee bit of vodka in your OJ next time, maybe 1/4th vodka to your OJ. If you don't mind the taste, make it 1/3rd, and so on. Screwdrivers (vodka+OJ) are pretty damn tasty in terms of drinks. Also investigate delicious mixed drinks like apple pie, sex on the beach etc that tend to be found at parties/hall crawls.
Cosmo's are great, even though they are the ultimate chick drink.
cosmopolitans are delicious but i really can't drink them without feeling like a girly man
These poll options aren't fair. I've never been drunk, but I have had alcohol before.

I've just never had enough alcohol nor a reason enough to want to get drunk, even though I do wonder what type of drunk I am.
13 or 14 I think. Probably on a bottle of cider. xD

Last time I was drunk was last night. I'm a lightweight, doesn't take much really to get me drunk. Which makes nights out a bit cheaper for me :p
Drank about half a 26oz bottle of whiskey in a span of three to four hours almost a year ago (I was 19). Hugged a toilet for two and a half hours, slept, and then had a nauseous hangover for two whole days. I vowed never to get that drunk again. And since then I've only had about a dozen shots total. :D

One after the other? :shh:

I didn't get drunk until I was 18, although I had drunk plenty before then, it was always spread out. My whole family has encouraged me to drink throughout my life, and I suppose the rebel in me didn't want to. I really enjoy a glass of wine once or twice a fortnight. I've been quaffing champagne today though. HELL YEAH.

I've been oh god vomit drunk several times now - usually on vodka but occasionally on a mixture of everything. I love it but I know that it's just no good, so I rarely allow myself to get drunk. Vodka doesn't hit me like other drinks do. It's peculiar. I drink one glass of red wine, and I get a glow. With vodka I don't feel anything unless I dissolve my insides with a whole bottle full.

Beer is fur queers. ololololol. Even the smell makes me nauseous.
17, now I hate alcohol =(

I was pretty much gonna post the same thing, got drunk at 17. Except I don't hate alcohol, I just drink casually instead of going out in order to get pissed
16, probably. Got weak-ass drunk on cider or a beer or two, something like that, but drunk none the less. Started properly drinking age eighteen, of course, and it's one of my many hobbies now.
16. Had had a few drinks before then but only enough to get me somewhat tipsy.

First time involved swearing and faceplanting it on couches, but since then I've been able to curb what I do while drunk... ie talk to lady friends for hours on end :D Of course, when it's just us guys it usually involves hugging trees and rolling down roads.

Social drinking ftw.
Beer is fur queers. ololololol. Even the smell makes me nauseous.

I was 15.

Got very drunk, couldn't stand up, my friends fed me bread that they had already chew'd upoun. I tried to get into bed with a female friend, she kicked me out, i woke up on my friends sisters bed, lost a sock.

I'll post some pictures from the time I got 'so drunk I was sick 12 times the next day on the train station, train, then train station again' it was humiliating but worth it because I got to make a dick of myself.



I've drank before (and by this I mean someone put something in my Coke a couple years back), but never drunk. I try to stay away from that stuff because, honestly, being sober around drunk people is really ****ing annoying.
20 when i really got drunk and black out. Wasn't pleasant whats the point if you cant remember it.
My first time was after graduating elementary school (8th grade). Me and a few chums camped out to celebrate and had Jose Quervo tequila and some kind of vodka as well as Budweiser.
I was 14 at the time.

The friend that supplied us was a Mexican guy that graduated with us. :D

I was completely off the wall as it was the first time I've ever been wrapped in such a drunken ecstasy.

I hardly drink anymore nowadays though.