Worst injury you have had


Space Core
Aug 22, 2004
Reaction score
I was really young, forget how old. I was in my yard chasing a frog when I tipped and fell on a garden weasel. Its a tool used to stir up dirt and is covered in sharp spikes....


One of the spikes went about half way through my left knee. I was rushed to the hospital and the doctor told my parents that I probably would never be able to walk again.

stupid doctors....
I fractured my right forearm. I was playing basketball, tripped forward and my arm landed between the ball and my body. You can imagine the shape of my arm.
My worst physical injury would probably be when I broke my leg snowboarding a couple years ago, bone nearly went through the skin.
I was riding my bike...hard. You know when you put your weight onto the handle bars and use that as leverage? Well, My hands slipped RIGHT off those, and the handle bars were in my armpits. me going ~25+ mph down a hill...trying to steer with my armpits. well, I fall sideways onto gravel. Skid the entire left side of my body to shit, blood everywhere. Somehow, and retarded, I get on the bike, and ride a mile out to where my friend was meeting me, for him to tell me that I was a tard and to get back to his place, since his grandpa *who hated my guts* was a doctor back in the day. Well, he calls the ambulance, and 10 minutes later they show up. *living 20 miles from the nearest civilization...* they show up, and I about hyperventilate to nothingness. next thing I remember, I'm patched up, ready to go...I hate missing out on those large gaps of time.
What's with all the grim stuff on these forums lately?

"What's the worst way to die?" and now this!
I've never been hurt badly - concussion, sprained ankle, nothing serious.
Ive had a lot of concussions in my life. Worst one was when I feel down the starts and my head split open.....never a good thing....
One time I was snowboarding, my third time ever. Let's just say this before I really begin: I suck ASS at snowboarding.

Now, I'm going down a hill that has a long, slow 90-degree turn, then a slow dip before leveling off, then a second dip before the hill ends. I get to the top of the hill with my friends via a lift, and then we all "go down together" which inevitably means them waiting up for me for about 10 seconds as I snowplow down the hill, before yelling "We'll wait for you at the bottom Dave LOL CYA". So I'm going down alone. Again.

About halfway through the turn I work up the courage to go fast. Mostly because I'm pissed that my friends keep ditching me at the top of the hill. So I turn and point my board straight down. I continue along the curve, but I have to do my least favorite snowboarding thing ever - turn on my toes instead of my heels. I almost lose my balance coming out of the turn, and I frantically begin to switch between toes and heels to keep from crashing into the orange plastic fences.

At this point it feels like I'm going 30-40km/h, so I decide to slow the **** down so as not to crash into the line of people waiting for the lift. So I spin my board and start to snowplow on my heels. I start to lose my balance, again, and then my board hits a tiny little mogul. Then, having slowed down by maybe 5km/h, the front of my board catches on the snow. I fly into the air, and complete a full front-flip. At this point I'm still in the air, and it seems I'll land on my stomach, so I put my arms out to brace my fall.

Bad choice. I misjudged how fast I was spinning, and it now looks like I'll land not on my stomach, but on the top of my head. I still keep my arms pointed at the ground, but only one of them actually makes contact. For some reason, the hand that hits the snow is palm-up instead of palm down, and due to me still spinning head-over-heels, my hand is bent quite painfully in towards my inner forearm. My fingers, via gloves and winter coat, manage to make contact with my forearm, and my wrist is now bent at about 150 degrees. And somehow, my hand snaps back and pushes me UP, sending me into another front flip. I land on my back, roll on the snow, and end up resting on my back in excruciating pain.

I had to wait like five minutes for a ski patrol guy to come see what happened. He figured that I had fractured my wrist/forearm and that I should go get it X-rayed immediately. I didn't, and I couldn't write for a month, but after that month my wrist was fine. Good times.

I've never had a concussion to my knowledge. Not complaining!!
never been concussed!?!?

your missing out :)
Mine was from when I was helping my dad get rid of this huge horizontal freezer in our basement. It kinda looked like this one, only older and less high techy:

The hinge ill talk about:

Anyway, the door on the thing was heavy as hell, probably like 50-60 pounds. To make it easier to open, it had spring loaded hinges. So me and my dad decided it would be easier to carry if it didnt have the door on it, so we set to work removing those hinges. Or rather, I set to work on removing them. At the time, I didnt know how heavy the door actually was, and thusly didnt know that the hinges were spring loaded. So I was working on removing the bottom part of the hinge from the actual freezer, and I couldnt see the last screw. It was practically hidden at the bottom of the big hinge, so I got on my knees and stuck my face right in there so I could see it.

As I loosened the screw I heard the spring start to slip. I loosened it some more and THWAP!

The damned thing shot out, smashing me in the left side of my face with such force that it knocked me from my knees to flat on my back. I was really dazed and disoriented, so I had no idea if I had actually been hurt. It didnt feel like anything happened, but when I stood up and my dad saw me, I knew something happened. He grabbed me by the arm and hurried me upstairs, where he got a clean towel and told me to hold it on my lip. I did, and thats when I felt the pain. I removed the towel right away and looked at it. It was already drenched in blood.

I dont know why, but I started laughing, and went into the bathroom so I could get a better look. I had a huge gaping cut on my lip that was bleeding like nothing else, and the whole side of my face had already bruised.

It was pretty cool actually. My parents took me right to the hospital, where I just sat smiling with a hole in my face, and a couple of icecubes in a paper towel to ease the swelling and stop the bleeding. I dont remember how many stitches it needed, but I do remember getting a big fuss about it when I went into school the next day. I just told everyone it was from a fight with a huge Brazilian guy, and that what I got was nothing compared to what I gave him :thumbs:
Broke my arm once, could see the bone bulging out of my skin near my elbow; absolute agony.
In first or second grade I went to a birthday party in the winter, and we all brought our GT Racers because the guy lived on a huge hill. The only thing I can remember is starting to go down the hill with everyone else, and then next thing I knew I was in the hospital.

I smoked a tree on my GT, basically head first, I guess. I really don't remember it, but my face was a disaster. I think it was the reason I used to snore extremely loudly at a young age. Pretty sure I don't snore anymore though! :D
I've never sustained a physical injury, but I have had a seizure and several bouts with kidney stones, which are no fun at all.
Don't think I've had anything you could really call an injury. I fell running up a slope when I was young and scraped up my leg pretty badly on some seashell-embedded rocks. The scar was visible for about 10 years after that, but I got an iceblock for my trouble, so meh :)

I burned my hand up on a frying pan another time... s'about it. No broken bones or really bad cuts (ie - to the point where it'd effect my wellbeing). Guess I've been pretty lucky.
I have had some CRAZY head injuries when I was younger. I hit my head on a pole running fast and blacked out for a few minutes. Woke up with people looking at me....kind of funny....
Oh, I also broke my wrist in a base ball game when I was sliding in to home. I slid, but for some reason I landed on my hand first, which was palm up. It broke, but I scored! Everyone was happy on my team, and congratulating me, and I was just like "ow... ow.... ow..."

Then I went out to try pitching again, threw a couple practice pitches, all of which would have been nice strikes, but each time the catcher would throw the ball back, the ball would just drop out of my glove because my hand went limp and i couldnt squeeze the glove anymore. I just walked off and went to my parents and said "hey, lets go to the hospital."
Actually, I remember now that I sustained a second-degree burn on my hand when I put it on the top of a gas lantern.
My brother shattered my right big toe.

Shattered. Not broke. It did heal, but I still have bone fragments in my toe.

Well, it was shattered, and it was jammed. Heh...

My bro got a new chair for his computer (this was 4 years ago) and I thought it'd be funny to hide one of his screws under one of the house plants. Being the drama queen he is he found it, and started yelling at me, and pushed me down on the couch. He was trying to stomp my balls... for some fiendish reason, and I put my foot up in defense, and instead of stomping my balls, he stomped my toe. I heard it crack, and so did he. (He was in varsity track for 4 years, so his legs are very strong.) He laughed in my face, and I began to scream because it was so awkward and uncomfortable to even think about what had just happened, and it hurt like hell. My mom told me to stop being a baby, and gave me a pack of ice. The next day I was limping badly. She thought I was being a drama queen cause she'd had to put up with my brother's bitchyness for 3 extra years, and sent me to school like normal. When I got to P.E. that day (luckily 2nd hour) the teacher noticed me limping out to the track (it was the mile day... Ironically...) and she sat me down, and looked at it. It was disfigured and swollen, and she had one of the older football boys carry me to the nurse. The nurse called my mom on the phone and said I should go to the hospital immediately. My mom demanded to talk to me, so I took the phone, and she apologized for thinking I had been faking it.

So, we get to the hospital, and another irony thing, the head doctor at the hospital, that holds it up, had just had a heart attack, so I couldn't get in to get an appointment to save my life. So we sat in the waiting room for 20 minutes, a lady called us up, we told her our appointment, and we sat in the waiting room for 5 HOURS! finally we asked a passing doctor when we were gonna get in, and they had completely forgot about us. We got in the room, and get it X-rayed. And these dumbasses casted up everything but my toe. Theres this weird condition that 75% of teenage boys have till they're 20 years or so old, where theres a small niche in the heel, and they thought that was a fracture, and didn't even look at my toe on the X-ray, though it was obvious the toe bone was in pieces. So I wasn't allowed to walk for 5 days. The next day my dad came over (my parents are divorced) and I told him it was weird, because they didn't cast up my toe, when that was the problem. My dad was furious, and he called a different doctor, like a clinical doctor, and got me in there. I had to walk on my crutches across a full parking lot... The second this doctor walked in, he cut off the cast. He said very sternly "You don't need this." (THANK YOU GOD!) and he pulled out this little flat blue sandal, and put it on my foot, showed us the x-ray and what was wrong, and I was done. I was allowed to walk, but was advised not to have any extreme physical activity for the next year. I got a "Get out of P.E. FREE!" card. :D

That's my worst, and most annoying. -.-

Plus all the blisters, and exposed premature skin I've had on my hands from drumming. :|
That was a great story. :D
My brother shoved me against the fireplace in our hold home when I was seven or eight, when my shirt was pulled up slightly. It had like a metal cage around so my stomach was pushed against a piece of fire-hot metal, and when I pulled away, a nice, juicy, well-done piece of skin was left hanging off. Hurt like hell just to sit down for some time. But on the plus side, my brother felt guilty about for many months after it stopped hurting! :D
When I was much much younger, and still played with teddy bears, I dropped mine in a bush surrounded by bricks surrounded by steps. Whilst trying to get this teddy, a brick fell onto my head. Busted lip.
Broken bones on the rib-cage and internal bleeding.

Martial Arts contest around two and half years ago, i was progressing but some of my team mates were really kicking ass. Got put up against a small dude but i knew not to underestimate anyone, and im glad a didn't because this guy was damn good, but i sense the high arrogance.

Second round of sparring with him, he had already got one point, within two techniques, he had properly punched me in the face, and just as the ref was about to blow the whistle for excesive force (it was light to medium contact, but believe me did he go full force) to which i begin to back off, he throws in a scipped side-kick right into the left side of rib-cage. The pain was awsome (in the bad way), but i wanted to deck this guy like i have never deck anyone before, the rage the was so intense it actually won over the massive pain. I stayed in the fight and still lost (the pain eventually did overcome the rage).

By this time, i was throwing up some blood and in awsome pain, was rushed to hospital, by which time i was becoming rather dazed and light-headed, which is why i can only faintly remember a few bits of the next few hours, like X-rays, my mom rushing in and having a go at the doctor for some reason, a nurse who kept moving the end of my bed about for some reason.

Apartly the force of the kick broke some of the bones in my left rib-cage, bruised others, and even shocked some my internal organs which is why i had a bit of throwing up of blood. My entire left portion was in casts for ages, the pain i could deal with, but the itching, was hell.

Was ok though, my team won the competition in the end, and i met up with the dude a few months later at a black belt grading and he was incredibly guilty, he couldn't stop saying sorry lol, turns out who was a really sorted guy.
I haven't ever had anything really serious happen to me.

the worst one was probably when I went out to check the mail. Now, the mailbox to our house is about 25 feet away from the front door and about 20 feet of the walkway is unshaded. The last part is some concrete stairs up to the door. Anyways, I go out to check the mail barefoot. This was in summer and it's about 90 degrees or so. I make it out to the box, find nothing in it and start running back to the house as to save my feet from the scorching concrete path. Second step up to the house and I trip and my left shin goes straight into the hard concrete edge of the stair. It starts bleeding a bunch and drips all down my leg until it gets soaked up by my sock. I recovered in about 2 hours and went over to a friends house to play lol. Still have a noticeable dent in my leg from the incident.
Multiple lacerations and 2 compound fractures on my left leg.

Nah. :p

Most serious injury woud be a cracked bone in my left foot.
Nothing serious that I can think of, although years of incredibly violent epileptic seizures have left me with permanently weakened arms.
Hopefully I won't have to experience broken bones after getting knocked off my motorbike...
Well this was the worst I can think of. The week following New Years vacation in 2005 I was in my shop week instead of learning academics (tech school). Well anyways that week for me was sheet metal while the other week was welding. Well anyways I was putting in some screws to connect a 90 degree elbow: http://img514.imageshack.us/img514/2514/90degreekk2.jpg
Well the drill was giving me a tough time and I pushed harder and it went straight through and felt that sharp edge hit my middle nuckle. I looked at it and thought I had got a cut like I always do. This started bleeding a lot though. Even with a paper towell it still bled. So I went to the nurse after my teacher called me a wuss and she told me to go to the ER. I got 5 stitches in a room alone with a hot medical student! :D The weird part was I was just having a conversation with her while she was just stitching up my hand while I watched lol. I can still see a faint line across my hand still and really shows up after a shower. Most bizarre scar I have though is when I got hit by a frisbee. My dad threw it and the wind caught it hitting me between my eyes which made a huge "DUNG" sound. Scar is basically gone though now. Btw Tyguy scares me lol. :x
Never had any life-changing injuries, but I have had more sprains/dislocations/crap like that than you can imagine. See, all my joints are notoriously loose. It's a genetic thing- my mom's the same way- and it's so severe that on some days, when I hang my head, I can feel my jaw scraping downward.

As a result of this, I pop out everywhere. I've sprained my ankles a good seven times apiece, reversed my elbow upwards of 12 times (the first 8 or so being when I was very young, lol), and have dislocated fingers from bad skate falls on several occasions. I have to be careful in pillow fights, because if I get hit in the jaw at the wrong angle, my jaw will actually get knocked to the side, which is an exceedingly uncomfortable experience. Furthermore, I can never play baseball, because throwing overhand makes me right shoulder loosen alarmingly.

The worst reminder of this was this morning, when I woke up, tried to raise my right arm, and screamed my ass off in pain. It had popped most of the way out overnight from all the tossing and turning, and it's been slowly working its way back in all day. It's mostly normal now, but it'll be worryingly loose for the next week or so :(

f*cking joints... D:
Yeah because now we get to show off our battle scars and bitch about how painfull it was to friends we never met before over the internets! :cheese:
When I was young, I was running full pelt towards a moving roundabout and y'know that soft rubber they have in playgrounds? Yeah, wet rubber and running doesn't really mix. Slipped, slid and my foot went straight under the roundabout as it was moving. Broken ankle right there. Hurt like hell.
I just told everyone it was from a fight with a huge Brazilian guy, and that what I got was nothing compared to what I gave him :thumbs:

Hey you scared me that time.:dork:
I was at this place called gumbuya park (Sp?) and went down a taboggen ride. Did well the first few times and offered to race my dad and brother while riding tandem with my aunty.

Shoom, we were off, making good time and winning.

A few corners in I still hadn't braked (you were meant to pre-every corner) and got airborne so far on a single one.

I continued not to break and eventually went hard into a corner, flipped it and slid a good 10 meters (31 feet) before stopping with the sled on top of us.

It opened a hole in my knee the size of a coke can base and down to the bone. I couldn't get stitches because the whole was too big and I still have the scar. Every time I had to replace the gauze it tore my leg hairs out. It sucked

Nothing much for me, minor heatstroke/severe heat exhaustion maybe. Was guarding and didn't drink enough water- dehydration and overheating ensued.

I have stories of other people though.

My dad fell off his doghouse when he was a kid and fell on a rosebush. Imagine six inches of barbed hell imbedded in your back.

My cousin was four-wheeling and he was clotheslined by a barbed-wire fence. He had massive scars covering his neck and arms. One of them was a line where a barb ran up his arm, then got stuck. It left a white line with a head. like this ---O