WoW Cataclysm

Out of boredom I went ahead and started early and created a blood elf rogue to take into Cataclysm a couple weeks ago. I have an 80 shaman and a 70 hunter on one server, but I wanted to start fresh.

They've really made leveling -a lot- more bearable... the looking for dungeon thing is pretty much the best thing ever, you get mounts earlier and cheaper (and they finally ****ing sped up the regular flying mounts!), and low levels are super overpowered right now. :p My dude is up to level 64 already, but it's finally startin' to slow down.
Out of boredom I went ahead and started early and created a blood elf rogue to take into Cataclysm a couple weeks ago. I have an 80 shaman and a 70 hunter on one server, but I wanted to start fresh.

They've really made leveling -a lot- more bearable... the looking for dungeon thing is pretty much the best thing ever, you get mounts earlier and cheaper (and they finally ****ing sped up the regular flying mounts!), and low levels are super overpowered right now. :p My dude is up to level 64 already, but it's finally startin' to slow down.

I'm gonna make a new character when Cataclysm comes out. Maybe a few weeks after it does since the lowbie world will be packed. The problem I'm facing right now is that I'm a holy paladin with a tankin offspec and I have no decent ret gear, but I'm going ot have to start leveling again and it's not going to be pretty with either one. No idea what I'll do... probably just fight it out slower than everyone else...
I'm gonna make a new character when Cataclysm comes out. Maybe a few weeks after it does since the lowbie world will be packed. The problem I'm facing right now is that I'm a holy paladin with a tankin offspec and I have no decent ret gear, but I'm going ot have to start leveling again and it's not going to be pretty with either one. No idea what I'll do... probably just fight it out slower than everyone else...

Dunno, I've been regularly outdamaged by tanks in heroics, all tanks do insane damage. Leveling as Holy should also be viable:

You've got Holy Shock, 30 yard Judgement, Holy Wrath, Hammer of Wrath and a now spammable Exorcism. You probably do need to pick up the damage talents for Holy though.
Yeah that's the problem, I'd have to respec but it'd be reasonable. The thing is I don't want to suck healing in dungeons getting to 85. Who knows though it might be ok.
Just got a complimentary week-long sub from Blizzard for no particular reason. Man, feels like coming home. Cunning bastards already have me hooked again and Cata's not even out.

Is prot still a viable leveling spec for Pallies? Made one on a friend's server, only level 12 so far. Want to be able to tank in dungeons with his priest, but then I could probably do that okay with ret for a while anyway.
Is prot still a viable leveling spec for Pallies? Made one on a friend's server, only level 12 so far. Want to be able to tank in dungeons with his priest, but then I could probably do that okay with ret for a while anyway.

Moreso than ever, really. Though I don't know how long ago you stopped playing.
Stopped playing earlier in the year, but I've never really played a pally before now. They're so overplayed on my server that I just didn't bother. :p
Decided to stop playing my priest until Cataclysm, I spent so much time rushing to get as many achievements as I could before release that I think I burned myself out.
It figures they'd give free time to people to return with all the changes made to the way every class plays. EVE recently did the same thing for me for no reason. Debating playing it out even though last time I just sat around being bored floating in space.
I'm playing a Troll Warrior tank until Cataclysm. I'll start a Troll Mage at Cataclysm release.
It figures they'd give free time to people to return with all the changes made to the way every class plays. EVE recently did the same thing for me for no reason. Debating playing it out even though last time I just sat around being bored floating in space.
Can I have your stuff?

I don't even get tempting offers from blizzard, I sold my account to a guild mate when I left :D
Some stuff going on.
Cataclysm pre-event(s) in major cities, elemental invasion of level 80 elite mobs

Apparently 4.0.3a is being released next week or something.

After reading a bit on the WoW forums, rumor is 4.0.3 is released the 16th (tomorrow) which brings the forth stage of the elemental invasion.
Apparently, on the 23rd, patch 4.0.3a will be released and the Azeroth changes will go in effect.
Notice: The above is all rumors (although they seem to be accurate) and is subject to change.

What isn't a rumor: The Goblin/Worgen races will be playable on Dec 7.

Hope this cleared things up somewhat.
Can I have your stuff?

I don't even get tempting offers from blizzard, I sold my account to a guild mate when I left :D

What stuff? My EVE account? I don't really have any stuff there. I've sold two accounts over the years of WoW. I figure I'll keep this one regardless of whether or not I continue playing in the future unless I'm really really hard up for cash.

As for 4.0.3 I think it's coming out tomorrow. There are only two tuesdays left before the 7th beyond this one and I don't think they'd release another patch so close to the big show. I'm actually surprised they're releasing it this close. It doesn't do a lot though from what I've seen. It's not doing to be the big sundering it's just going to be a thing. These events leading up to it aren't bad really. At least they're interesting. I'm a little worried because somone told me that the zones were basically just a big long chain quest, but I guess that's what they've sort of been lately anyways.
What stuff? My EVE account? I don't really have any stuff there. I've sold two accounts over the years of WoW. I figure I'll keep this one regardless of whether or not I continue playing in the future unless I'm really really hard up for cash.

As for 4.0.3 I think it's coming out tomorrow. There are only two tuesdays left before the 7th beyond this one and I don't think they'd release another patch so close to the big show. I'm actually surprised they're releasing it this close. It doesn't do a lot though from what I've seen. It's not doing to be the big sundering it's just going to be a thing. These events leading up to it aren't bad really. At least they're interesting. I'm a little worried because somone told me that the zones were basically just a big long chain quest, but I guess that's what they've sort of been lately anyways.

They're doing the azeroth changes, quests, etc and stuff before Dec 7.

Patch 4.0.3 Notes
Much of the data being downloaded in patch 4.0.3 will pave the way for the shattering of Azeroth shortly before the release of World of Warcraft: Cataclysm on December 7.
So people who don't get Cataclysm will be allowed to roam around the new and improved Azeroth? That's pretty cool.

Patch downloading now, probably it.
Nay, the Azeroth changes don't take place until 4.0.3a, but it appears we've downloaded most of the data and it's just a matter of flipping the switch now. The cinematic even appears as an option (but cannot yet be watched) - and apparently the new login screen is encrypted in this patch as well. It's smart of them to stagger the release and trickle in the expansion this way, it avoids the DDoS that MMOs so often fall victim to.
the latest patch sucks balls. i log in, no auction house in Org, no mailbox. small as hell UI that I can't adjust and stupid endless elementals. on the plus side as a mage, i was making a killing on portals tonight to different cities
It's too bad that I won't be able to enjoy being endgame level for very long; I'm currently at 77.

Is there any point in 'gearing up'? Like farming for gear and rotating through heroic dungeons, now that Cataclysm 80+ quest rewards will be better than what I can get right now?

Then again, I've nothing else to do, and I do have a few more weeks left.

the latest patch sucks balls. i log in, no auction house in Org, no mailbox. small as hell UI that I can't adjust and stupid endless elementals. on the plus side as a mage, i was making a killing on portals tonight to different cities

You can adjust the size of your UI, in the options, likely under interface.
It's too bad that I won't be able to enjoy being endgame level for very long; I'm currently at 77.

Is there any point in 'gearing up'? Like farming for gear and rotating through heroic dungeons, now that Cataclysm 80+ quest rewards will be better than what I can get right now?

Then again, I've nothing else to do, and I do have a few more weeks left.

You can adjust the size of your UI, in the options, likely under interface.

yeah i figured out the UI problem. i didn't realize you had to click the check mark next to it to adjust the UI. also you try the dungeons they are really fun and give you a quick bunch of gold. but in all honesty the fastest way is to get honor pts and trade them in for Majestic Zircon. I can get on some nights 150g for about 1 hr of work, and I make one a day also, so its more like 300g an hour with barely lifting a finger
I'm so happy about that UI. That's more room for me to see. I don't use much of the UI the way it is, but raid frames were taking up like 20% of my screen and then when you throw in the mini map and DBM stuff and combat text scrolling on your screen and maybe a bag or two... you can't see anything. Now I have a lot more room and the character/guild/everything window that comes up doesn't cover that chat box. I think I might need to expand the raid frames a little though because they're hard to see. I use a lot of vanilla UI stuff too so I get excited by UI changes.
Raid frames are a nice addition. They're a nice combination of Grid and Nurfed. That's one less BS bloaty mod.
I still have to scale my UI up just to be able to read/see everything. :p The raid UI is nice, but it's far, far too big in the bigger battlegrounds.

I'm level 74 on my new rogue now... I can't believe I'm actually gonna be 80 by the time Cataclysm comes out, haha. Also, as I always have been since the beginning of the vanilla game, I rock at PvP. Only as sub spec, though... I tried assassination and the lack of shadowstep and extra speed while stealthed alone was TERRIBLE. Never again.
LOL, played an hour long Alterac last night, I had over 300 honor kills, it was insane. for some reason my WHR gear score jumped after the patch from 2600 to 2900! so happy cuz now i can partake in Lich King shit
It's not official, but the Shattering (4.0.3a) is pretty much Tuesday.
1) Blizzard stated the patch would be 2 weeks before Cata's release on Dec 7, this week is 2 weeks before it
2) There is official planned server downtime on Tuesday
3) Tuesday is WoW's anniversary
4) Releasing it over Thanksgiving Break would give them time to fix the bugs and for players to test the content before Dec 7.
During this time, all realms and many web services will be unavailable.
8 hour maintenance on Tuesday.
Wonder what they're doing, eh?

I'm pumped.
woah woah woah....woah...woah. whats the shattering all about? i don't even have time to check so whats the jist? new dungeon or something??
woah woah woah....woah...woah. whats the shattering all about? i don't even have time to check so whats the jist? new dungeon or something??

It's Cataclysm. New race/class combinations, revamped zones, new quest lines, EVERYTHING.
Except Worgen and Goblin, which will NOT be in the patch. Worgen and Goblin will be playable on the 7th.

So yeah, it's Cataclysm without the new races.


36 hours of old Azeroth left.
my friend had a question, if she doesn't buy Cata just yet (shes like lvl 30 something) what will she see that will change??
Without Cataclysm, you should be able to access all the old world content, minus maybe the new starting zones. The only things you should need the expansion for (to the best of my knowledge) are the new post-80 content, the new races, and probably new professions and stuff like that.

But hey, if she's rolling a new character and doesn't want to be worgen or goblin, she should be set for a while... probably.
You mean Cataclysm is optional? Wut? I keep getting confused here.

Anyway, I finally hit level 80 the day before yesterday. Don't know what to do now.
You mean Cataclysm is optional? Wut? I keep getting confused here.

Anyway, I finally hit level 80 the day before yesterday. Don't know what to do now.

do some Heroics man, que for Wintergrasp, take down the Lich King, and in any order
Without Cataclysm, you should be able to access all the old world content, minus maybe the new starting zones. The only things you should need the expansion for (to the best of my knowledge) are the new post-80 content, the new races, and probably new professions and stuff like that.

But hey, if she's rolling a new character and doesn't want to be worgen or goblin, she should be set for a while... probably.

Yeah that's pretty much it. Without Cataclysm you get the shattered old world with the new quests (1-60) so you can start a new character and play all that fun stuff. They say it's apparently some pretty good new stuff. However you won't be able to make a character with a new race much like it worked in The Burning Crusade. I think you can get Archaeology, but I'm not sure about that. The main thing is that you won't be able to get past 80 or get old world flying training or anything like that. Basically anything that would require you to be over 80 is not possible. I feel like the starting zones for the new races would be off limits as well like they were in TBC.

I guess the cool thing is, if you didn't want to buy Cataclysm immediately, you still get a large influx of new shit to mess with. All the stuff that's lead up to the sundering in the past few weeks have been pretty neat.
do some Heroics man, que for Wintergrasp, take down the Lich King, and in any order

Should I keep the Justice points from heroics and wait for Cataclysm?

Also, if I que for Wintergrasp, I'll prolly be the target for many, many angry swears, seeing as how my items average around 170lvl. I'd be massacred by Alliance, and then chat-raped by the Horde.
Should I keep the Justice points from heroics and wait for Cataclysm?

Also, if I que for Wintergrasp, I'll prolly be the target for many, many angry swears, seeing as how my items average around 170lvl. I'd be massacred by Alliance, and then chat-raped by the Horde.

Keep all your justice points and honor for Cataclysm. Nothing you can get with them now will be worth anything in a couple weeks. Also, no one cares about Wintergrasp anymore. No reason not to do it.

Also, I was wrong about being able to do Archaeology without Cataclysm. Not sure where I got that. Here's a list of the stuff that you can do without the expansion:
* Portals in Dalaran/Shattrath Removed
* Class trainers in Dalaran where portals once were
* New race-class combinations (excluding worgen/goblin)
* New Gnome/Troll starting areas
* Changes to existing zones
* New cata load screens
* New cata intro cinematic
* New cata login screen
* New music
* City Quartermasters, with rep tabards
* Bug fixes
* Class balancing
* Druids, paladins, priests, and shaman will have their talent trees reset
* Experience required to gain levels 71 through 80 is being reduced by 20%
* New tamable hunter pets (Monkey, fox, dog, and beetle, as well as new skins for existing pet classes.)
Ugh christ, these elemental invasions have me praying for the apocalypse. At least after the shattering is over and done with I won't be locked out of using bankers/auctioneers/flight masters/not getting killed on my low level alts every couple of hours. :angry:

Speaking of events, Pilgrim's Bounty is on until Saturday. I highly advise anyone who wants to give their cooking skill a quick and easy boost to check it out. There are 4 or 5 recipes associated with it that can take you all the way from 0 to 350 skill in a couple of hours. Most of the ingredients are just purchased from vendors, the only exception being the turkeys which are critters wandering around the starting areas. On top of that, the training doesn't seem to be level restricted any more, so you could do it on a level 1 and not bother with cooking until Northrend. Sweet deal!

Also cheebs, crappy food and some ugly RP clothes. Woo.
Pretty sure Justice points are being replaced by different types of points so those will be useless. Honor points should be good to save, though I'm going to spend mine on gear to level up with. I remember it not really being worth it to save up honor from Burning Crusade to Wrath as they increase the amount of honor you gain at the new cap as well as the prices for the gear, so if you save, you might be able to get like one thing that would have only taken a few games at 85 to get anyway.
Ugh christ, these elemental invasions have me praying for the apocalypse. At least after the shattering is over and done with I won't be locked out of using bankers/auctioneers/flight masters/not getting killed on my low level alts every couple of hours. :angry:

These were fun at first and then it just got annoying. They needed to make the whole process something that could either be knocked out fairly quickly by like 10 people or not lock down the entire city... or I guess the easiest way would have just been to provide portals to the other towns. Then they could have kept all the nice RP fun and made it so everyone could go about their business. Instead you basically need like 40 people really committed to clearing the town or wait for the timer to run out.

edit: Justice Points aren't going to be replaced. It's not like they'll be useless. Vendors that use them will still be there and the worst case scenario is that you won't be able to get anything new by keeping them. However, they're not going to suddenly become worthless. If there are no post-80 things they can be used for, you can always go back and pick up a couple of legacy pieces or a mount or whatever. Whatever the case is, you'll be better off keeping them than spending them on something that will be useless in a couple of weeks.
Keep all your justice points and honor for Cataclysm. Nothing you can get with them now will be worth anything in a couple weeks. Also, no one cares about Wintergrasp anymore. No reason not to do it.

I see, thanks.

I found out that raiding is very very fun, today.
Guildies said you'd be able to buy a few new things with justice points. Not sure what their source is but they're usually pretty spot on.
Guildies said you'd be able to buy a few new things with justice points. Not sure what their source is but they're usually pretty spot on.

Blizz made a post a few days ago saying that both honor and justice points would be rolled over to cataclysm, not reset, but I didn't hear anything about post 80 items. Doesn't mean there aren't though, I only get my news from mmo-champion and only what I manage to read before going off on some random theorycrafting adventure with a specific bit of news I found.

Like the fact that the next patch will have fears-roots-snares-etc (things that break after damage) break after half as much damage. That means I can actually spend a little bit of time outside of various crowd control mechanisms in PVP...
So do we have any sure time on when the patch will drop as of yet? Would love to see any events as it happens.