You see a zombie outside your bedroom window...

You hit the zombie with the axe. It doesn't do much damage because you were holding the blade. The zombie falls into a convenient hole in the road

Jump in after it! I need to finish the joooooob!

Deathmaster clearly doesn't understand the view outside my bedroom window.

The zombie now smells of cheap body spray, the other undead are attracted by his scent. You are cornered.

The Zombie can do what it wants, because it looks good in Leather.
>> examine wine
>> look e
>> look w
>> put handle of corkscrew in right palm
>> hold neck of bottle in left hand
>> remind self never to go to this restaurant again
And I just have to sit here and imagine why on earth I can't get ye flask.

Because the game certainly isn't going to tell me.
>> examine wine
>> look e
>> look w
>> put handle of corkscrew in right palm
>> hold neck of bottle in left hand
>> remind self never to go to this restaurant again

You see another wall. You see a fourth wall. It is unbreakable. You are in a box.
You hold the wine as if ready to act.
>> uncorck wine
>> take a swig
>> look up and wonder where the light source is
>> uncorck wine
>> take a swig
>> look up and wonder where the light source is

The wine appears to be red. Bottled in 2007. You uncork it and take a swig. It is strong. You look up and see a dim spotlight
And I just have to sit here and imagine why on earth I can't get ye flask.

Because the game certainly isn't going to tell me.

You can sit there and keep typing shit like "obtain ye flask" "pick up ye flask" "aquire ye flask".

Still doesn't ****ing work though.
>> what the hell kind of zombie adventure is this
>> this isn't a... ghost adventure, is it
>> what the hell kind of zombie adventure is this
>> this isn't a... ghost adventure is it

A zombie goast appears and tries to bite you.
Your eternal soul is now a zombie goast
You can sit there and keep typing shit like "obtain ye flask" "pick up ye flask" "aquire ye flask".

Still doesn't ****ing work though.

You find three ye flasks and add them to your inventory
>> sit in solace in my box, content that the undying part of me is now... undead
Mr-Fusion posts in thread again

So where was i . Laughing from my island, zombies building underground pyramid to try to reach me.

Ok i'm getting back on my dinghy and heading for the mainland. Dinghys are impervious to waterborne zombies.
>> sit in solace in my box, content that the undying part of me is now... undead

The walls begin to close in.

>> throw baby

The baby is on a high shelf

Mr-Fusion posts in thread again

So where was i . Laughing from my island, zombies building underground pyramid to try to reach me.

Ok i'm getting back on my dinghy and heading for the mainland. Dinghys are impervious to waterborne zombies.

The zombie pyramid collapses. You reach the mainland
I'm still at the mainland bleeding all over the place and shit.

Quite confident this would give Mr-Fusion AIDS.
>> cup hands over baby's mouth in such a way that his cry sounds like a zombie moan
>> realizes job would be eazior with shovel, take a piece of the stove siding and make shovel and resume digging.
I would probably just go out there and let myself be killed.
I see the zombie outside the window. I duck down before the zombie sees me. This is the day I have been preparing for my entire life.

I slither under my bed to the trap door beneath where my zombie fallout shelter has been prepared. With 80 years worth of food, water, and necessities, I have nothing to worry about. I quietly close the door behind me and barricade it with bars that can withstand the impact of roughly 6 tons.

The cool moist air is a bit eerie in the darkness. The walls are several feet of concrete with no windows. Now I was glad I didn't shortcut on the size of this place.

I flick on the bright overhead lights and fire up one of the 4 generators. 3 just for backups. I double check that I have enough fuel to run these things for the rest of my life. The well thought out ventilation and exhaust system is my only remote contact with the outside world now.

I carelessly choose a game from the stack, knowing that every game is amazing, and boot up my trusty SEGA Dreamcast. I'll finally have time to relax and dig into these great games as the world collapses around me.

I grab a drink from the cooler and kick back on my lazy boy.

Friends and family said I was "insane","ridiculous", and "a lunatic" and wanted me to begin taking medication. A feeling of satisfaction comes over me as I realize that all of this hard work and planning has paid off. I've thought of everything.

Or have I...
I see the zombie outside the window... right.
We take Pete's car, we drive over to mum's, we go in, take care of Phillip -- then we grab mum, we go over to Liz's place, hole up, have a cup of tea and wait for this whole thing to blow over.