Recent content by Chiefi

  1. Chiefi

    How many times have you completed Half-Life 2?

    I've completed the game 26 times now. This game sucks.
  2. Chiefi

    Want more HL? Try Uplink Demo

    First time I played the uplink demo, back in 2000, it took me 3 days. I'm not kidding. :monkee:
  3. Chiefi

    Want more HL? Try Uplink Demo

    This is the demo that got me hooked to Half-life. I love it!
  4. Chiefi

    INS Dead, Spearin Studios Born

    Friday I believe. That sucks, I hate EA too! :angry:
  5. Chiefi

    Who's the BEST "Half-Life 2" player in here???

    Who's the BEST "Half-Life 2" player in here??? I think it's safe to say, that would be me. :afro:
  6. Chiefi

    Looking For People

    crap... lol from your last post you sounded like a 12 year old. Are you sure you've got a lot of experience? (edit: or any experience at all..)
  7. Chiefi

    Why HL2 sucks: Invulnerability of NPCs

    Thanks for making me laugh. :)
  8. Chiefi

    WOOT i made a song with HL2 :D Take a listen

    This thread inspired me to make this... I'm not into techno so I don't really care you if hate it. I just had fun doing it. :cool: There's 9 samples of noises/voices in it. Everything you hear in the song are noises from Half-life 1...
  9. Chiefi

    What's taking so long?

    Holy shit.. that Dystopia mod looks really cool!
  10. Chiefi

    Blue Shift 2 - Preview

    It really doesn't look as if you made it in Garry's mod. :p Good work I guess.
  11. Chiefi

    pirating hl2

    I am a proud owner of a pirated Hl2 game. I also have multiple servers around the globe hosting the pirated game. Because of me hundreds of people are able to download the game everyday. Edit: don't take me seriously. :cool:
  12. Chiefi

    Gordon Freeman: Un-fit!

    Fleabaine... for a sec I thought you were serious, then I looked at your post count. :laugh: :laugh:
  13. Chiefi

    HL2 Up For Multiple AIAS Awards

    Okay. I'm not a big gamer so I can't say if the physics in MP is a first, but as a whole, DeathMatch is a really old concept and nothing too outstanding in my opinion. Although I still had a lot of fun playing it.
  14. Chiefi

    HL2 Up For Multiple AIAS Awards

    :eek: Could you please explain why?