Recent content by Lazlow

  1. L

    Post your Death Screens!

    Hell hath no fury...
  2. L

    Personal Achievements

    Pretty much agree, do I.
  3. L


    You can only hear voice from your own team. Voice is pretty critical in this game for teamwork, but so far I haven't found more than two people on a team using voice.
  4. L

    Low violence?

    Most likely the server is still running low violence. It should all get flushed out once more updates are released and people restart their servers.
  5. L

    Post ya bugs

    2. Can you get a screenshot of the exact location? 3. Need more details about this. You can't switch weapons at all? Is the gun stuck it its firing animation? If you pick up ammo, does the problem go away?
  6. L

    Low violence?

    Restart of Steam should fix it The original depot that was released for the beta was built as low violence. That was fixed a few minutes later, so if you still see this problem it should be fixed by restarting Steam - you don't need to worry about deleting anything.
  7. L

    a seemingly unique launch problem.

    Any other repro steps? Haven't been able to reproduce this internally. As Chris_D said, I presume you're running Vista? Is this still happening, and are there any other steps involved in reproducing the problem?
  8. L

    Screenshots All Around

    No, I don't imagine it's hard to take existing art and photoshop it onto a box. But where are Portal and TF in those designs?
  9. L

    Weirdest crash Ever.. any suggestions?

    You said you added another .5 gig RAM 2 weeks ago - bad ram could easily cause the problems you describe. Try pulling out the new stick, see if that fixes it.
  10. L

    Why don't allies talk to each other?

    +use them and they'll talk to each other!
  11. L

    Intelligent Dissection/Discussion of the Ending and Reasons...

    Best thread evar! I like the thinking here - some ideas that never occurred to me before. There's actually some very interesting info that's "hidden in plain view" as they say. Not the kind of thing that a person is likely to find on the first time through the game, and I suspect no one has...
  12. L

    Crosshair Color

    Sorry, it's been over a month since I last played - look in Keyboard options (where you can map the keys) and click the "Advanced" button. That's where the fast weapon switch option is, and I think that's where you'll find the crosshairs options as well.
  13. L

    Crosshair Color

    In options you can change the crosshair to show your health and suit levels - I forget exactly what the option is called. It makes it much easier to see.
  14. L

    Friendly Headcrab :D

    My favorite line: lmao
  15. L

    Help in Route Kanal
