Recent content by rambler

  1. rambler

    xbox360 \\ Crackdown Reviews

    i like it, but i get bored of it in 10 mins so no buy for me.
  2. rambler

    xbox360 :: Crackdown Demo Dated

    i dislke the gta style targeting system, if it wasn't for that i'd like it. oh and the annoying logos donating friend and foe.
  3. rambler

    Lost Planet: Extreme Condition

    it's nothing like gears. i haven't really played sp yet, i'm hooked on mp. level 31 i think. i find that laughable, the gameplay couldn't be more different other than if they weren't 3rd person shooters. other than this they aren't similar at all.
  4. rambler


    oh god not another person who signs himself off...
  5. rambler

    On average, what time do you go to bed?

    about 4 am, i keep trying to go to bed early but i never do. i lose track of time with my gf, or i'm out etc.
  6. rambler

    Wii laptop, anyone?

    oh my god! IT'S NOT REAL!!
  7. rambler

    Wii laptop, anyone?

    it's quite clearly not real.
  8. rambler

    Suggestions for a game for my gf?

    this thread is pretty dumb imo. if she likes games she likes games, if she doesn't she never will. and why do you spend so much time trying to get her to play games? you do realize there are better things boys and girls can do together right?
  9. rambler

    Best way to approach a girl?

    god this thread is pathetic. in the nicest possible way: grow a spine and talk to her.
  10. rambler

    Finding A game I like

    that space game. planetopia or something? where your the owner of a space station
  11. rambler

    Suggestions for a game for my gf?

    if she doesn't like computer games she never will. but if it helps my girlfriend likes new super mario bros. sonic one (virtual console) and wii sports. definately sports the most, she's very very competitive. she hits me when she loses. it hurts.
  12. rambler

    Best way to approach a girl?

    god this thread is poor stuff...
  13. rambler

    there ARE hot gamer girls!

    i don't think she's hot at all.
  14. rambler

    lost planet multiplayer models

    what are they other than the origional three? and when do they get unlocked? so far i've only unlocked more colours for the first three. i'm level 11, how about you guys?