On average, what time do you go to bed?


Space Core
Jul 2, 2004
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As above.

Since ive come to Uni, its been around 1am every night, and if i go out with my flat mates we usually drag ourselves back into bed at around 3-4am. Guess thats mainly because of being social in the halls/residence. Generally though, even during the holidays, i used to be asleep by like..11pm. Now i know thats only a 2 hour increase but hey, its not like me.

Just wondered if any of you stayed up until 4am anyway or something, even when you work during the week. Sleep deprevation? Too much sleep anyone?
When I'm tired. This usually falls between 5 and 10, but sometimes I'm up later if I'm on the phone or something.
Now that school has started for the Spring semester, I go to bed around 9 PM.

When I was on Winter Break, on average I slept around 4 AM
11pm to 12am on the weekdays, 4-5am on the weekends.
It's half 2 now, and I'm starting to think about going to bed soon

That's about average
I'm a sucker for late night TV like random crap that's on from 10-12, and then Seinfeld is on at 12:00, but that's usually where I draw the line.

I went to bed last night at 12:30 and got up at 6:30, then today when I got home at 1:00 I slept for a few hours :O

If I feel more tired than usual I'll go to bed at 11:00 or so, but never earlier than that.
I have to go to bed around 10-11...sleep by 12-1 to wake up at 6:30.
Usually around 1:30am to 2am if I don't have to work until noon. But my schedule varies and I'll have to be at work at 8am, so midnight usually does it for me. Not to say that I don't like my sleep, just that it's not as important as CS:S.....
I'm not even going to attempt to average it, my sleeping is way too sporadic at the moment :)
I usually hit the sack at around 12:30pm but my goal is 11:00 or earlier I'm just too wasted when I wake up at 7:30 no matter what time I get to bed it seems like.
Go to bed around 11, fall asleep by 12.
If I have school at 8am the next day, then 11:30pm.

If it's at 11am, then 1:30am.

If it's the weekend, 2-4am.
midnight when i work the next day, 1-3 on the weekends

a few months ago: 7 am
My school is a 24 hour campus, so it depends on what classes i have in that particular month. For instance, this month I dont get out of class until 1am, which means I dont fall asleep until like 5am. On busy months, I just sleep whenever I can, so usually in between classes.
Holidays, so 1am.

Normally around 10:30 - 11pm. I need a lootttt of sleep.
Interesting, I don't go to sleep until at least 1am even if there's school. I have lotta work to do.
holidays atm, so naptime is way too random to work out an average :|
College early the next day: Bed around midnight.
College late the next day/weekends/holidays: Bed anytime from midnight to 4am.
oooh ouch, 6am lol

I simply cant sleep when the sun comes up. I live in the UK so therefore I sleep in until 11am nowadays.

See what i did there? :p
College early the next day: Bed around midnight.
College late the next day/weekends/holidays: Bed anytime from midnight to 4am.

Yea that like me

At least i aim to do the first one! :O
Usually 10:00 during school, but I normally don't fall asleep until near Midnight.

Weekends.....Well, it's a ****ing party down here wanna join in the all nighter? About 6:00 to 8:00 in the morning for me.
On school nights I go to bed around 11:30, then I read until about 12-ish, then sleep.

Weekends I usually watch a movie/DVD downstairs around 12, then I'm at my computer writing, drawing, making music or doing coursework till about 4-5. Not always, though.
School holidays? 4 AM

School Slave? 10 PM
School starts at 8:00am, then I'm sleeping around 12-ish am and waking up at 6:00 am.
School starts 11:00am or later, then around 2:00am.

Days off: 3:00am
about 4 am, i keep trying to go to bed early but i never do. i lose track of time with my gf, or i'm out etc.