Recent content by UltimaApocalypse

  1. UltimaApocalypse

    Portal voice at the beginning

    I meant HL2, not the expansions. I don't know the two sound different to me.
  2. UltimaApocalypse

    Portal voice at the beginning

    I don't think Ellen did the HL2 dispatch voice.
  3. UltimaApocalypse

    Is The Gman Evil?

    I don't think the G-Man is necessarily evil..I think he just views humans as a lesser species and therefore doesn't really think our suffering is a big deal. Perhaps his relationship with humans is like our relationship with dogs. Dogs are our pets. We live with them for 8-10 years and then put...
  4. UltimaApocalypse

    new combine ideas

    What the hell? I ordered mine at Barnes and Nobles for 30 bucks. Have they stopped production or something?
  5. UltimaApocalypse

    Alyx gave me a kick in the face

    You sure the Zombie didn't hit you?
  6. UltimaApocalypse

    Everything you wanted to know...

    On the subject of why the Zombine only has a lower jaw left, I think it's a plot hole of sorts. Originally, and I have proof of this, the normal Zombies only had half a jaw when you shot the headcrab off. Valve later added the bloody human head. I beleive the half-jaw is simply a placeholder...
  7. UltimaApocalypse

    8 Hours?

  8. UltimaApocalypse

    More characters in sig?

    Yeah, let beerdude add some more links to his signature. :(
  9. UltimaApocalypse

    Why the Citadel doesn't appear to get smaller.

    Using info_landmarks and such, teleporting in mapping looks instant. Think of Ethernal Silence, you're teleported into an off-map location when you fly into the hangars.
  10. UltimaApocalypse

    Error installing HL2 (

    Valve doesn't use rar files. They use GCF compression. If you do own a Steam Account, simply select HL2 in your Steam browser and click install. No manual installation, or rar files, required.
  11. UltimaApocalypse

    Negative comments about Half-Life 2?

    The people in this thread that complained about bad gameplay are the the type of people who buy games just to shoot enemies and blow things up. Satisfying? Yes. Everything? Definitely not. Valve are developers. They try new and unique things. And that's why Valve is superior to all other game...
  12. UltimaApocalypse

    What are referrals?

    When you sign up it asks you if anyone referred you to If someone were to enter my name, I would gain 1 referral.
  13. UltimaApocalypse

    Animals wiped out, by the Combine?

    The reason why there wasn't an animal population is probably because Valve didn't want to take the time to painstankenly model, animate, and code them all. There was going to be a rat, apparently, but it was cut for some reason.
  14. UltimaApocalypse

    Vortigaunt Sex