Do you have a mission statement?


Apr 24, 2004
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I suppose a mission statement can be comparable to a "life philosophy" or something to that effect (but somewhat more extensive).

I've been writing one down and this is what it looks like:

-never to become too obsessed with individual pursuits
-consistency and resolution in my plans i.e. for them to become reality
-be humorous, eager to learn, courageous to change, and not afraid of making mistakes

Do you have one?
There was one particular passage I loved in Brave New World.

'I'd rather be lonely, depressed me than a happy someone else.'
Well, I just believe in being the legend who is the best, by the hour.
Everyone sucks just as much as if not more than me. Actually, everyone just sucks.
My mission statement for most of my life was,


I wish I could go back in time to the point when I first uttered that word and hit myself in the face with a shovel.
Never forgive someone unless they ask to be! Even so, this does not guarantee forgiveness!
-sneak into large retial store and loosen an overhead fan...wait until it falls on me..collect money
-use money to buy a house along the beach in mendocino county in CA
-open a medical marijuana dispensary
-enjoy life
If at first you don't succeed, skydiving isn't for you.
I wouldnt expect a dullard to understand why it doesnt make sense but I'll indulge you anyways

old enough to pee makes no sense because there is never a time when they're not old enough to pee

^Life Philosophy*^

*Until the zombie apocalypse, then life will suck balls as well as being awesome.
"Don't discriminate, penetrate....pussy is pussy"
"Save often"
"Reload when the coast is clear"
"Read the reviews first, wait 6 months then buy game at good price"
"Pull out before its too late"
"If you can't pay for it now, don't expect to pay for it later"
"Its better to have ****ed than not"
Don't go into the long grass.
Whenever someone wants to buy you a drink, ask if you can get the money instead.
Whenever you fly, go through the security check wearing a T-Shirt saying "legalize heroin".
I wouldnt expect a dullard to understand why it doesnt make sense but I'll indulge you anyways

old enough to pee makes no sense because there is never a time when they're not old enough to pee

Thank you for explaining the joke again.
advancement of self and the continuous process of expanding and refining my general understanding of Life, the Universe, and Everything, and most specifically how I can, do, and should fit into it.
ah so you're a republican I see ...they have ignorance up the wazoo
Do. Or do not. There is no try.

*edit* Also:
advancement of self and the continuous process of expanding and refining my general understanding of Life, the Universe, and Everything, and most specifically how I can, do, and should fit into it.

"damn, Donny, why'd you have to get all smart on us?"
"Better to regret the things you've done, than the ones you didn't do..."
