Don't you find Global Warming annoying?

Indeed. I thought foxes getting at my rubbish bins were bad, but they pale in comparison...

Foxes are causing global warming, as they have a vendetta against Sulk and are getting at him through this.

AAAhhhhhhh. It's global warming!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RUN!

I broke the dam.

Enough said really.
The problem is that the sun is starting to revolve in a closer circle around the earth, making things hotter.
Everyone who doesn't believe in global warming should watch "An Inconvenient Truth".
Because the planet definitely hasn't been alternating between ice ages and tropical ages for the last one billion Goddamned years.
I broke the dam.
I think what he is trying to say is, we all contributed to global warming.

I caused global warming!
my god, I cant beleive the number of people on this board who are like, "global warming doesnt exist" or "global warming is a natural process"

if its a natural process, then what the hell is causing it? If you take a graph of CO2 levels in the atmosphere compared with a graph of temperature, you will realize that although things like volcanos and methane eruptions from the sea do raise temperatures, they do not raise it as extremely quickly as we are seeing it occur now.

both temperatures and CO2 levels started rising like crazy at around 1870, which coincides perfectley with the industrial revolution.

Is this causual? Of course it is CO2 does raise temperatures, it has been proven thousands of times over. The industrial revolution put tons and tons of CO2, methane and other greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. At the same time, mass deforestation and strip mining lowered our planet's ability to soak in CO2. Acids in the ocean killed off much of photosynthesizing sea life, further decreasing the ability of the plants to soak up carbon.

About fifty five million years ago, a huge amount of carbon was let out into the air. It was probably caused by fields of peat exposed by falling sea levels due to glaciers. This carbon raised the tempurature of the earth an average of 8 degrees . This catastrophic event of global warming is known to scientists as the Paleocene-Ecocene thermal maximum. During the climate change, there was a massive extinction, far larger than even the extinction of the dinosours. It took 100,000 years for the temperatures to return to normal.

And you know what? Right now, our temperatures are rising at a far faster rate than even in the Paleocene-Ecocene maximum. Sure, maybe this is a natural process, but if it is, it is happening far faster than any global temperature rise in the past 65 million years. It took about 3,000 years for the PETM to reach catastrophic levels, yet it will only take less than 200 years for us to reach it.

If we continue burning carbon at the same rate we are, we will be seeing a major catasrophe within the next couple of centuries. Within 50 years we will have tripled the carbon in the atmosphere, and temperatures will have risen a degree more. Within 100 years, carbon in the atmosphere would raise temperatures by at least 2 more degrees, and certainly fifty years after that we would be at the same level as the PETM.
Yeah I give up on trying to convince people about Global warming, you go against the HUGE majority of scientists and you back yourself up with some flimsy articles on the internets.... silly people.
It's funny that just by reading this thread alone, you can tell who the idiots are.
you go against the HUGE majority of scientists
The huge majority that only exists because you'll get chased out of the field if you pose any alternate data?

Gray directs me to a 1975 Newsweek article that whipped up a different fear: a coming ice age.

"Climatologists," reads the piece, "are pessimistic that political leaders will take any positive action to compensate for the climatic change. ... The longer the planners delay, the more difficult will they find it to cope with climatic change once the results become grim reality."

Thank God they did nothing. Imagine how warm we'd be?
informed post
Very good post theotherguy, i think it's about time someone posted some facts and shunted the shit being piled into this thread. It's beginning to feel like people will deny or object to ANYTHING these days. Our flat planet from the Flat-Earth Society being an example :rolleyes: It seems to become a trendset by where someone thought 'hang on everyone takes global warming as fact...lets dispute it'. It's a pointless exercise in a rapidly declining world we live in. But by all means continue, it's hilarious.
It's not that it's not natural (it is), but we seem to accelerate it, parabole-style.
Global Warming does not exist. Go back to your drinks.

Anyway, we'll get used to it.
Earth is gay.

It's not supposed to gloabally warm!
Yeah, it's called "peer-review". :p
I don't think it counts as peer review if no actual reviewing is going on, as Gray and pals contend.

"But the data suggest that--"
"But 20 years ago--"
"But 750 million years ago--"
"But the environment can benefit from--"
"But this won't even be an issue for--"
for me, when just comparing the credential of scientists behind studies for and against it... the ones who say global warming is a problem actually have credentials

one of the most quoted scientists and the author of all those ice age books related to how global warming exist flunked out of architechture school and has no formal education even minutely related to the subject of global warming or any science at all...
global warming needs to be outlined. its a massive thing that could affect us all. hurricanes will occur more etc..

the UK had a warmer summer this summer... thats good, but still.
Ack, don't scare me. I was just watching the Day after Tommorrow... so cold...
Ack, don't scare me. I was just watching the Day after Tommorrow... so cold...

I just watched the south park episode called "Two days before the day after tomorrow"

And then I tried to find somewhere to download Day after tomorrow since I left my dvd at my brothers house :( I couldnt find a download.
The main reason I know that global warming is happening, and that catastrophe will occur is that it's part of my doomsday scheme.
Well, one things for sure. We caused the hole in the Ozone layer for sure because now the hole has stopped growing bigger because of the ban on CFC's 20 years ago.

If we did eventually slow down the process of global warming then would temperatures return to normal?
Gradually, I guess the carbon levels would go down as vegetation absorbed it.

It won't go down to pre-industrial levels though for millions of years, unless we can trap the excess carbon ourselves.
Whether or not global warming exists, I think cutting back on emissions is a good thing merely for the excuse to be able to clean air that's a little cleaner.

-Angry Lawyer
the UK had a warmer summer this summer... thats good, but still.
Bastard. Belgium had the shittiest weather for August EVAR. We hit the record for the wettest August month since 1830. And we only got temperatures of 20°C (68°F).
Personally i think if you compeletely dismiss it and refuse to accept it's happening, you're a fool. If it isnt happening, give me one piece of solid evidence to prove that global warming is not the reason for increasing temperatures..and for ***k sake dont say the sun is getting hotter/closer..
Whether or not global warming exists, I think cutting back on emissions is a good thing merely for the excuse to be able to clean air that's a little cleaner.

-Angry Lawyer

Global warming exists, buts it mainly a natural cycle, which has happened many times before.
Bastard. Belgium had the shittiest weather for August EVAR. We hit the record for the wettest August month since 1830. And we only got temperatures of 20°C (68°F).

THat happened here, too! We had like 300% more than average rain! D: askdjgfadkjsgbl
Duh. If the temperature is higher than normal, more water evaporates than normal. That has to come down at some point.

July here was fecking hot, August was fecking wet.
Duh. If the temperature is higher than normal, more water evaporates than normal. That has to come down at some point.

July here was fecking hot, August was fecking wet.

Our temps weren't higher than normal. THey were actually lower all summer, never exceeding mid 70s.

Matter of fact, the snow never even completely melted from the mountains.
Well ours was. It was the worst summer on record.