Email From Doug L to me

You know, what's funny about all of this is that Valve has KNOWN a delay was imminent for quite a while now. I mean, if they're pushing the game back "Until the Holiday Season", there's no possible way the game was even near completion, if it's going to take another 2-3 months to hit store shelves. And don't give me that "Steam isn't ready, so they delayed the Game" BS. I'd put my money on the fact that Gabe (And the rest of Valve) gave Spitcodfry the god damned run-around while he went to their offices (What a bunch of assholes), so they could attract more media attention, in hopes to possibly land more pre-orders.

Most game retaillers won't let you have your money back, as far as I can remember, with a pre-order, they simply let you put your money onto another purchase.
Now we all know the game is delayed...
But we still don't know WHY?
What happened at Valve HQ to say only 6 days before the 30th: "Sorry guys but the game is delayed..."
Unknown reason... I WANT TO KNOW!

SpuD, or any other Half-life2 staff member?
Any publicity is good publicity... look how much press this game is getting for free. I really doubt the game was even intented to come out next week.. all this will do is create more hype. Its actually smart if you ask me, and its not costing them a dime.

Some fans will be angry.. but will any of you honestly not buy it? Of course you will all still buy it, games get pushed back all the time... it's life. Plus now the game will have less bugs and possibly more minor enhancments.
Originally posted by [RDH]Ast
Hope it isn't real or is just a publicity stunt.

Gabe just kept reasuring us on sept 30 he should have made the anouncment about the delay.

And what about the mail server shutdown or whatever it was it could stop thousands of gamers asking: WHY GABE???

I sent Gabe an E-mail before the delay and i didn't get a reply.Maybe they're right.

;( ;(

if it is a publicity stunt then valve/vivendi are ****ed up.
lots of peeps will have preordered brand new systems to hl2 on and some will be canceling them now HL2 is not coming out on the 30th, and with no real idea of the release date it makes it worse.
I'm glad its pushed back.. now my gf won't hate me for ignoring her. ANd my penis will get more exercise... altho sometimes the HL2 vidoes give me boners. hehe :cool:
Originally posted by FriScho
join now:

I want to believe!

Aah well, just a little while longer I'm sure. Of course, I've been saying that about DNF for a while now too. ;)

My only real complaint here is that the announcement has been royally ****ed up by Valve on this one, they dropped the ball quite badly. Doh. Live and learn I guess. :dozey:
Very frustating that they don't give a reason for the delay :(.
Originally posted by eQUIV
I'm glad its pushed back.. now my gf won't hate me for ignoring her. ANd my penis will get more exercise...
That statement and your avatar prove that you are a grade-a loser.
trust no one! i want to see on their page! the game doesn't even have a page...

i bet vivendi is doing this...**** vivendi
Anyways, back on topic... so what will you ppl be playing until HL2 is released?
Any publicity is good publicity... look how much press this game is getting for free. I really doubt the game was even intented to come out next week.. all this will do is create more hype. Its actually smart if you ask me, and its not costing them a dime.

I wouldn't really consider that too smart.. I mean, it would have been if they had released it on the 30th.. but now, the next time around everyone won't be nearly as excited as most were just yesterday. Instead of fans loving valve because of their secrecy about the game, many now won't believe much of anything Valve says.. especially after Team Fortress 2.

To me, keeping a good tie with the community is way better publicity than pulling a stunt like this.
Originally posted by crimity
I wouldnt really consider that too smart.. I mean, it would have been if they had released it on the 30th.. but now the next time around everyone won't be nearly as excited as most were just yesterday. Instead of fans loving valve because of their secrecy about the game, many now won't believe much of anything Valve says.. especially after Team Fortress 2.

To me, keeping a good tie with the community is way better publicity than pulling a stunt like this.

I agree, but Valve will probably not acknowledge the delay having anything to do with them. Perhaps they will blame the publisher or some unforseen bug/error. To try and make it seem like they are not at fault.

I really think developers shouldn't even announce a release date. I'd prefer just to know when a game has gone gold. Rather than have high expectations only to have them crushed.

I admit... a week before release, that isn't a very fair amount of time to inform the community.
why doesn't someone just call and see if their mailservers have been hacked?
valve cares for the community? then where are the answers?


watch as this game is delayed till next year like all the others :(
I'd rather have them delay it, then get it full of holes and bugs. I want this damn game to be king of all games. I think it deserves the little extra time. Just chill out kick back and wait.
You're lying to us and yourself.

You'd rather have it now and just wait for patches.
Originally posted by Tlaloc
valve cares for the community? then where are the answers?


watch as this game is delayed till next year like all the others :(

I highly doubt they would delay it and miss the christmast shopping season.

I find is suspicious that Gabe all last week would re-affirm the Sept.30th date and suddenly a week later it's pushed back a month or two. If anything, it sounds like a dispute with the publisher. Greedy bastards. :flame:
Originally posted by Sh0t
You're lying to us and yourself.

You'd rather have it not and just wait for patches.

It would be nice to have now if it was complete, but i wouldn't want a buggy version that crashes, or freezes.
Originally posted by Dagobert
They need more time to make the game awesome.

I agree its disapointing, and Im not happy with the way Valve handled the situation.

But Life will go on, people will play other games untill it comes out.
Valve will spend more time on the game (if thats the reason) making
it a better experiance, we will all thank them in the end that they didnt make a sequel as craptastic as Unreal 2
And every country will have enough time to gather as much pre order stock as they can so that no one is left out in the rain.
Okay, I was saying this was a hoax last night, but now that spud has recieved that email...I think we need to accept a few facts:

1) The only reason "in-store" is in quotes is that if you take the quotes out, the sentence doesn't sound right. Go ahead, try it. The quotes do not mean it will be released on Steam. Especially since Steam is probably one reason its delayed itfp.

2) Doug said Holiday release. So all of you hoping for a release in October will be dissapointed again.

3) We have no right to be so mad at Valve (sure I AM pissed) They chose to have their fans closley invovled in development and we chose to be there good and bad. At the end of the day, they are just a company with a product that they want to be as good as they can make it or as porfitable. They made a desicion, its delayed just like 90% of all other games that are worth a damn.

4) That said, we better get a demo to hold us over or I'm gonna kick the poo outta someone.
Well, good games take time.

But I guess by that statement Duke Nukem Forever must the holy grail of gaming. But I'm pretty sure I'll see the second coming of christ before that game gets released. They're really gonna have to up the bar to beat out HL2.
Originally posted by indyjones
We have no right to be so mad at Valve (sure I AM pissed)...
I think we have every right to be pissed the way they jerked us around and flat out lied to us. Supporting a company is more than just buying their products, it's being their unofficial representatives in the public, and when a customer puts his own reputation on the line by promoting or defending a company only to have that company turn around and bit him in the ass, well, you're going have a lot of pissed off customers on your hands.

Face it, Valve manipulated their fans for their own gain, and it sucks.
well.. I'm not gonna slam Valve. I wanna know the reasoning for the delay first.
Yeah, Mountain Man, be pissed that the game isn't coming out, but Valve lets there fans in so close, we are bound to see these things that happen undercover everywhere else only we aren't allowed so much interaction with the company. I'm pissed, I think it blows, but this kinda stuff happens all the time. Would you prefer not to have been given so much access and info (emails, guided tours to fans...). I think we all need to just move on and come back in two months and I really think we deserve a demo now.
What makes me laugh is that they developed in secret for 5 years, announced the release when the end was in sight. And now it's still ended up delayed for months. LMAO
It doesn't seem they're going to give us a reason. But the truth remains, they had to know about a delay of this magnitude for some time, so it's unconscionable that they'd pretend everything was on track when that was not the truth.