F.E.A.R 2: Project Origin

This. I don't understand how Wanted Bob considers this a "better" blood. Why the hell is it bright red and in such quantities ie. exceptionally big splatters.

This blood may be unrealistic, but its miles ahead of the first FEAR in terms of the visual quality, which is what I had intended to get across in the first place. Also, doesnt it seem strange to complain about quantities of blood in FEAR anyways (I mean, in the first FEAR you walked into rooms COVERED in blood, hell some of the illusions were knee deep).
I started it up...realized how crap I am at the game and that's that....lol. I'll probably jump on it now and then, so if you see me start it up, hit me up.

I won't be able to play till Saturday, so when I get back to my dad's I will do this "hitting of the up" :thumbs:
I'm a huge fan of the original F.E.A.R., and thought the two offshoots were okay. 1.76GB download for the demo? meh - I'll watch youtube videos when they're rampant. No matter how many times I've played through the first game, and how ingrained in my memory the sketchy parts are, I still get goose bumps. Unless this game really really sucks, I'll get it.
To say the two offshoots were "okay", I'm sure you'll find this game to be pure gold.
If by "offshoots" you mean the expansions, then they were NOT "okay".

Also I've been reading through the official forums of Project Origin and there are plenty of unhappy campers complaining about all the issues we've already talked about here. Lack of lean, lack of mouse buttons support, the "letterboxing", etc.

And since Monolith has gone ahead to state it's now "gold" means all these people that have been providing feedback have been talking to a brick wall. :frown:
I don't know, I actually enjoyed the "letterbox" feel to the GUI....I'm weird though.

No lean gave me a shock when I played. I was like "WTF?"
Monolith should go back to No One Lives Forever.

I really, really miss that series. It's much more my pace.
Whats this "letter box" you guys are talking about? You mean that the hud is designed to represent the inside of the helmet?
Whats this "letter box" you guys are talking about? You mean that the hud is designed to represent the inside of the helmet?

No it's the blackbars at the top and bottom of your screen. If you have a widescreen monitor it's not so bad but if you have a 4:3 or 5:4 monitor then they are huge.
i dont remember having that in the demo, or maybe i didnt notice, il dl again and check. Im not using widescreen either
Whats this "letter box" you guys are talking about? You mean that the hud is designed to represent the inside of the helmet?

oh, I thought that's what they were talking about....lol.

I have widescreen, so I didn't notice the true letterbox. I enjoy the HUD a lot.
I love games with helmet huds, especially Republic Commando. This one is very well designed.
I just received my monthly gaming mag Gamestar, which includes a review of FEAR2 for PC:

+ great sound effects and music
+ scary
+ 14 chapters, 12 hours of gameplay
+ AI (mostly)
+ great dream sequences
+ surprising moments

- ugly textures
- letterbox (!)
- too easy
- little variety
- very linear
- no free saving / quicksave

Final Verdict:
Solid Shooter which does not live up to its predecessor
Score 81/100
I just received my monthly gaming mag Gamestar, which includes a review of FEAR2 for PC:

If that's the review of the full game then I'll buy a plane ticket and go all "Paxton" at Monolith headquarters...
I read a review in PC Zone UK and they said something pretty similar and gave it an 80%. Said it doesn't really live up to the first but still a really good game.
Christ, am i the only one who understand the concept of what a 'demo' is? How are you going to sit there, saying how bad it is or how the first one is better, when you've played a couple minutes of the game? Plus, the devs usually update stuff after the demo anyways.
If the demo is an older build of the game then bad move Monolith...

Most people that tried the demo and didn't like it will automatically assume that that's how the full game is going to be and not buy it.

I'm 99% sure that all the issues that were pointed out in the demo will still be there in the final release version.
Christ, am i the only one who understand the concept of what a 'demo' is? How are you going to sit there, saying how bad it is or how the first one is better, when you've played a couple minutes of the game? Plus, the devs usually update stuff after the demo anyways.

The Demo is pretty close to what we will be getting, and from the videos,reviews and what i have played the original is better.
The reviews of the final version criticises the same problems the demo version has.
The graphic are worse is this, no parallax mapping which the first had, dynamic lighting severely reduced from the first,Physics dumbed down you can no longer mess around with ragdolls,particle effects are reduced as well, and the same blurry texture as the first are still used.The game is to easy, the first one was a real challenge on normal while this is a breeze on normal, why are enemies highlighted in slow mo.

This is not a PC game like the first, this is a Console game and is no way a true squeal from what i've seen to Fear. The devs admitted to using the 360 as the leading platform and using COD as inspiration and as such it doesn't play true to how i feel and others feel about Fear.

Name me one game where the demo is significantly different from the retail version?
The game has gone gold and looking on their forums there was no way they have fixed any of the problems in the short amount of time.Even then i don't think they will fix most of them. Why remove quick save, why no support of additional mouse buttons why the letterboxing on the PC version.
Thank god i cancelled my pre-order, i was gonna waste ?25 on this pile of shit. Which is a shame as Fear is one of my all time favourite FPS, i've played it more times than HL.
So why the **** are FPS designers not taking a queue from Far Cry 2 and even ****ing games as old as Goldneye and at least animating the process of bringing up a context menu / PDA screen etc etc... It rapes my immersion in the face when they just instantly pop up with a separate menu. There's no goddamn need to bring you into a new screen when you can show the arms of your character reach for a map. You should be able to experience the game world while accessing information.

Think about it, when you walk around and have on-the-fly information available in your hand or built into your goddamn helmet can't you just, uh, look at it?

I feel sometimes like developers don't play their competitors games, and it saddens me. Monolith has some incredible talent, but I truly believe it showed hundreds of times more brilliantly in the NOLF days. The gadgets, the animations, the flavor of the dialog and the variety of action sequences. FEAR is a quintessential blow guys up in slow motion FPS that falls for cliches and pitfalls which have plagued the genre since Doom.

Here I was expecting something that might have mixed things up even remotely from it's predecessor, but instead all I see is another staple in a series which refuses to abandon the rubbish conventions that have kept me from investing in a single player FPS since Half-Life 2.

queue the 10/10 review from mags like Edge and PCG:US



The FPS genre is retrogressing not only in terms of storytelling, but also in overall immersion and *gasp* the action sequences themselves. I haven't wanted to use the term "consolization" so deeply in a very long time, but this sure as hell feels like it.
Christ, am i the only one who understand the concept of what a 'demo' is? How are you going to sit there, saying how bad it is or how the first one is better, when you've played a couple minutes of the game? Plus, the devs usually update stuff after the demo anyways.

The point of a demo is give the consumer a way to tell if the full game will be good enough or not so they can decide if the full game would be worth the money, which is what everyone here is doing.

"Overall, this is a very positive thing and keeps the primary experience consistent across all three platforms. The downside to this approach is occasionally compromises need to be made to best accommodate the least common denominator. This isn't ideal, but when required to make these compromises we made decisions that wouldn't negatively affect the F.E.A.R. 2 experience on the other platforms."

Accommodating the least common denominator? God ****ing damn it. I don't want it to be a PC exclusive, by all means make your games multiplaform ,but damn it tailor each version to the strengths and weaknesses of each platform. But no they made the same exact game version for all platforms limited by "the least common denominator".

FEAR forums said:
FETTEL: Where is Holster?
DEV: I don't know what you're talking about!
FETTEL: Some secrets get buried deeper than others. But I know where to dig.
DEV: No! Wait! You've got the wrong guy!
FETTEL: Hush now, Mr. Developer. The time for talk is done. *evil grin*
DEV: Please! No!

I'm too emotionally needy right now for you all to ignore my rant post earlier

Christ, am i the only one who understand the concept of what a 'demo' is? How are you going to sit there, saying how bad it is or how the first one is better, when you've played a couple minutes of the game? Plus, the devs usually update stuff after the demo anyways.


The 'concept of a demo' isn't a couple minutes of a game that may are probably some of the worst minutes in the game. In theory, a demo should give you just enough to make you want more. Which means if the demo is bad, you are most definitely doing it wrong. It doesn't matter if the rest of the game is like having rainbows in your vagina, if the demo is bad, no one is going to assume the rest is fantastic.
So why the **** are FPS designers not taking a queue from Far Cry 2 and even ****ing games as old as Goldneye and at least animating the process of bringing up a context menu / PDA screen etc etc... It rapes my immersion in the face when they just instantly pop up with a separate menu. There's no goddamn need to bring you into a new screen when you can show the arms of your character reach for a map. You should be able to experience the game world while accessing information.

Think about it, when you walk around and have on-the-fly information available in your hand or built into your goddamn helmet can't you just, uh, look at it?

I feel sometimes like developers don't play their competitors games, and it saddens me. Monolith has some incredible talent, but I truly believe it showed hundreds of times more brilliantly in the NOLF days. The gadgets, the animations, the flavor of the dialog and the variety of action sequences. FEAR is a quintessential blow guys up in slow motion FPS that falls for cliches and pitfalls which have plagued the genre since Doom.

Here I was expecting something that might have mixed things up even remotely from it's predecessor, but instead all I see is another staple in a series which refuses to abandon the rubbish conventions that have kept me from investing in a single player FPS since Half-Life 2.

queue the 10/10 review from mags like Edge and PCG:US



The FPS genre is retrogressing not only in terms of storytelling, but also in overall immersion and *gasp* the action sequences themselves. I haven't wanted to use the term "consolization" so deeply in a very long time, but this sure as hell feels like it.
Down with video games.
****s sake, talk about a ****ing over reaction, so it's different to the first one, well I've got a suprise for you, the first one isn't that great. Ooooh, I know, that's ****ing stunned you all hasn't it.

The gunplay was kinetic and fun, yes, maybe even enough to carry the game for some, but walking through drab lifeless levels with the same textures repeated over and over was not a good thing.

I've already seen more creativity in the game and level design from the sequels demo than I ever did from the levels in the original.

Oh so what if they removed lean, so what if they changed the key combo for slide kick, get over, wait for the full game and just enjoy it.

I agree that for people on a 4:3 display, the widescreen needs sorting, but for everyone on a widescreen there really is no need to complain about a couple of tiny black borders.

Get some perspective. You wanna see a crap game? Go play that Secret Service game that uses the COD 4 engine, then tell me the F.E.A.R. 2 demo was shite.
stemot said:
...well I've got a suprise for you, the first one isn't that great in my opinion


stemot said:
I've already seen more creativity in the game and level design from the sequels demo than I ever did from the levels in the original.

Sure the design is more varied and the environments generaly look better, however the level in the demo is more linear than the levels in the first game.

stemot said:
Oh so what if they removed lean, so what if they changed the key combo for slide kick, get over, wait for the full game and just enjoy it.

Nope I won't enjoy it because:

stemot said:
I agree that for people on a 4:3 display, the widescreen needs sorting,

Yes well I happen to be one of those people with a 4:3 type display, I'll ****ing complain about the black bars.

stemot said:
tell me the F.E.A.R. 2 demo was shite.

It was okay, however those issues you keep telling us to get over did over shadow my enjoyment of it.
Sure the design is more varied and the environments generaly look better, however the level in the demo is more linear than the levels in the first game.

That's because the demo is a cut and paste of different sections of the game put together in one hodge-potch level. For example, you can see the plane that comes down in the demo in a completely different location in some of the gameplay movies and screenshots, the school is also alot bigger in the final game. This demo was made that way to show the different variation in locations, thus the level structure isn't really that representative of the final version. Sure it will be linear, but so was the original, except the original had only 2 environment sets.

Yes well I happen to be one of those people with a 4:3 type display, I'll ****ing complain about the black bars.

Then wasn't it clear that i was not talking about your situation and only people that have widescreen monitors?

It was okay, however those issues you keep telling us to get over did over shadow my enjoyment of it.

That may be, but some peoples reaction is completely over the top, what with saying they will not buy it due to niggling issues (widescreen not included) that are not that detrimental to the game, and saying that Monolith have ruined the franchise all off a 15 minute demo that isn't even a real level of the game.
Where's the ability to look around corners? Boo

Didn't really enjoy the demo to be honest, I'll wait until full game reviews are out.
After playing through the demo I can say one thing for sure: it's an fps
After playing through the demo I can say one thing for sure: it's a fps

FIXED. And don't tell me I'm wrong. When I read abbreviations I hear the full words in my head. And what I say goes.
I didn't care about the level design of the first one, going though office after office the sheer action kept me coming back for more.Playing the demo disappointed me. The Ai in Fear was one of the best i've come across. Fear 2 is not even close to matching it. In Fear 2 the AI ignored my flashlight, they turn their back on me than ran to hide behind a post then behind a cabinate all without taking a shot at me. The AI are so slow to react there was no way i could complete Fear without slow mo but Fear 2 is a breeze it feels like i'm fighting the combine they are so thick. So yes vary the levals as much as you want but unless they can make the action at least the same as the first it's not worth it. I will buy it but not till it's right at the bottom of the bargin bin or they relase a patch to make it play like a PC FPS. Right now its not worth it, i'm sure it's a decent game but there are alot better out there. Fear 2 is a game that can't decide what it wants to be and as such fails in each department.