New site design

I really, really like the new profiles. Receiving those friend requests and getting messages makes me feel all warm and sticky.

Hang on, just shit myself.
I liked the old design better. Was unique and gave the site character. Why fix something that's not broken?

Seconded. I like the odd change or added feature, but this massive design overhall just... sucks. Alright, the new orange colour scheme looks pretty cool, but everything else about the design just looks way worse than the old one.

I've got nothing against the new features and updated vBullitin, though. In fact, just give me back my old tan theme, and I'll shut up. Probably.

EDIT: ohshit, I thought this was the colour scheme thread. OK, er... I vote banner rotation. *leaves*
I am contributing a banner soon :)
I'll think I'll make a number of banners to fit the rotation :)
Can't remember if I said it already, but the blue skin is a G O D S E N D.
Yay! These
icons are back!
Wtf they're morphing back and forth!!>:/
The new 'new posts/threads' icons are looking bitchin'
You farkin' love it really ;) Digi has put some new icons together for the design, slowly bringing the touch on vbulletin back!
Haven't been here in a while, but I must say, loving the design.
It's looking better now we've got the old symbols and buttons back. Those new ones had that white border that made me cry. The new icons on the index page looking pimped too.
Where did you think the staff share their naked pictures of various forum members?
Banner = fail

what is being done? (said in the most polite way)

In the most polite way, also, what is being done?

I know you're busy, with your threads about me and that, but...

Just wanting an update.
If we did things in an efficient and punctual manner, would we be The answer is no.
So the first thing Munro is doing is some ridiculous coding so that we can send specially designed e-cards to people on our friends list?
Because the site is hosted on Valve web servers we are running on 'Valve Time'.