Overwatch Voice List


Sep 18, 2006
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It's fair to say that I have a very strange and unhealthy minor obsession with the Overwatch PA system. It's cryptic messages and hints of combine doctrine really interest me. I tried to find some quotes on the internet, yet could not find anything.

In the end I used GCFScape to listen to the files myself and ended up making a list of all the Overwatch PA lines. I realise that most have you have done this already, but thought that it would be interesting to look over them anyway.

City 17

"Attention ground units, anticitizen reported in this community. Code; lock, cotterize, stabilize."
"You are charged with...anti-civil activity level one. Protection unit prosecution code; duty, sword, operate."
"Protection team alert, evidence of anticivil activity in this community. Code; assemble, plan, contain."
"Individual, you are charged with capital malcompliance. Anti-citizen status approved."
"Individual, you are now charged with socio-endangerment level five, cease evasion immediately. Receive your ?oject?"
"Individual, you are convicted of multi-anticivil violations. Implicit citizenship revoked. Status; malignant."
"Attention please. Unidentified person of interest confirm your civil status with local protection team immediately."
"Attention please. Evasion behaviour consistent with now compliant defendant. Ground protection team alert. Code; isolate, expose, administer."
"Citizen reminder, inaction is conspiracy report counter behaviour to a civil protection team immediately."
"Alert community ground protection units, local unrest structure detected. Assemble, administer, pacify."
"Attention protection team, status evasion in progress in this community. Respond, isolate, enquire."
"Attention all ground protection teams, autonomous judgment is now in effect. Sentencing is now discretionary. Code; amputate, zero, confirm."
"Attention all ground protection teams, judgment waiver now in effect. Capital prosecution is discretionary."
"Attention occupants, your block is now charged with permissive inactive cohesion. Five ration units deducted."
"Individual, you are charged with socio-endangerment level one. Protection units prosecution code; duty, sword, midnight."
"Citizen notice, priority identification check in progress. Please assemble in your designated inspection positions."
"Attention please. All citizens in local residential block, assume your inspection positions."
"Attention resident, miscount detected in your block. Co-operation with your Civil Protection team permit full ration reward."
"Attention resident, this block contains potential civil infection. Inform, co-operate, assemble."
"Citizen notice. Failure to co-operate will result in permanent off-world relocation."
"Attention community. Unrest procedure code is now in effect. Inoculate, shield, pacify. Code; pressure, sword, sterilize."

Nova Prospekt

"Overwatch acknowledges critical exogen breach. Airwatch augmentation for dispatched and inbound. Hold for reinforcement."
"Alert. Contact status zero with land-sea intercept team. Possible anticitizen one re-infection. All Nova Prospekt stabilization delegates move to hard point."
"Nova Prospekt stabilization force directive two, engage reserve. Contain exogen incursion."
"Contact lost in block B2. Deploy, reinforce, intercept in central block B4."
"Attention Nova Prospekt internal containment team. De-service all political conscripts in block A7. Prohibit external contact."
"Warning, surveillance and detection systems inactive. Remaining stabilization teams members report containment status please."
"Contact has moved to block B8. Warning, sterilizers and containment field maybe compromised. Airwatch augmentation force six eight, drop and converge immediately."
"Priority alert. Nova Prospekt exogen breach. Perimeter communication status zero. Internal stabilization team deploy sterilizers in suspected infection blocks; A5, A7, B2."
"Incursion warning. Airwatch reports probable anticitizen Freeman reacquired zone Nova Prospekt. Ground units deprioritize exogen containment. Hold for override code."
"Warning, malignant viral interface bypass detected. Polyphasic core reprogramming detected. Sterilizers and containment fields maybe compromised."
"Attention ground units. Mission failure will result in permanent off-world assignment. Code reminder; sacrifice, coagulate, clamp."
"Alert. Non-standard exogen activity detected. Execute containment procedure and report."
"Priority warning. Outland stabilization force six Nova Prospekt. Perimeter restrictors disengaged. Priority warning, perimeter restrictors disengaged."
"Priority warning, perimeter restrictors disengaged. All stabilization delegates move to incursion hard point immediately."


"Priority warning. Ten seconds to singularity."
"Priority warning. Fifteen seconds to singularity."
"Warning. One minute to singularity."
"Warning. Two minutes to singularity."
"Priority warning. Thirty seconds to singularity."
"Priority warning. Forty five seconds to singularity."
"Warning. Three minutes to singularity."
"Security alert. Unregistered weapons detected. Confiscation field engaged."
"Warning. Counter-resonant singularity device detected. Confiscation field failure."
"Security alert. Illegal counter-resonant singularity device detected. Deploy, diagnose, dissect."
"Attention. Transport singularity interlock sequence engaged."

Does anyone know what "Airwatch" is? I thought it was particularly interesting the codes that were used, sword, midnight, clamp, etc.

Anyhows, hope some of you find this as interesting as I do.
Seeing how the term "Airwatch augmentation forces" coincide with the apperance of gunships I'm gonna bet it means gunships ;)

Also, this list kicks ass. Thankyou.
I always liked it how the Combine call their turrets sterilizers.
Very good work. Interesting how it shows the levels granted in severity has the more combine you kill upgrading you to 'anti-citizen' status for immediate removal. They all say citizen, except in NP, where she actually says Freeman- meaning they know who you are after a while. Mossman's doing i bet ;)
I like this line:"inaction is conspiracy"
Great job with the list!
They all say citizen, except in NP, where she actually says Freeman- meaning they know who you are after a while. Mossman's doing i bet ;)

Emphasis mine.

Actually NP is the only place where you hear a male Overwatch commander voice. I can't recall which lines those are (though I think the Freeman one is female), but there's definitely a male voice in it, too. Before you enter NP, in one of those, uh, bunkers/pillboxes, you can hear a male Overwatch commander talk.
I had a look thought the Overwatch City voice files and couldn't find any male voices...There are Overwatch Radio voice files, maybe that's what you heard Solver?

I always liked it how the Combine call their turrets sterilizers.

I love the emphasis on medical terminology in all of the PA voice overs, "stabilization teams", "stabilization delegates", "Code; amputate"...It's as if the Combine interpret their entire empire/society as a living, breathing being, treating it when things go wrong (from their perspective).
"assemble, plan, contain."
APC or litteraly get over here, figure out what to do and stop this rebel?
I had a look thought the Overwatch City voice files and couldn't find any male voices...There are Overwatch Radio voice files, maybe that's what you heard Solver?

It's over a radio, not a loudspeaker announcement, but not that radio when you hear the soldiers die/talk.
I just love the atmosphere generated by the metrocops rough electronic voices coupled with the PA's vaguely female human but still electronic voice.
Great list...fun reading those, then remembering what you were doing at the time...

*Dream sequence of throwing cans at the police....*
Can you get the Combine Radio chatter as well?

This list is brilliant thanks a lot for it! Fun memories, as CyberPitz said.
I actually got the files a few months ago myself. The PA annoucements were one of the reasons that I loved HL2 so much. That along with the usual combine radio chatter.
As I remember, the Combine radio chatter is synthesised much like HL's grunts' speech was - from single words, so it's hard to make a list of texts at the moment, unless somebody knows where the speech strings file lies. (In Mordor? ;))
Nice list, i love the pa system too its cool, the way the voive speaks, sounds robotic
Not all of it is single worded, a majority of common things heard on the Combine Radio are one bigger file.
Which it'd be nice to have a looksie at.
Great stuff, nice job.

I love the emphasis on medical terminology in all of the PA voice overs, "stabilization teams", "stabilization delegates", "Code; amputate"...It's as if the Combine interpret their entire empire/society as a living, breathing being, treating it when things go wrong (from their perspective).

I noticed that too. Especially in the first one, "Attention ground units, anticitizen reported in this community. Code: lock, cauterize, stabilize." At first I assumed they might've been talking about the anticitizen him/herself, but the alert is referring to the community sector. Lock it down, cauterize it (cut it off from everything else and seal it), then make sure the job's done.
"Newspeak", yeah. Sorry to sound cynical, but it sounds like good old propaganda to me!

Regarding the Overwatch radio communications, I listened to all of them and have a nice little list. If you want me to post the findings, just say. The majority of them are nothing, single words, some with a medical theme. Some have some interesting tit bits though...

If anyone wants them posted (or pm'd to save up bandwith, if preferable) let me know.
Newspeak = propaganda, read George Orwell's 1984. It's pretty much the basis for Earth as it exists in the HL Universe.
Ah, 1984...Yes, have it on my shelf, never got round to reading it. Thanks for clearing that up for me Jintor.
No worries, although it was tempting to let loose an outburst of sarcasm. Can we have the Overwatch Radio Chatter, please? ^ ^
I, too, am obsessed with the overwatch system. The medical allusions are so cool.
Looks more like you two obsessed with posting in old threads.
Attention posters, anticitizen reported in this community. Code; lock, cotterize, stabilize. ;)
Actually, I'm really kinda glad this one was bumped. I've searched for it but always turn up empty handed.
What does the dispatcher say in Episode One and Episode Two? Plus the radio dispatcher herd in the metrocop radio too.
Actually I too am glad this was bumped because I have been meaning to bring up a point ; is it me or do the nova prospekt guards sound more human? I mean , their voices seem less mechanical than other combine forces.
It's same. Nova Prospekt uniform is just a skin for original Combine Soldier.
I know the generic speech is the same as a soldiers but the scripted speech definatly sounds more clear. A good place to hear this is after you enter the prison and go into the first security booth and through the hole in the wall , as soon as you drop into the next security booth you can hear a guard saying something about a perimeter breach. It sounds as though it has less static.

Edit : http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=xiqKNvBy_Oc
It's fair to say that I have a very strange and unhealthy minor obsession with the Overwatch PA system. It's cryptic messages and hints of combine doctrine really interest me. I tried to find some quotes on the internet, yet could not find anything.

In the end I used GCFScape to listen to the files myself and ended up making a list of all the Overwatch PA lines. I realise that most have you have done this already, but thought that it would be interesting to look over them anyway.

City 17

"Attention ground units, anticitizen reported in this community. Code; lock, cotterize, stabilize."
"You are charged with...anti-civil activity level one. Protection unit prosecution code; duty, sword, operate."
"Protection team alert, evidence of anticivil activity in this community. Code; assemble, plan, contain."
"Individual, you are charged with capital malcompliance. Anti-citizen status approved."
"Individual, you are now charged with socio-endangerment level five, cease evasion immediately. Receive your ?oject?"
"Individual, you are convicted of multi-anticivil violations. Implicit citizenship revoked. Status; malignant."
"Attention please. Unidentified person of interest confirm your civil status with local protection team immediately."
"Attention please. Evasion behaviour consistent with now compliant defendant. Ground protection team alert. Code; isolate, expose, administer."
"Citizen reminder, inaction is conspiracy report counter behaviour to a civil protection team immediately."
"Alert community ground protection units, local unrest structure detected. Assemble, administer, pacify."
"Attention protection team, status evasion in progress in this community. Respond, isolate, enquire."
"Attention all ground protection teams, autonomous judgment is now in effect. Sentencing is now discretionary. Code; amputate, zero, confirm."
"Attention all ground protection teams, judgment waiver now in effect. Capital prosecution is discretionary."
"Attention occupants, your block is now charged with permissive inactive cohesion. Five ration units deducted."
"Individual, you are charged with socio-endangerment level one. Protection units prosecution code; duty, sword, midnight."
"Citizen notice, priority identification check in progress. Please assemble in your designated inspection positions."
"Attention please. All citizens in local residential block, assume your inspection positions."
"Attention resident, miscount detected in your block. Co-operation with your Civil Protection team permit full ration reward."
"Attention resident, this block contains potential civil infection. Inform, co-operate, assemble."
"Citizen notice. Failure to co-operate will result in permanent off-world relocation."
"Attention community. Unrest procedure code is now in effect. Inoculate, shield, pacify. Code; pressure, sword, sterilize."

Nova Prospekt

"Overwatch acknowledges critical exogen breach. Airwatch augmentation for dispatched and inbound. Hold for reinforcement."
"Alert. Contact status zero with land-sea intercept team. Possible anticitizen one re-infection. All Nova Prospekt stabilization delegates move to hard point."
"Nova Prospekt stabilization force directive two, engage reserve. Contain exogen incursion."
"Contact lost in block B2. Deploy, reinforce, intercept in central block B4."
"Attention Nova Prospekt internal containment team. De-service all political conscripts in block A7. Prohibit external contact."
"Warning, surveillance and detection systems inactive. Remaining stabilization teams members report containment status please."
"Contact has moved to block B8. Warning, sterilizers and containment field maybe compromised. Airwatch augmentation force six eight, drop and converge immediately."
"Priority alert. Nova Prospekt exogen breach. Perimeter communication status zero. Internal stabilization team deploy sterilizers in suspected infection blocks; A5, A7, B2."
"Incursion warning. Airwatch reports probable anticitizen Freeman reacquired zone Nova Prospekt. Ground units deprioritize exogen containment. Hold for override code."
"Warning, malignant viral interface bypass detected. Polyphasic core reprogramming detected. Sterilizers and containment fields maybe compromised."
"Attention ground units. Mission failure will result in permanent off-world assignment. Code reminder; sacrifice, coagulate, clamp."
"Alert. Non-standard exogen activity detected. Execute containment procedure and report."
"Priority warning. Outland stabilization force six Nova Prospekt. Perimeter restrictors disengaged. Priority warning, perimeter restrictors disengaged."
"Priority warning, perimeter restrictors disengaged. All stabilization delegates move to incursion hard point immediately."


"Priority warning. Ten seconds to singularity."
"Priority warning. Fifteen seconds to singularity."
"Warning. One minute to singularity."
"Warning. Two minutes to singularity."
"Priority warning. Thirty seconds to singularity."
"Priority warning. Forty five seconds to singularity."
"Warning. Three minutes to singularity."
"Security alert. Unregistered weapons detected. Confiscation field engaged."
"Warning. Counter-resonant singularity device detected. Confiscation field failure."
"Security alert. Illegal counter-resonant singularity device detected. Deploy, diagnose, dissect."
"Attention. Transport singularity interlock sequence engaged."

Does anyone know what "Airwatch" is? I thought it was particularly interesting the codes that were used, sword, midnight, clamp, etc.

Anyhows, hope some of you find this as interesting as I do.

Do you think you could make a list of the voice from E1 & E2?