Rate the last food you eated

You should have tasted some of the bombay naan we had! I was f***ing hot! It had chillies in it! It nearly set my mouth on fire!
That reminds me, I had habanero doritos a week or so ago, and it was possibly one of the most delicious things I have had in my mouth.
That reminds me, I had habanero doritos a week or so ago, and it was possibly one of the most delicious things I have had in my mouth.
So, what, you're just going to pretend last night never happened?

We're through.
More like YOU and I are through.

...through of getting no service our our cell phone while roaming in the jungle.

Homemade Shrimp Penne Alfredo
microwaved chicken burger - 5/10

Quick and easy. If only it tasted better.
Jamaican black pepper shrimp from the Cheesecake Factory. Yummmm...

.. I haven't had breakfast or lunch.
Cheese stringers - 6/10

It's cheese (which is a good thing) with a gimmick (which is a bad thing).
Cheese stringers - 6/10

It's cheese (which is a good thing) with a gimmick (which is a bad thing).

I used to like to peel three sides down around where I was grasping one of those, and pretend I was eating a cheese banana.
Cheese stringers - 6/10

It's cheese (which is a good thing) with a gimmick (which is a bad thing).

Cheese stringers? That's String Cheese right? I've always loved string cheese. As a kid I would adore peeling and eating them.
Pepperoni Chicago Town pizza and curly fries - 10/10. Mmmmmm, pizza and curly fries!!!! I also plan to have some Ben and Jerry's Cookie Dough ice cream later on.
Panda Express's Orange Chicken with White Rice
General Tsos Chicken - 10/10

This is the best food. I will fight you to the death to prove it.
For dinner I made:
Grilled chicken marinated in vinaigrette salad dressing, a small boiled potato, and broccoli.
7/10. Not bad.

But now I'm hungry again and running out of vegetables. Bleh.
Double Chocolate Cheesecake


I don't see how it could have been better unless it was made that day in a fancy restaurant.
Pizza Hut's meaty marinara tuscani pasta with breadstick and 2 boneless honey barbeque wings.

diet slippage/10

but totally worth it.
Club Submarino from Fazoli's and a slice of okay pizza.


And when I went to get a haircut, I took a shower afterwards, then I found my new puppy eating it when I came back to my room. So I punted him down the stairs and nursed my sandwitch back to health. I then ate the rest of the sandwitch, because DAMNED IF I'M GONNA BE BEATEN BY A ****ING DOG!!!!

I used to only dislike puppies. Now I hate them. Whenever they do something wrong, they sit there and be cute, which just infuriates me! I HATE IT! I hate puppies! Why can't Ma just be content with our one, idiot dog that I DO like!? No, we have to get my LEAST favorite animal. Puppies = must be devoured.
Giant slab of pork Mediterranean fried potatoes - Imadethemmyself/10


spicy tuna pasta - 9/10 I think I added a little too much spice!
well the only thing I've had to eat all day is a Red Bull...does that count as food?
Strawberry croissant from the local bakery: omnomnom/10

A piece of stale bread with homous.... 10/10

I was very hungry.
Hamburger and two hot dogs

Poached eggs w/ 2 pieces of toasted white bread with butter and bacon.

Love poached eggs. Mmm.
Mmm, Spicy Tuna. Yum.

Hahaha, that was the first thing I thought of as well.

Anyway, the last thing I ate was a Steak Super-Burrito with rice, beans, cheese, sour cream, guacamole, and pico de gallo, from the mexican place a few blocks away. It's pretty much my favorite food ever, so I'd give it an OMFGFOODGASM/10.