Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Dark City - 5/10

I had heard great reviews about this but it was a mess. The last 15 minutes were decent, but some parts of it are just laughable and the acting is like a TV-movie, especially the lead character.
Things we lost in the fire, 6/10. David Duchovny dies! A bit overly melodramatic I thought.
Dark City - 5/10

I had heard great reviews about this but it was a mess. The last 15 minutes were decent, but some parts of it are just laughable and the acting is like a TV-movie, especially the lead character.

I would give it an 8/10 here. Some of the ideas were corny but I think they pulled it off pretty well. Sort of reminded me of The Matrix.
Cloverfield - 7/10

Good suspense. Blair Witch (camera started to annoy me) meets Children Of Men meets Godzilla.

Felt like they shot past some of the important parts too quick, but then again it also added to the sense of complete chaos, however understanding whats going on I think is hugely important in a film...got confused a few times as to what was happening.

Good film though.
Shoot 'Em Up

This movie was ridiculous. Ridiculously awesome.
I watch a lot of movies in a day:

28 Days Later- 10/10: It's my favorite movie and I watch it once a month.

Juno- 9/10- I thought it was pretty good, I wanted to strangle the main characer in the beggining, but slowly became attached to her story.

Cloverfield- 9/10- All amazing except for the ending, it didn't feel like it had enough closure (I did like the last Coney island scene that showed the monsters origin at the end tho- i love how they just sorta slipped it in there, barley noticable)
I want to see it so bad.. I can't wait until it comes on Pay-per-view!

Shoot 'em up, that is.
American Beauty - 8/10

Good watch, great insight into today's lifestyles. Amazing ending.
Cloverfield - 9.3/10

You dont get to learn too much about the characters before the SHTF, and sometimes the shaky cam made it hard to see certain things, but, then again, that is JJ Abrams' style...
Cloverfield - 7.5/10 - I don't know, it was pretty damn intense and on the front of your seat exciting/tense at times, but I do think it needed time to slow down and have time to get to know the characters a bit better. Especially because of the ending and various other scenes which really needed some more development between characters to make that punch to the gut impact. Still... it was innovative, the monster was nicely designed and there was enough explosions to fulfill my cravings.
Journal d'un cur? de campagne 10/10

I never get tired of this movie. It was bare, and that was what made it so damn brilliant. Kudos to Robert Bresson, and Claude Laydu you sexy thing.
Alien vs Predator 2 - 4/10 - Bad character development, shit script, stupid one-liners like "People are dieing ... we need guns !", stupid tard director, awful cast ... I felt dirty after watching it and wanted to cry under a cold shower trying to wash of the disappointment.

If you like Alien, dont watch it.

Shoot Em Up - 7/10

The best worst movie I have ever seen.
Cloverfield - 9.6/10

Awesome. I loved the whole entire 1st person POV.

But wtf withstands a barrage of MOAB (Mother of All Bombs - 11ton yield)?

And the crabs were scarier than the real thing.
HitMan - 8/10

I`ve read the reviews of this but I enjoyed it.

Olyphant played 47 perfectly I felt, and the love side story didn`t detract at all as it was told to by the critics.
Monsters Inc - 10/10

Imo by far the funniest animated film ever, laughed loads. Unless im just still a kid on the inside...

Followed by Surf's Up...
Cloverfield - 7/10
Great special effects but couldn't help but feel let down afterwards.
The Bucket List.

Very good movie. Morgan Freeman and Jack Nichoulsan (sp?) did excellent together. The run down is these two guys are diagnosed with cancer and dont have very long to live. So they create a "Bucket List" of things they want to do before they die.

10/10. I loved it. Makes you appreciate the time you have.
The Mist


Awesome. The ending really made me speechless. I absolutely loved it. But the CG was... a bit meh

Of course, the lack of information contributes towards the entire atmosphere, but I would have liked to see the news or something.

Oh, and when the fundamentalist lady took out the bible everybody started laughing because we see that all the time. :D
I, Robot - dontknow/10

I cant really rate it for some reason, the action was good, and it was a somewhat nice, original plot and idea, nice special effects etc, but I dont know, there is something about it makes me turn the other way.
I Am Legend - 8/10

Thought Will's acting was superb and felt sorry for him and dog, but the ending, although powerful, was dodgey.

I mean a grenade and picture of his family in the draw next to him, convientantly, not to mention one grenade could not destroy a room that big, and Anna and Nathan in that tiny cupboard RIGHT behind him, comes out unscatched. I dont think so.
Rambo - John Motherf*cking Rambo/10

If you love Rambo, this is a damn fine, kickass movie. And I love Rambo. So, I can't wait to see this again tonight.
Sweeny Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street - 8/10
Great film. Depp and whoever play Loveit are brilliant and details as small as their facial expressions make some of the scenes. Best damn musical film about a barber who makes people into pies ever. The only bad thing I have to say about it is the crap and predictable plot twist at the end.
Cloverfield 7.5/10

Better than I imagined, but the toned down language was a distraction, not that I was wanting a ****fest, but something to break up the endless 'OMG, OMG,OMG!!!' wouldn't of gone amiss.
The Mist


Awesome. The ending really made me speechless. I absolutely loved it. But the CG was... a bit meh

Of course, the lack of information contributes towards the entire atmosphere, but I would have liked to see the news or something.

Oh, and when the fundamentalist lady took out the bible everybody started laughing because we see that all the time. :D

Have to agree, it was one of the most moving and 'omg' endings ive ever seen.
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