The Office : US

I think Michael contacted the temp agency through Corporate, and he told Corporate he'd pay them a lot of money to bring him back. Or something like that.

Also I think Dwight was one of the ones gaining weight. When Angela stood him up at the storage room, you could see his gut hanging out over his belt line.

[edit] I also realised that I have an emotional connection to this show. When Pam's school friend was warming up to her and making her laugh, I was thinking "f*ck off, she's with Jim, they still need to get engaged!"



The third thing.

I missed the beginning because of Tivo but just saw it online, lolriffic actually.
Man, this season is sucking. Who the **** is writing these scripts? The episodes just end in really awkward ways that make you surprised when you see the next show come on already. None of them really had a plot that was seen from start to finish.
I don't think they suck, but they are starting to become oddly depressing.
Which is what the Office should do, I feel.

At least the British one.
How awesome was the Joker part in the last episode? I'm so glad they mocked that.
I also agree that this season kinda sucks. There aren't enough laughs and now its way more about their personal whatnots than office goings on.
They feel a little off, but they're still enjoyable.
How awesome was the Joker part in the last episode? I'm so glad they mocked that.

Man, if they need another Joker for the next batman movie, Creed could do an even better job than Heath Ledger.
This was hilarious.



Great Jim messing with Dwight action, and yet also their pseudo-cooperation and Jim actually being impressed with Dwight, which is nice to see.

How many shoes do you need?
I don't know, two, maybe three, in case one wears out? How many shoes do you need?
Eh, last nights episode felt kinda contrived.

Okay, at the end when Michael is talking to what's her face, the Indian girl, was he suggesting that he was going to make her come over to his place so she doesn't get fired?

That's what I got from the whole guacamole thing lol..
He was telling her that he could relate to her problem of having trouble getting people to come to parties.
This was hilarious.



Great Jim messing with Dwight action, and yet also their pseudo-cooperation and Jim actually being impressed with Dwight, which is nice to see.

How many shoes do you need?
I don't know, two, maybe three, in case one wears out? How many shoes do you need?

Oh god, that entire bit was hilarious, it took me a full minute to stop laughing. The earlier seasons of the Office always had it right with the Dwight/Jim mess with each other stuff, hopefully they can keep this up.
I like the rare situations when Michael actually does his job like he's supposed to. Like the episode where Stanley had flipped out at him and he talked to him later like "Hey, you can't talk to me like that". It's nice to, on occasion, see him as not a retard.

Plus the Jim/Dwight stuff was gold.

I'm getting annoyed by the constant strain on the Jim/Pam relationship.
Yeah, the last episode was great. I missed it thursday, so I downloaded it and watched it on my mp3 player at work. I didnt think it would be so funny that I would actually laugh out loud so many times and blow my cover. Thankfully nobody seemed to care that I was watching tv while working.
Was there an episode on last night? I got home too late to see it, and I went to to watch it. It lists a new episode there, but when you select it to play, it just plays the episode before it.

EDIT: Oops, nevermind. I should learn to read titles. Its the last episode, but the "Directors cut" version.
Doesn't look like it. Stupid Thanksgiving getting in the way of my TV shows.