Your worst injury.


Feb 9, 2008
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I'm in the mood for gruesome stories, so what's your worst injury?

Mine will have to be when a glass fell on the floor beside my foot and a shard went right through my foot, almost severing two toes. I got stitches and I have a scar going around from my tarsal area to under my feet.
I've got nothing major to brag about, when I was around ten I strained my ankle for jumping 5 meters and missing a jump coushin. Either that or the scar I got for getting a board shoved in my face about roughly a year ago. Lots of blood.
Once I accidentally shot myself with a BB gun.


I have nothing else.
I haven't really had any super bad injuries (knock on wood), but I guess the worst I've had so far is that two summers ago I was trying to do some bike tricks like a tard and wiped out on an unpaved road - scraped all the skin on my knee, down to the bone. It took a couple months for the skin to finally grow back, and I was near impossible to walk for a few days. Tons of blood, but it didn't really hurt too bad at first. It was worse once the nerves started to grow back (I still ger goofy nerve pain in that knee occasionally).

Other than that, I can't really say I've had anything too bad.
(My body produced an antibody upon encountering the venom for the first time, and now if I'm stung again the antibody will bind to the antigen in the venom and then I'll get a rush of histamine and that is what we call anaphylaxis and -

You stopped right at the clincher :frown:
i have a big scar on my right arm - broke it when i was 4 or something (used to climb windows, or something)
Not my worst, but defenetly most painful.

I fell from a 1 story roof, and landed on part of a drain pipe sticking out. Right on the nuts. Yeah that hurt.
She was milking Hornet Venom.
Probably because it's more of an event that warrants discussion, but it seems only people who are allergic are stung.

Perhaps it is because I'm not afraid of them, they won't sting me if I don't bother them. In fact, if you become alerted by their presence and show that you aren't afraid of them, they will bugger off.

Spiders can hear your heartbeat from across a room, and dogs can sense fear, so perhaps it's not far fetched to think that they can sense fear. Food for thought.
I was playing soccer and a player from the other team tryed to punt the ball from under me, but instead kicked my kneecap with full force, breaking it.
I was on the trampoline and tried to change my mind half way through a somersault. Thing is my legs and lower back kept trying to go on clockwise while mu upper body tried to move back anti-clockwise.
Agonising spinal pain for a few days.
Broke Wrist in middle school, and I also cut my arm and chest with glass when I ran through a glass door when I was 10. also I cut my head open twice as a kid because i was fukin wild
I have been completely obliterated by the fury of the universe.
****ed to death by a horse


having the same finger slammed in various doors 5 times in a week
You should hook up some sort of hydraulic tubing pumps to the cavities in your hands that swell up when you are stung, then attach to that some sort of small hornet cages, and have a kind of array that will agitate and place said hornets on your wrists at the exact same time. Then you just have to program your hornet array to activate to some badass voice command, like, "PUS JETS, ON!", and you have some awesome wrist mounted pus shooters.
Hornets are dicks. I was just walking up the stairs, minding my own business, and POW. What a dick.

And pretty much everyone else in this house got stung too, since there was a nest under the stairs.
He was defending the nest.

Lucky you didn't accidentally knock down the nest or something. FFFUUUUUUUU-
I fell down some stairs when I was a kid. Split my head open and was rushed to the hospital. I also had a spike from a garden tool go right through my knee...Doctors said I would walk again, the morons.
I was about 11 maybe 12. It happened in Malaysia at school during DT (Design Technology; making stuff out of wood or plastic etc).

Anyway, the stanley/modelling knife beat me.

I still dont consider it my fault...kind of. Someone asked me for the knife, so I handed it to them handle first (so the blade was facing me in my hand) and unbeknowns to me, some of the blade was still poking out of the handle. So this kid grabs the knife and YANKS it out of my hand.

Because the cut was so deep and clean, I didnt feel it. I walked off and a girl screamed. I turned around, saw the shock on everyone's face and had the teacher running over to me. I look down and there's this movie-style trail of blood behind me, and my hand is pretty much soaked and dripping with blood.

Right then the pain kicked in. Rushed to hospital in an ambulance, my mum is waiting for me at the hospital and goes in with me (dad is at work).

They clean me up as best they could. The cut went so deep apparently that it almost hit bone, and came extremely close to severing some of the nerves so I could've lost all feeling.

The cut itself runs (im scarred for life) at a 45 degree angle across the top of my ring finger (halfway between the tip and the first join or whatever you want to call it) and then runs half way across my middle finger at an almost horizontal line, forming a kind of curved line across the two fingers if I close my fingers together. Both on the palm side of my right hand.

Now you probably read this thinking 'so?'. Well, if youve had the injections I had to get the stitches, youd know some serious pain.

What they had to do was inject DOWN, into the base of my ring and middle fingers, thats down into the webbing angled toward the knuckles. Ive never felt pain that bad in my life to this day. Ive never screamed and cried so much either. They had to do one injection either side of my fingers. That was 4 injections of the most intense, buring pain ive ever felt. I almost passed out apparently.

So yeah. Dont pass people knives by the handle I say.


Suck it, bitches. :smoking:


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Dislocating my knee playing basketball. My left kneecap was literally on the side of my knee. I went to the hospital and had to endure/watch the doctor push furiously to try and get it to pop back into place.

Heres a pic for anyone that cares/dares to click. Warning: might unease some people.
Busted my head open when I was 6 and cracked mah skull. Lost a lot of blood. Gash about and inch or 2 deep. Pretty wide too.
My worst injury is from my sophomore year in highschool. I was skateboarding in the neighborhood. There was a spiral-ish hill. I went down the hill, got alot of speed and at the worst moment, a car pulled up on the other side of the road coming right towards me. I jumped off the board but I couldn't keep up with my feet and ended up slamming into the curb. It literally ripped off my elbow skin. Now it's scar tissue. I remember having to walk home a mile or so while blood was just dripping everywhere. Also, it sucked trying to make any arm movements for about three weeks. :/
I dunno. I'd say my worst injuries are my completely deteriorating hands.
My worst injury is from my sophomore year in highschool. I was skateboarding in the neighborhood. There was a spiral-ish hill. I went down the hill, got alot of speed and at the worst moment, a car pulled up on the other side of the road coming right towards me. I jumped off the board but I couldn't keep up with my feet and ended up slamming into the curb. It literally ripped off my elbow skin. Now it's scar tissue. I remember having to walk home a mile or so while blood was just dripping everywhere. Also, it sucked trying to make any arm movements for about three weeks. :/

The car didn't stop to see if you were okay?
Looks like it might be Maestro vs RepiV!
The car didn't stop to see if you were okay?

No, what happened was, the car and my crash was at a four way (I was on one side and the car was on the other) and instead of coming straight like I thought the car would, it turned right. I just laid there for a minute or so trying to think about what had just happened. The whole thing happened so fast that I was knocked silly.

But no, the person in the car (I remember the person was a middle aged woman) just kept driving.
Nothing too bad. Broke a wrist, meh.

How about my sciatica? That bitch still hurts.
I once had a brick land on my head and was in a go karting accident about 2 weeks ago.
I broke my big toe a few times, and I've got some heavy bite marks on my dick (No, I'm not joking, sneezing accident, I think you get the picture)
I broke my big toe a few times, and I've got some heavy bite marks on my dick (No, I'm not joking, sneezing accident, I think you get the picture)

Why did you put your dick in your mouth?
I will agree with this. Hornets and Wasps are huge assholes.




It's true, they are very bold and aggressive but they will not sting for no reason.

I guess it was a couple of years ago, we were on the deck and there was a wasp or hornet or something buzzing around my plate of food. I aggressively got the up and tried to get him to go away. I would get him to fly away but then he would come back. Not only was he too close for comfort, obviously, he was interfering with my meal.

I wish I had a comic to go along with this:

So after about 3 warnings but no luck, he started to become emboldened or something. I stepped back to the middle of the deck and he was kinda flying around me to 'claim the food' I guess.

I was pretty angry and pumped up from the ordeal (might have had a couple drinks) so I relaxed my arm straight out and swung as fast as I could. My hand hit him square and it knocked him hard across the deck. He was completely foggy and was having a seizure and I didn't hesitate to step on him.

I gave him several chances, so I didn't feel too bad when I towered over him like a god damn Juggernaut.

I'm not sure about Wasps and Hornets, but I know Killer Bees can communicate over distances and will call reinforcements in the form of hundreds of angry bees, so make sure you finish them off or get the hell out of there if you hurt one, whether on purpose or accidentally.
I was playing soccer and a player from the other team tryed to punt the ball from under me, but instead kicked my kneecap with full force, breaking it.
Football injuries are pretty bad, this one would have put you on crutches a long damn time.

Hot's pathetic penile teeth marks are nothing, Short Recoil has similar marks around his genitals but that is because he once killed a bear with his testicles alone.

Injuries I've sustained? Once I had a twisted sock.
I've had so many serious injuries it's got to be the record, at least on these forums.

And people wonder why I just sit in my room now and never do anything 'fun' anymore. I'm tired of getting ****ed up.
big bloody scrape on right foot from trying to use the brakes on my tricycle but i used my foot instead of the pedal. Didn't hurt at all surprisingly.
Once I had what I thought was an infected bug bite on my knee (it looked like more itchy bumps were coming up around the area), so I went to the nurse, who prescribed some antibiotic pills and cream. I started using the cream and it started itching and burning, which I thought was strange, but burning was listed as a side effect and my stupid friend (who's now in med school...) kept telling me I was a hypochondriac.

So I keep using the cream and it keeps itching and my entire knee got red and swollen. It felt like there were pins pricking it every time I took a step. It was the weekend so the doctor's office at my university wasn't open, but I called the nurse phone line to see what to do. They told me to wait a week.

After a couple of days it was still getting worse so I was like "screw you, nurse line" and went to the walk-in clinic. They told me I was having an allergic reaction to the medication (obviously :|) so I got put on some steroid pills for a couple of weeks. The steroid pills worked on the itching although I still had blood pooling in my knee, so whenever I walked a lot or took a warm shower it would turn purple and bruised-looking (which didn't go away for a couple of months).

Also, it turns out that the doctor had recommended an unusually high dose of steroids and after a couple of weeks, the steroids become addicting/dangerous to get off quick, so I needed to get a prescription to step down my dosage. The nurse thought the swollen part had gotten a little bigger so she made me go see a specialist and wouldn't give me a new prescription.

I go to see the specialist and she looks at it for 5 minutes, says "it's healing properly" and I'm on my way out with a new prescription. And a medical bill of over $100 for FIVE MINUTES of time.

Moral of the story: Don't trust doctors, nurses, specialists, or future med-school students.


There was also this time in high school when I went to a little program at the university for prospective students. Those events always involve ridiculous games. In this one, we had a peppy Elementary School Education major who made us play the game where you stand in a circle and someone says something about themselves and then you run around and try not to be the last person without a spot to sit (kinda like Duck Duck Goose except instead of two people running safely around the outside of the circle, there's 20 people running across the middle of the circle). We didn't have anything to mark the places to sit, so she decided we should take one shoe off, because obviously having 20 people run at each other with half of your feet bare and the other half with shoes on is a GREAT idea...

So this big guy accidentally stomps on my toe and it's feeling pretty painful... and moist. I get back to my room and there's blood in my sock and blood coming out from under my toe nail. It was a 5-day program but I figured it was just bruised so I tried to stick it out. Unfortunately this involved things like walking up and down a hill. Next day, my entire toe is purplish-black.

I try to go to the nurse but it would've cost me $50-$100 to see someone (a common theme around here).

Anyways, it turns out I had a sprain or a strain (the doctor I saw tended to mix up his words so I don't know which). A couple of times since then, my toe has randomly gone numb for a couple of minutes. But at least it wasn't fractured, and my toenail didn't fall off or anything.