Recent content by Pauly

  1. P

    Bioshock demo on Live

    Xbox 360 full version has leaked to the torrent sites o0
  2. P

    Groups push for lowering drinking age

    18 should be the age. All canadian provinces should go to 18 years if Americas decides to. (for some reason I believe just some provinces are 19 because of their neighbor USA having 21 as their age)
  3. P

    Danny (Tourettes guy) DEAD :(

    I'd like to know if they are just trying to kill off the show or if the actor actually died.
  4. P

    Do you think this is just?

    Life imprisonment - no parole Death penalty just makes us stoop down to his level. We should never execute people unless they pose a direct threat to us.
  5. P

    Dorm Life

    randomly assigned, but he gave me his AIM name when i emailed him. so ive talked to him a lil.
  6. P

    Dorm Life

    im movin into a dorm my freshmen year soon too, august 22nd. should be an interesting experience... Did you get in contact with your roommate at all yet?
  7. P

    Phishing vulnerability quiz

  8. P

    Going to Chicago Saturday!

    I know someone who lives in Chicago...
  9. P

    Man arrested for humping American Flag

  10. P

    Yourself in 3rd person

    Its just a common use Snorri Cam... nothing new :\ Slightly different angle bunch of tutorials on how to make ones that hang on your chest on youtube... easy construction
  11. P

    When I have kids and grow old, I want one of these

    lol its worthless, its not like she can download that fast- no service is going to let someone download data from them at 20gbits- or even 10
  12. P

    Sleep and Lucid Dreams

    Sleep paralysis happens EVERY night during your REM cycle. It's an explanation for those people who say they wake up and are being abducted by aliens but can't move. best lucid dreaming website:
  13. P

    Zeitgeist - a wonderful explanation of religion and its history

    I love the editing job he did on the movie. Lol, you call him a lunatic when you can no longer agree with him. you were fine up till part 2. I don't believe everything he says, I just agree to disagree, no point in personally assaulting someone.
  14. P

    Zeitgeist - a wonderful explanation of religion and its history

    :O I think I would be scared shitless if a corrupted US government did it as opposed to Islamic extremists. We can defend against extremists with our superior military defense. But if the US military were the terrorists, then I would be scared.