Hey, at least he won't go hungry anymore. But yea, we really need to have the death penalty for white collar crime.
Probably the wrong place to talk about it, but did you miss the part where he robbed a bank? They probably weren't thinking about how much he made off with when sentencing him. Still disproportionate, but yeah.

Probably the wrong place to talk about it, but did you miss the part where he robbed a bank? They probably weren't thinking about how much he made off with when sentencing him. Still disproportionate, but yeah.

Did you miss the part where he only took a single bill out of three whole stacks that was given to him, saying he was just hungry, and he then turned himself in after feeling bad about it? He shouldn't have gotten away freely for it, but his sentence should have been numbered in months, not years.

Did you miss the part where he only took a single bill out of three whole stacks that was given to him, saying he was just hungry, and he then turned himself in after feeling bad about it? He shouldn't have gotten away freely for it, but his sentence should have been numbered in months, not years.

Numbered in months, not years.



180 is your number!
That sort of thing will never happen again. It looks like it was a... one-off competition.

The deviant art link at the very bottom is a nice touch.

The Japanese at the very bottom that reminds us we're looking at Japan is a nice touch.


I totally skipped by this one, and im so glad I just caught it while scrolling down just now. Thats the funniest thing i have ever seen. I keep looking at it, and i keep laughing. I think this is the first gif ive seen that will never stop being funny to me.


I think he's dead

Where's the video for this? Did the dude really die? I mean, I wouldn't outright deny it. Probably some serious internal damage.


The way he just collapses completely still, no motion whatsoever is troubling.

Not a darwin award candidate in my opinion. It's not that stupid of a thing... it's just something that went wrong in the worst possible way. I just wonder why the video is so short. Can't find any longer versions. Like why stop rolling after such a thing? Makes sense to only have that bit if he got back up and was completely unscathed.


Trying to ride the table like a hover board, except he jumped on it first to make it seem more badass?

What on earth what he trying to do in the first place?

Judging by his speed and the way his legs were, he was trying to jump on top of it(instead of over it). A height challenge thing. He didn't factor in the instability.


I understood nothing of your post Badhat, except the furry image. Of which I wonder if there was another person behind that crude drawing, or whether he posed there kissing nothing.
...near a friend's house in San Francisco, not under construction.