N. Korea nullifies armistice


Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
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"Our revolutionary armed forces ... will regard" South Korea's participation "in the PSI as a declaration of war ..." the North's official news agency said.

Pyongyang also announced it was no longer bound by the 1953 armistice that ended the Korean War.

"The Korean Peninsula is bound to immediately return to a state of war from a legal point of view, and so our revolutionary armed forces will go over to corresponding military actions," North Korea said through its news agency.

Oh well, I've lived long enough, I suppose.

Of course, they might not escalate this to a full-scale war, but more likely border skirmishes or naval battles like in 2002.
Let's hope it doesn't.

To celebrate this potentially disastrous occasion, I'm going to watch J.S.A.
knife to the throat, hit neck armpits or groan, dont forget to check the safety of rifles.
watch out for mines, protect your brothers and sisters, **** school, survive

no cereal, be carefull.

As much as we know you want to, try not to die heroically for the homeland. We'd miss you.

But whatever happens, good luck.
Well, it had to happen. But don't worry, NK will get guts punched out before they reach the border.
I'm telling you, they want to be mercifully invaded.
when Numbers finds himself in times of trouble mother mary comes to him, speaking words of wisdom, let it be, Numbers, let it be, let it be

on the bright side this build up to war will make for some creative headlines

"Nukes over Seoul"

"The crater formerly known as Seoul"

"stinky little charred remains that was once the population of Seoul"

"They incinerated themselves!!! oh shit does that mean my monitor's warenty is no longer valid?
the little fat dude in the jumpsuit speaks the truth

I would like to suggest that Numbers be given the custom title 'Dead Man Walking' D:

If he dies it'll be changed to 'Hero of the Motherland'.
Long live Numbers - hope you don't get drafted after this turns out to be all out war...
Couldn't they just assassinate the nut case or something? Oh wait, everyone is waiting for him to die of old age... :|
Be careful Numbers. As the others have said, don't go trying to die heroically. Don't die period. Flee!
Don't die period. Flee!

That might be a problem. If I remember correctly he is a conscript, which means if war breaks out presence on the battlefield is mandatory.
That video was really interesting, although the part about the woman being killed with a spade was... D:
That might be a problem. If I remember correctly he is a conscript, which means if war breaks out presence on the battlefield is mandatory.

That could be a bit hard to enforce when south korea is a radioactive crater.
I'm doing my culminating project for English on Kim Jong Il. This is good for me because now I get more to write about.

Sucks for everyone else though.
Huh. We just went WATCHCON 2 according to the news, and I think we're at DEFCON 2, but not sure...

Meh, if this war really starts, it'll prolly be over in like 3 ~ 5 months, and I'll be drinking water at the chinese border. :p
I have absolute confidence in the abilities of our military, as well as the US armed forces.

that said, it might suck nevertheless. :p

p.s. In case of shit hitting fan, I <3 you guys. :p
Don't say that!

We love you! You're not going anywhere!
I don't see how this will end nearly as painlessly as you think it will.

Even if it comes to the best, where they've completely raped the North Korean armed forces, what about all those nukes pointed all over the planet?
N.Korea's statements are really quite frightening.
I think China will do everything in its power to stop this from escalating to war. Millions of refugees across the northern border of NK is probably not a welcomed scenario.
Using the ever-so-popular don't invade Iraq approach, let NK do what it wants.
Once thing is for certain, if North Korea uses a nuke, and after it gets blown to shit... no other small country like them with a radical and unstable government trying to obtain nuclear weapons will be permitted by the world. They'd be supremely crushed before they have any chance of starting, due to the desire to not see history repeat itself.

At least, that's what I'd hope.