Someone should have lit a match with all that propellant fume in the air.
lol I remember the Everything is Terrible logo but never saw that video I don't think

nice find!
They're playing the wrong instruments. I'm not sure what playback means but the entire song is lipsynced (and guitar/drum/keyboard synced) so I'm assuming it's that.
Yeah, they were asked to play to a recording, which isn't really their thing so they turned it into a piss take. e.g drummer was 'singing', singer was drumming.
I was unaware that 'to playback' isn't actually an existing verb in English, because it is in Dutch. But yeah, they're playing to a recording. Especially watch the drummer, it's Matthew Bellamy (the singer) playing like a complete retard.
I figured it was something like that, or at least the drummer doing something weird, because of how silly he was being.
oh man that guy would be hired in a heartbeat if I had a radio station of my own
This is a "non-passive failure" of a transformer under the corner of Bleecker St and Leroy St in New York City's West Village, about 10:20 pm on Saturday, January 1, 2011. Emergency crews (Police and Fire) showed up a few minutes later, and they blocked off the streets.

Edit: It isn't 2010 anymore, is it...

Edit 2: The flames were bigger before I could start recording, I was getting to a safer distance. I left when the smoke started getting close to me and called 911 from down the street without the fumes.

Edit 3: Spelling and phrasing.