Franchises you'd like to see successfully rebooted.

Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX.

Weren't the best games... but they had a nice soundtrack and are nostalgia favourites for me.
Time Splitters is the only game series that comes to mind that I'd like to see rebooted.
From my list of Steam games which had cliffhanger endings:
  • Advent Rising
  • SiN: Episodes
  • The Longest Journey

Not to mention the obligatory Beyond Good & Evil.
Descent would be awesome to see. Also the Earth 21xx series.
Descent would be awesome to see. Also the Earth 21xx series.

Eh... Earth 2160 kinda took the series to pooptown. It got way too character driven and lost all the cool "save humanity" aspects of 2150. I don't know a better custom unit RTS out there though.
Shadowrun, and not that POS wannabe Xbox 360 version either, but the old school tabletop RPG Sega Genesis version.

I'd love to see that universe faithfully recreated with current-gen graphics.



One of the best games ever created.
Oh definitely, a new Shadowrun like the Genesis version would be awesome.

Though I'd prefer turn-based combat but no chance that'll happen.:p
Resident Evil (like the GameCube remake of the first)
Freedom Fighters
Hidden and Dangerous (without the bugs)
Operation Flashpoint (ArmA just doesn't cut it for me)
Shift, you are aware that Yu Suzuki said at a conference recently that he believes Sega would let him make Shenmue 3 and that he still is passionate about the idea of making a third game in the series.
Operation Flashpoint (ArmA just doesn't cut it for me)
Have you tried Arma 2 and Operation Arrowhead? You're never going to find a better (and most importantly, faithful) continuation of the series.
Have you tried Operation Flashpoint: Red River?:p

*Just kidding*
Descent, mother****er!!! Glad I wasn't the first one to post this.
Dark Forces goddamnit, but Lucasarts insists on making these shitty Clone Wars games, what the ****!!!
Oh definitely, a new Shadowrun like the Genesis version would be awesome.

Though I'd prefer turn-based combat but no chance that'll happen.:p
Is this the same Shadowrun that had that cross-platform PC/360 multiplayer title a few years back?
Is this the same Shadowrun that had that cross-platform PC/360 multiplayer title a few years back?
You'd best be trollin' nigga. HELL NO! Different dev team, different universe, different gameplay. The cross platform, multiplayer game you're talking about is Shadowrun in name only. It's in no other way the real thing.
My first thought upon reading the thread title was immediately No One Lives Forever.

Some other notable options... Might and Magic (not HOMM, but the actual RPG), Homeworld, Baldur's Gate, and MOTHAFUGGIN DESCENT.

And I mean Descent 4, not another Descent: Freespace game. I'm pleased about the unexpected love for Descent in this thread :D

I would also play a Freelancer 2.
I don't why I didn't think of it before, but I'd like to see a reboot of the Parasite Eve franchise. Sure the story and setting of the old games probably seems a little cheesy now, (that hasn't really changed much anyways tbh) but I still think that series has alot of current-gen potential. Of course, I'd rather see it re-done in more capable hands as Square-Enix (Squaresoft) aren't as great with RPGs as they used to be.
Any of the good 'ol Beat 'em up titles. I don't want just another 2D HD remake but a full fledged 3D reboot ala Fighting Force. Something that really encourages cooperative gameplay. It would let you interact with the entire environment and practically use anything as a weapon. Imagine a third person Mirror's Edge but with a fluid and interactive combat system. You'd be able to pull off all kinds combos with your partner(s) and the environment.

The Specialists or Action Half Life on a new engine. I never understood why projects like that were never turned into retail titles. The Specialists, especially. That mod had a huge modding community of its own. I am surprised that Valve didn't hire them to make a source version of it. Sure, there's games like Max Payne and Stranglehold that employ slow mo and diving etc. but neither one of them pulled off those elements as well as those two Half Life mods. Those games are mainly singleplayer focused.
I'll put in another vote for Blood & Descent.

Blood was really fun; great locations to play through.
For Descent they'd probably have to update gameplay a bit, although it was still pretty fun when I played through a few years ago.

I also kind of miss Age of Empires II, but I know there's no way I'll ever have enough time to play it again. ;(

And.... Battlezone. Man that game was fantastic.

[edit] Should clarify I only ever played Descent I, so maybe they'd already updated the gameplay since then.
Shift, you are aware that Yu Suzuki said at a conference recently that he believes Sega would let him make Shenmue 3 and that he still is passionate about the idea of making a third game in the series.

Well that's fantastic news :D

Have you tried Arma 2 and Operation Arrowhead? You're never going to find a better (and most importantly, faithful) continuation of the series.

I haven't tried Arma 2 and have heard good things about it, will get around to it eventually.
Any of the good 'ol Beat 'em up titles. I don't want just another 2D HD remake but a full fledged 3D reboot ala Fighting Force. Something that really encourages cooperative gameplay. It would let you interact with the entire environment and practically use anything as a weapon. Imagine a third person Mirror's Edge but with a fluid and interactive combat system. You'd be able to pull off all kinds combos with your partner(s) and the environment.
Or a beat-em up using Condemn 2's fighting mechanics would be great too. I had alot of fun with the fight club mini-game after I finished the main story mode. I like the idea of a first-person brawler, but Mirror's Edge was more of a first person platformer based on parkour really. Your were better off running than fighting most of the time.

Also, another vote for Blood. It could be a remake similar to Duke Nukem Forever since both franchises used the same engine back in the old days and had nearly identical gameplay. This is assuming of course DN:F hasn't been nerfed with stupid Gears of War duck-and-shoot tactics.
Any of the good 'ol Beat 'em up titles. I don't want just another 2D HD remake but a full fledged 3D reboot ala Fighting Force. Something that really encourages cooperative gameplay. It would let you interact with the entire environment and practically use anything as a weapon. Imagine a third person Mirror's Edge but with a fluid and interactive combat system. You'd be able to pull off all kinds combos with your partner(s) and the environment.

The Specialists or Action Half Life on a new engine. I never understood why projects like that were never turned into retail titles. The Specialists, especially. That mod had a huge modding community of its own. I am surprised that Valve didn't hire them to make a source version of it. Sure, there's games like Max Payne and Stranglehold that employ slow mo and diving etc. but neither one of them pulled off those elements as well as those two Half Life mods. Those games are mainly singleplayer focused.

Yes and YES. I would love a modern game like Streets of Rage 2 with all the modern visual accoutrement and some more involved / cooperative gameplay.

A modern version of The Specialists would be mindblowing. That mod was perfect in just about every way (except I still lament them patching the super jump out and turning it into a power up) and its graphics and production quality are pretty much unsurpassed by any multiplayer title on the Goldsrc engine, commercial or not. It would be real easy to ruin the gameplay though. Whoever was making design decisions there is a god damned genius. It's really starting to die now (I haven't played heavily in 3-4 years, but I used to play it exclusively long ago). Most of the maps don't get any play anymore, just lobby and a couple other popular ones (like that vacation home w/ pool map, and the construction site) which is a real shame because the mod has great level design throughout with only a couple of exceptions.

I never played anything like TS before or since... that game made you feel like such an insane badass when playing with people below your skill level, and like such an insignificant gnat to people above.
After playing quite a bit of Mortal Kombat and enjoying it thoroughly, I started thinking about other franchises I'd love to see receive proper reboots.

Bushido Blade
Sonic (lol)
Soldier of Fortune
Jedi Knight
Rainbow Six
Ghost Recon

Fingers crossed for:
Tomb Raider, Deus Ex and Max Payne retakes

Anyone highly anticipating a franchise reboot, or have a particular game or game series they'd like to see a proper update for? I'm not talking a facelift or lame sequel or side project - but a successful return to it's origins with enough new content and features to attract new players. A great example would be the new Mortal Kombat, methinks.
I don't know if I am alone here but anything new of Final Fantasy 9 would be great. I am looking at you Squaresoft.
Any of the good 'ol Beat 'em up titles. I don't want just another 2D HD remake but a full fledged 3D reboot ala Fighting Force. Something that really encourages cooperative gameplay. It would let you interact with the entire environment and practically use anything as a weapon. Imagine a third person Mirror's Edge but with a fluid and interactive combat system. You'd be able to pull off all kinds combos with your partner(s) and the environment.

The Specialists or Action Half Life on a new engine. I never understood why projects like that were never turned into retail titles. The Specialists, especially. That mod had a huge modding community of its own. I am surprised that Valve didn't hire them to make a source version of it. Sure, there's games like Max Payne and Stranglehold that employ slow mo and diving etc. but neither one of them pulled off those elements as well as those two Half Life mods. Those games are mainly singleplayer focused.

Have my children.
I don't know if I am alone here but anything new of Final Fantasy 9 would be great. I am looking at you Squaresoft.

agreed. Final Fantasy 8 and 9 switch off as my favorite FF/jRPG games of all time. I'd love to see it. But It won't happen anytime soon - it'd make more sense/money to do FF7 with Advent Children style graphics, and that has yet to be done.

Instead they're sticking to their pseudo sci-fi looking universes and objectively outdated and boring gameplay. Stay classy, SquareEnix.

Pokémon. I want 3D graphics, damnit!

Hell yes! I'd love to see this and shamelessly play it on a console... might make me get a WiiHD even.
Hell yes! I'd love to see this and shamelessly play it on a console... might make me get a WiiHD even.
Yeah, and you need to make a throwing motion with the controller to deploy a pokeball -.-
A wild Gargantou appears.

BHC throws master ball at Gargantou! Gargantou caught. Gargantou has been added to your Pokedex.
I could delete the last 5 posts in this thread, and the overall quality of the thread would go up noticeably. Plus you'd get 15 and 10 points respectively.

That was a hint, by the way.
I could delete the last 5 posts in this thread, and the overall quality of the thread would go up noticeably. Plus you'd get 15 and 10 points respectively.

That was a hint, by the way.

Point taken.

Back on-topic, Crusader: No Remorse/No Regret!

Loved those games so much, and would be awesome with a well-done isometric reboot of them in downloadable form via Steam or such.