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Everything's fine, you didn't see my post and thus remain genuinely entertained by the panty sniffing incident.

So Nathan fell victim to an Infomercial. He bought the ShamWow. You know, the guy with the crooked eyebrows that soaks up puddles of wine and coke at 3am?? Yes. That.
It took like 3 weeks for the dang things to show up. I kept telling him he got snowed for sure. They showed up today. Here he comes, ecstatic and running into the kitchen. The ShamWOW is here!
Oh Boy.
Nathan tries to show me how they work. He is devastated that I didn't say "WOW".
We got double of course, because if you order now, they send twice the amount and if you call in the next 30 minutes you also get the mop.
So I put the thing to the test tonight, thinking it will soak up a whole cup of water like the commercial says.
It Didn't work.
I think we got ripped off. Nathan insists we didn't and that I will love them.
I will keep you updated.




ShamWOW's are the BEST!!!
So I see that Melissa is doubting my B.S. Meter and saying that I got scammed. Well, we will see if she posts the new test pictures of the ShamWOW in action. I was able to soak up an entire cup of water just a few minutes ago. She has still yet to say "WOW", but I know she is thinking it.

Latest update on the Sham WOW! Missy just cut her foot on the baby bed. She asked me for a towel to get the blood. Guess what! The damp ShamWOW seemed to do the job. So every minute I am prooving that my Bullcrapometer is still working perfectly. She will come around! And when she does, I will be there to hug her, and tell her...


So I am still not sold. Nathan informed me I was using the wrong ShamWOW for the water in the glass demo. I should have been using the big orange one. It did soak up the water, but it seems like cheating. The orange sham wow is bigger than the glass. Of course it will soak it up. Kind of like soaking up the contents of a shot glass with a beach towel.
I have been trying out the ShamWOW all weekend and I am still not sold.... I just haven't figured out what makes it so special....



I love random blogs I find on google.

But this one is stupid. Even besides the shamwow thing. This, in specific, pisses me off.

We are currently accepting donations for Nathan's most recent oops- A Cement pole.


You're seriously asking for donations to fix a unimportant thing like this that was caused by your own dumbass self?
If it's relevant and occasional who the **** cares, just as the same with videos in any other thread outside the video dump.
If we start making exceptions now, next thing you know we'll have spammy chains in th.. Oh.
never mind i dont knwo wtf im doin i cant get a pic to appear. cheap whiskey and postin in the image dump never mnix

edit: ok now that im over that, here is a pic
Morbidly obese people are funny. Like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.
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