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it's funny because it's ironical! ...but not the haha kind of funny

dude, you were banned!!! why did you play along with the roulette thingy dont actually think a mod is picking a random number? if it were up to me I'd ban people I found annoying or whatever, regardless if their number is correct or not ..I'd just keep clicking through till I found a losing number "ooooh sorry, you picked the wrong number (after 12 tries with the randomiser)
dude, you were banned!!! why did you play along with the roulette thingy dont actually think a mod is picking a random number? if it were up to me I'd ban people I found annoying or whatever, regardless if their number is correct or not ..I'd just keep clicking through till I found a losing number "ooooh sorry, you picked the wrong number (after 12 tries with the randomiser)

Congratulations! Your post won you free entry into the Roulette game! Pick a number!
dude, you were banned!!! why did you play along with the roulette thingy dont actually think a mod is picking a random number? if it were up to me I'd ban people I found annoying or whatever, regardless if their number is correct or not ..I'd just keep clicking through till I found a losing number "ooooh sorry, you picked the wrong number (after 12 tries with the randomiser)

hey, man, don't talk like that about my bestest friend
Isn't Russian roulette supposed to be played with one bullet in one of the 6 chambers, hence giving you a
chance of 5/6 to win. This is the opposite and with a very harsh penalty compared to the prize.
You have to be a ****ing idiot to enter.
Isn't Russian roulette supposed to be played with one bullet in one of the 6 chambers, hence giving you a
chance of 5/6 to win. This is the opposite and with a very harsh penalty compared to the prize.
You have to be a ****ing idiot to enter.

Gray Fox gets it.
You can't blame odds.

You blame the person who played against them.
You know what is bullshit? The mods who posted in there but didnt participate. ITS IN THE RULES THAT THEY MUST PARTICIPATE! THEY CHEATED AND MUST NOW HAVE A 3 MONTH BAN.
The whole thing is pretty damn creepy though. Mainly because they all look like hicks.
Also mainly because of the eyes.

I lol'd at the dad not really participating and reading his newspaper instead.
I don't think that's a real baby. What the **** is wrong with these people?

The guy reading the paper is exempt from that outburst. We cool, man, we cool.
busted in the worst possible way:


not believable.

the girl was so embarrassed that she found a camera to take a picture of the chat with her dad.
come one if you are going to fake something think it through.

I'm calling BS on this.

If the screenshot is to be believed,
she's not only texted her dad about her first time,
but she's then gone on to post a screenshot from her OWN phone
showing her name and indiscretion to the internet.

After all, how hard could it be to find a girl by the name of elizabeth
on a delta airlines flight leaving at 07:10 on december 4th?

/EDIT: Because it's 4am and i'm bored,
the flight (as far as i can tell) was Delta 923. Atlanta to New York.

quoted from scoottie and ZenFu
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