The Religions of

What relligion are you?

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lololol Scientologists if they were on the list.
For Americans who do not know what the hell a Protestant is:
You are a Protestant if you believe in Jesus and are not a Roman or Orthodox Catholic.
Mormons are Protestants, Anglicans are Protestants.
lol, it's interesting how to see how strongly atheist this site is.... it wasn't always this way. in the past few years you guys have scared off all the religious people!
Some of us just had a realigning of our philosophies in life.
I'm a Baha'i. No, you haven't heard of it.

are you actually of the baha'i faith or are you just trying to be obscure? i knew a guy who was baha'i, and there's a church (or whatever they call their worship buildings) a few minutes from here where I used to skateboard in middle school.
Oh, look, the overwhelming here are Atheist/Agnost, how exciting *SNOREEEEE*
1stly: what did I ever do do to deserve it?

/me wipes tear from eye after a hearty lol

I was raised catholic and I certainly have a lot of respect for the religion, but can't say I'm a very deep believer.
are you actually of the baha'i faith or are you just trying to be obscure? i knew a guy who was baha'i, and there's a church (or whatever they call their worship buildings) a few minutes from here where I used to skateboard in middle school.
I am actually a Baha'i. Weirdly enough, we don't have worship buildings down here. Closest I remember is there's a quaker school rented out over summer down in Sidcot where we used to go during the holidays to meet other Baha'is and have a huge gathering.
Everyone copied off of me dude. I started it and everyone was like, "Oh, wow, do you think the Atheist/Agnost chicks would dig it if I was an Atheist/Agnost?" and then they just started dressing up like Atheists!
Its all your fault though. If only you didnt make it seem so damn cool.
Yeah I saw ZT's atheist haircut and I was like "aw sweet he makes atheism look so good! I want to be atheist so I can make my hair look like that!"
The Internet Needs A Religion!

To clear up agnosticism isn't a religion. Your either a theist(believe in a god) or an atheist(do not believe in a god). You can then be gnostic(knowledge in god is certain) or agnostic(knowledge is unknowable). So with that said you can classify yourself and agnostic atheist if you have no belief in god because you believe it's impossible to know whether or not he really exists. If you have no belief in god because you know god does no exist then that makes you an gnostic atheist.
Oh, easy. It's part of our propaganda program to stamp out heathen paganism. Just like Halloween.
Im an atheist who celebrates christmas. What're you all going to do about it?
That's bullshit, Agnostic and Atheist aren't the same. It's like putting Jews and Muslims together.
its like putting Stern and...uh...uh..

yeah. you get me.

wait, i don't even ****ing care. I'm "nothing" in religious beliefs