What do you do for a living?


Apr 24, 2004
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And did you ever think you would end up doing what you're doing, whether that's a good or bad thing?

I ask, because I am running out of ideas.
Collecting unemployment and yes, it was my plan all along.
I work in a library shelving books for minimum wage and it blows. Though I am in training to become a medic and while I'm not paid (yet) its pretty awesome. (If you can handle blood and guts.)
I don't do anything for a living. I've worked a few jobs here and there... but I can't seem to find myself.
I'm a uni student so I'm a complete drain on my parents and society. That's what I do for a living.
Grad student. I don't make a lot but I don't spend a lot. It works out ok.

I didn't think I would do this when I was a freshman undergrad, and definitely not when I was in high school (I thought, "Who the heck would voluntarily sign up for more school?!"

But with my increasing disillusionment with industry, grad school was pretty much the only option once I hit senior year of undergrad. Either that or being a hippie bum. Actually I kinda wanted to try out one of those WWOOF farming things but it wasn't particularly realistic and at this point I'll never have the time to do it anymore.
I jump in front of cars and sue the driver.
Im a full time employee at my parents house. Currently my tasks involve playing games, watching movies, listening to music, and masturbation. I get paid whenever i request it, in whichever currency or amount i demand.

Haters gonna Hate.
High school student. I just play video games, try to do well in my classes and try to score with women.

I can't wait for uni :(
I can't wait for uni :(

You're from Florida. You're not allowed to say "uni." Here in the states we call everything "college." Even if it IS a university. Get it right or you'll be exiled.
You're from Florida. You're not allowed to say "uni." Here in the states we call everything "college." Even if it IS a university. Get it right or you'll be exiled.

Excuse me, I can't wait to attend my four-year university college.
Unemployed, so I play computer games all day. That's my living.
Web Programmer.

I'm not a good programmer and I'm not sure how I keep this job, but I do and it doesn't pay much.
I have a very slight interest in looking into being a handyman for a graveyard for body disposal, handling, etc. I heard you don't need any real credentials!

Currently, I serve people ramen and despise kids who spill shit all over the place
By day i'm just some dude.

By night...

I go to school. Yep, Mirboo North Secondary College owns.

& I want to be a journalist at some point in the future.
I've been hunting Freemasons since I've graduated from the Ghost Academy.
I'm working at a call center. I think going to quit at the end of this week though so I can be unemployed
I discredit and slander Assange and Danimal on the internet on behalf on the CIA. Good money, all around.
I moderate a different sorry excus e for a forum.

Also I am a senior in high school.
I was a uni student going into second year but I figured there was no point in continuing so I never attended and subsequently failed. So now I am on job seekers allowance looking for work that doesn't exist and living with my parents. Although when my parents find out I've failed the year, my accommodation will likely switch to my girlfriend's house.

Oh and I play in a band with a lot of potential, its hard work, there are many hardships but its awesome I and many others think we can go far. Sooooo it will likely be me jumping between dead end jobs until we get a break. That's the plan anyway.
College student, getting VA dependent education benefits.
IT Consultant - it's not the rock and roll lifestyle they lead you to believe! Curently investigating an alternative means of income.
Currently still a tax-dodging student.
I'm a headhunter.

For anyone who wonders what that actually entails, there is a fantastic article on the subject here.

I would strongly recommend it as a career choice for anyone who is looking for a life-long challenge, as it's interesting, complicated, and if you're good at it you can make an absolute fortune, far more so than a similar investment of time and study would yield in other occupations.

It also requires discipline and commitment and can be extremely frustrating. If you're the right kind of person for this type of work though, there is probably nothing better.
I don't do shit at the moment. Looking for jobs as a carpenter but I think I whould settle for anything.
I love my job. I wish I could give a position but not really possible. I do everything from programming (web and embedded hardware), network management, web/graphic design, to electroic testing. I've worked here for over a decade now starting out doing really simple hardware assembly to taking over people's jobs as the company downsized until I was doing pretty much everything there is to do here. Nice to be irreplacable but hopefully they don't have to downsize any more.

I also run my own contract business on the side doing web development which is actually starting to take off nicely and allowing me to cut back some of my hours at my regular job.
I'm a headhunter.

For anyone who wonders what that actually entails, there is a fantastic article on the subject here.

I would strongly recommend it as a career choice for anyone who is looking for a life-long challenge, as it's interesting, complicated, and if you're good at it you can make an absolute fortune, far more so than a similar investment of time and study would yield in other occupations.

It also requires discipline and commitment and can be extremely frustrating. If you're the right kind of person for this type of work though, there is probably nothing better.

So you're one of those assholes that gets me excited about a position then never avidly dodges my calls only to call back 3 months later about another position pretending I'm the only one that could possibly every fill it?
I study Astrophysics. Usually I like it pretty good, but sometimes I'll be sitting in a lecture and I'll feel like I'm waking up out of a deep sleep, and I'll be like "OMFG whatamidoinghere?!" but that doesn't last long. Soon that passes and is replaced once more by the strange humming noise that I have in my brain ever since I started this course.
So you're one of those assholes that gets me excited about a position then never avidly dodges my calls only to call back 3 months later about another position pretending I'm the only one that could possibly every fill it?

No, I'm actually good at my job.
Unemployed, and I bloody hate it. Looking for loads of jobs, but none as yet have thought I was good enough for them. Sigh
Currently working at universities halls of residence. Basically an odd-job man, but I'm getting paid more than minimum wage so I ain't complaining. Finish Friday though, so then I'm onto the job search and probably the dole D: