Recent content by Zaph

  1. Zaph

    Dota 2 Client Leaked - Episode 3 Code Found Within?

    I think it's telling that when I saw this pop up I actually gasped a little. I am a hungry dog begging for scraps. If this is real, they might just be some random test files. But I guess Valve will do something crazy with Episode 3, perhaps with liquid physics, or something like that. (Edit...
  2. Zaph

    The Purple Box - New Image Sparks Rumours

    Haha, goddammit. I thought this was for reals when I saw the ticker pop up on Steam. Quit playin' with my heart!
  3. Zaph

    Novint Falcon Left 4 Dead Support and Giveaway

    I'm going to bring a new meaning to the FALCON.. PUNCH!! Hopefully!
  4. Zaph

    Day 7: Sniper Unlock - Jarate

    Hahahaha! Yes.
  5. Zaph

    Left 4 Dead Authoring Tools Now Available

    I think SketchUp support is awesome! Also yay; custom maps/campaigns! I assume the 28 Days Later campaign is not far off.
  6. Zaph

    Valve Are Aware of the Europe Prices Issue

    Lol @ Valve Time Anyways, I was dissapointed by the crazy euro prices, so this is good news.
  7. Zaph

    GRID is Now Available on Steam

    I tried the demo, and it looks fairly awesome in motion. But I suck so hard at it! I can't get a grip on the controls, and I usually end up spinning into a wall every five seconds.
  8. Zaph

    New Low Prices on Many Valve Games

    Whoever has not bough the Orange Box yet is a very silly person indeed! But the pricecut is nice for people with tight wallets.
  9. Zaph

    How Valve is revitalising PC gaming

    Oh, he's welcome to try; I'll trap his foot between my sweet cheeks!
  10. Zaph

    How Valve is revitalising PC gaming

    I lol'd. Are you guys srsly? Good show, ol' chap.
  11. Zaph

    Possible Soldier and Pyro changes revealed

    I think this is a great tweak. The situation he describes is common when playing as a Pyro, and you can really stir shit up like that, but if there's a source of health nearby you're probably not going to get a lot of kills.
  12. Zaph

    The Orange Box OST is Available Now

    Actually the Halo 3 Limited Edition is fairly overpriced, and you can't even wear the helmet. :P I don't think they should merchandise everything, or you'll end up with something like the Halo 3 shoes. Shudder. The Headcrab hat/plush is pretty awesome though. You seem so negative, man! Where's...
  13. Zaph

    NEXT-GEN'S Best 30 Games of 2007

    Mario Galaxy is absolutely fantastic, it's pure unadulterated fun from start to finish. So is Orange Box though. :P For me it's a tie between those two games as game of the year. This has been a awesome gaming year!
  14. Zaph

    Half-Life 2: Short Stories

    Oh my, I lol'd! Anyface, this is a project I strongly endorse. I'd help out, but I'm not particularly skilled at uh, stuff, in general.
  15. Zaph

    Is anyone else getting tired of freeman not...

    Haha, I thought the exact same thing! When she was sitting there, shaking with fear, I felt pressing 'e' to put a hand on her shoulder to comfort her. Valve really makes us care for the characters. It's fantastic!