Films: Rate and Discuss

I try to avoid 3D movies, not only do the frames interfere with your view, I also get terrible eye strain during/afterward.

The Jaws pic had me in stitches.
What's worse is that that movie is actually better than its sequel:
The Hangover Part 2: 1/5 - Why? Unnecessary. Just like first one. Apparently seeing penises make us laugh...
127 Hours - 8.5/10

I knew most of the story from the news reports a few years back, but the film still managed to be surprising and entertaining. 127 Hours is a character study of a man who is tested by the elements, time, and a boulder crushing his arm. I watched as a man descends into virtual insanity as his life becomes increasingly compromised the longer he lasts without human contact and vital resources necessary for survival. Starts a bit weirdly, ends a bit abruptly, but this is one hell of a watch even at least once.
It's an amazing face. The absolutely dreadful was in reference to people paying extra for 3D*

I see 90% of all the movies at the theater for free, so I may rate them higher. If I paid for most of my movies they'd be lower. simply because ticket costs here in the states are outrageous
I see 90% of all the movies at the theater for free, so I may rate them higher. If I paid for most of my movies they'd be lower. simply because ticket costs here in the states are outrageous

That might be one of the most retarded things you've ever said.
So, free movies are automatically the best films ever created?
X-Men First Class


To my surprise, I enjoyed this film from start to finish. I'm not sure where it stands besides X2, which I consider to be an okay film, but it's certainly leagues ahead of the rest. It's competent, smart, cheesy and uniformly fun throughout. The casting of McAvoy and Fassbender as Charles and Erik was a laudable move - together, they steal every scene with their budding rivalry and genuine companionship as respective leaders. It works so well, in fact, that I was very disappointed they felt the need to squeeze that entire storyline into a film that's already fizzling with characters, subplots and intrigues. Did they need to have them face off in the climax? I'd have happily sat through another film that devoted itself entirely to their inevitable conflict. Instead, it feels shoehorned into a story that's more about revenge and acceptance and people and Kevin Bacon's baddie eating chocolate. Their friendship is over before it's properly grounded.

There's a lot in the film that didn't need to be there, because there's already so much good as it is. Consequently they've filled it with stuff that they couldn't feasibly pay-off or give due attention to. Angel's loyalty switch and subsequent appearance at the end as a foe was just so empty, and the film is weaker for it.

I see 90% of all the movies at the theater for free, so I may rate them higher. If I paid for most of my movies they'd be lower. simply because ticket costs here in the states are outrageous

You are one dumb puppy.
Stand By Me: 9/10

As promised. These kid actors make most adult actors look foolish. Full of nostalgia, heart and laughs, can't recommend it enough.
xmen first class

wow i cant believe i enjoyed this as much as i did. It's REALLY GOOD! :D
And i've never said that about any of the other xmen movies :O (X2 is probably closest)

It's got great action, a well paced plot, the casting on the whole is very well done (mcavoy and the actors for magneto and shaw are all great) and i really liked all the inner cameos and references; each of them were done very well and weren't forced. Plus it sets up everything for the series in a surprisingly well done way, again none of it felt forced i felt.
Also bloody loved the cameo from
hugh jackman
I was laughing so much such a nice touch to see him :)

Some of the cgi i noticed in places was kinda iffy but that was probably the biggest negative i had against it really.

I can definitely see myself getting the dvd for this and may see it again with some more friends after i recommended it to everyone when i left the cinema :D
if they make sequels to this and make the prequels they're own series i would be nothing but happy with that. This is the sort of thing i should expect hollywood to do more often than it really does :)
Tron Legacy:

Surprisingly, I quite enjoyed it, although I thought the ending was somewhat weak.

What? You were expecting more?
Not even Olivia wilde was enough to make me watch that shit all the way to the end.
The Blair Witch Project - 8/10

Actually not as scary as I've been led to believe. Reception context is probably important, maybe I would have enjoyed it more under different conditions.
Good film in terms of production values (or rather, lack of). Obviously this is the defining 'found footage' film, one of my favourite genres. However, I much preferred Paranormal Activity and Cloverfield to Blair Witch Project.
Only complaint about the story elements is character development, I really didn't like any of them and therefore didn't really care if they were eaten (or whatever). 8/10

On a side note, it was fun to see a 'real' film from the 90s, I may have been an infant at the time but I still have that 90s nostalgia. I'll watch this again in 5-10 years just for kicks.
The Blair Witch Project - 8/10

Actually not as scary as I've been led to believe. Reception context is probably important, maybe I would have enjoyed it more under different conditions.
Good film in terms of production values (or rather, lack of). Obviously this is the defining 'found footage' film, one of my favourite genres. However, I much preferred Paranormal Activity and Cloverfield to Blair Witch Project.
Only complaint about the story elements is character development, I really didn't like any of them and therefore didn't really care if they were eaten (or whatever). 8/10

On a side note, it was fun to see a 'real' film from the 90s, I may have been an infant at the time but I still have that 90s nostalgia. I'll watch this again in 5-10 years just for kicks.

The blair witch guys did a mock documentary about the legend of the blair witch which actually was worth watching beforehand iirc. I remember seeing it and then going to the cinema and it definitely added something to the creepiness factor, esp of the final scene.

Part 1:


Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:
I watched the first part, actually quite interesting, puts things into perspective definitely.

If I watch Blair Witch Project again anytime soon I'll keep this in mind, thanks. :)
The Illusionist: 4.6/5

Very beautiful sound, visuals, and emotions, but could have been even more. Probably the best animated film I've seen yet.
The Illusionist: 4.6/5

Very beautiful sound, visuals, and emotions, but could have been even more. Probably the best animated film I've seen yet.

I liked the Edward Norton version also.
Super 8: 8/10

About 4 different movies mixed into one, which surprisingly worked well. The script and acting was wonderful, with a great nostalgic old-movie setting. The Spielberg influence can be seen in just about every scene, which was expected since it is a homage to E.T. and Close Encounters. Overall, solid summer movie that is just very fun to watch.

Yeah... saw it at the library so I checked it out. I read the book a few years back, but read all the reviews saying the film was the worst movie ever.
I thought it was actually really well done. Probably a better adaptation than The Road was. Maybe you had to read the novel first or something.
Ending of the film was beautiful.

I give it 7 or 8/10... :O
You should also read the book! It's fantastic. I can't imagine the film much resembling it.
True Grit - 8.7/10

I thought it was a nice western, the language and dialogue was certainly enjoyable.
I just didn't like the way they named the horse then had it shot at the end like that.
Stand By Me - 9/10

Such a good film, I sincerely hope the 50s really were like this. 9/10
X-Men First Class

While I found this film to be enjoyable, it does not mean that it was good. It wasn't a bad movie, it simply failed to be good. Yes, I thought it was fun, the action scenes were cool, the dialogue was humorous and the story was OK. Unfortunately, the director failed in several of his attempts.
For one, when the warships were facing off off the coast of Cuba, I think that was supposed to give a sense of urgency, and et cetera. But it doesn't. It's ridiculous and absurd. The people on the ship do not act as if they were people with actual personalities. They act like a NPC from some lame RPG. ("Stop right there criminal scum!") Sure, they're not supposed to be really meaningful characters. They're simply there to give the main characters a chance to show off and become divided into evil and good. But in trying to do so, everybody, other than the X-men are completely dehumanized into soulless husks. They don't have brains. They're automata with limited responses hardwired in their brains.

And to look at the main characters. Yes, the professor and the blue thing both have personalities. Magneto has one too. But they're extremely limited. Magneto is driven by vengeance. But except for the start of the film and one scene in the middle, Magneto is a machine incapable of truly feeling human emotions or identifying with them - he came off as a sociopath to me since anger and crude enjoyment w/ a little bit of self-satisfaction was all he was capable of. This is highlighted in the last moments of the film, when he having shot the professor, doesn't seem really affected at all - simply trying to pretend to feel something.

All the other characters are either completely undeveloped or very underdeveloped. The lady spook is your average female I-feel-too-much secret agent. That's fine. But except for the last scenes, she doesn't really need to exist. She has absolutely no effect on whatever character development or deep structural development in the movie. All the other characters and their weaknesses and personality problems could have been exploited. Sure, they're touched upon, and overcoming those problems are important parts of the movie, but it's too simple. Guy has problem. Guy tries to work out problem, but faces hardships. Guy overcomes hardships and finally gets face-to-face with his inner self, and sees that a) it's not a problem or b) overcomes his personal weaknesses to face the problem down and works it out. It's cliche, and while that may not be a problem, the fact that those characters and their problems are simply unmemorable is.

Finally, there is the connectivity with the other X-men series. All the not-so-main characters do not appear. That's probably because it's 40+ years in the future though. But other than that, what's the connection? Mutants came and destroyed a CIA facility, marched right into Langley and took out a high-security prisoner. The USSR and the USA also unite briefly in a touching scene of human solidarity to wipe out the mutant threat once and for all. 40 years later, what happens? Mutants have not yet been wiped out, nor is there any real sign that the government is even tracking them down. At all. Even the president is shocked at the appearance of mutants, and goddamn 40 years later they still haven't managed to get some tanks and overrun that old mansion. This is just me ranting though.

In the end, the story is about revenge, and acceptance and blah blah blah. Well, it was supposed to be, but there aren't any real forgiving or acceptance, is there? Even the professor seems to think that wiping the memory of the CIA spook (and her career as well) is perfectly OK and is somehow suitable to his goal of being accepted by the normal humans. Magneto gets his revenge, and like the psychopath that he is, in a awe-inspiring move of utmost creativity and originality, becomes what he had been trying to destroy.

Yes, it was fun. But Starship Troopers was also "fun". The CG was acceptable and pretty OK. And the in-between scenes of nuclear explosions or maps was cool in a retro way. But when I came home and sobered up from all the action and explosions, I found that this movie was not a good one.


I wish I didn't know what this was from. My girlfriend has a huge thing for any shark movie so I've seen all of the retarded ass shark movies in the world, from Jaws 3D to Mega Shark vs. Random Beast 1-15.
I wish I didn't know what this was from. My girlfriend has a huge thing for any shark movie so I've seen all of the retarded ass shark movies in the world, from Jaws 3D to Mega Shark vs. Random Beast 1-15.

Do you do shark roleplay before sex? That would be awesome.

The Black Death: 8/10
I watched it because I thought it was going to be like a medieval Wickerman with Sean Bean. It wasn't really, despite some similarities, but it was still pretty good.
I've been dying to see The Black Death, I heard it was pretty much Apocalypse Now set during the Medieval era.
Super 8 was a pretty entertaining throwback to action movies that revolve around a group of kids. Nothing spectacular in any respect, but nothing bad to say about it either. It would make a good drive-in movie.
The Hangover: Part II - 8/10

That's right, 8/10. Seeing this today with friends in a cinema proved how much the Hangover films depend on viewer reception context. It wasn't a great film, in fact it was nearly the exact same as the first, but it doesn't fail in any major aspect, it's fun.
I recommend this to anyone, so long as you're seeing it with other people. 8/10
Super 8 7/10

Overall very entertaining movie, but not perfect. I will say that the kids did a great job acting, and I really liked all of them, which is surprising because I hate kids in films. In terms of what I disliked, I pretty much hated the ending. Very stupid ending.

Also, see it in theaters, Super 8 will be so mediocre to watch on a TV.
Super 8 7/10

Overall very entertaining movie, but not perfect. I will say that the kids did a great job acting, and I really liked all of them, which is surprising because I hate kids in films. In terms of what I disliked, I pretty much hated the ending. Very stupid ending.

Also, see it in theaters, Super 8 will be so mediocre to watch on a TV.

Same, same. Hated the ending, but a decent film regardless, and I actually liked the kids this time too. Especially the pyromaniacal one; I like his spirit. :p
the internet has either made everyone jaded, or maybe jaded people are just the most vocal.

super 8 was one of my favorite films and should become a classic. i haven't enjoyed such a well-rounded movie this much in a long time.

oh wahh wahh the ending was happy what a mediocre movie they should have slaughtered all the children to make it edgy.

talk about awesome adventure movies, and reviving spielberg's excellent combination of humor, suspense, drama and horror. good job JJ.
Green Lantern

7/10 some pretty cheesy moments, although some very good action scenes, a more serious main actor could of made it more unlike those mainstream Comic movies.
the internet has either made everyone jaded, or maybe jaded people are just the most vocal.

You act like 7/10 is a horrible review or something. Two fairly positive reviews. Jaded as ****.
two people said they hated parts of it. i tend to ignore the numbers which often don't mean shit.