is it right to seduce a less attractive woman into having sex?


Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score
well...i've know this girl for some time, and we talked alot about sex and it seems to me shes quite's just that i don't know if i could live with myself after that. one thing because i don't want to exploit people and the second is that i'd officially lower my standards.

she's semi can't describe it. i'd give her a solid 7.
If she wants it and you are willing then why not I say. And what do you mean by officially lowering your standarts? Are you having sex to talk about it later or what?
If she wants it and you are willing then why not I say. And what do you mean by officially lowering your standarts? Are you having sex to talk about it later or what?

not's just that a man has to keep his pride (sometimes).
Lights were invented for a reason. If you're worried about your standards, then turn em off.

I don't know how you can feel bad if she's willing....
What's with you and sex recently, jverne?

First the "I'm at home, while everyone else is at a party, surely having sex" thread, then the "help me help this one girl, cause maybe then she'll blow me JK OF COURSE!" one and now this.

Hormone levels high? ;)
What's with you and sex recently, jverne?

First the "I'm at home, while everyone else is at a party, surely having sex" thread, then the "help me help this one girl, cause maybe then she'll blow me JK OF COURSE!" one and now this.

Hormone levels high? ;)

yes actually...and i'm sick of masturbating. i want some real flesh. it's just that i used to have lot's of sex and now i have none. and besides a girlfriend also wouldn't hurt, but i don't know if i want to have a full fledged relationship just yet. and i'm also not really the kind of guy for one night stands although i can be flexible :D

what would be awesome now is having a relatively nice girl for half a year at tops, but riding it hard :p
what if she's lowering her standards?

You are right, consensual sex tarnishes a mans reputation. Go with your instincts and dont stoop to that level.
she's semi can't describe it. i'd give her a solid 7.
A 7 is 'lowering your standards'? Unless you're some unholy god of masculinity, I doubt anyone would bat an eyelid. Your post makes it sound a lot like you believe yourself to be some kind of pinnacle of the male sex, and it would be scandal for you to taint yourself with those who were born not really ugly at all... You're lucky if you're actually in that position, but hell... you're not. You wouldn't be posting a helplife2 thread if you were :p

The non jerky thing to do would be to talk with her and gauge how much she wants seducing without any kind of reciprocal love. It will probably emerge that she's just in it for shits and giggles and was going to exploit you anyway.

Eh... Everybody Happy!
what if she's lowering her standards?


i did laugh...but considering my ex-GF...i think i'd gain a respectable score...i think.

what really bothers me that i get well along with girls it's just that i'm not the in your pants guy...i'm too nice. but that Sunday i did walk around drunk with a big Styrofoam wrench in my crotch, hitting on girls. believe it or not i did get some good reactions...why didn't i go all the way...****!
Well, you do have to remember that our Benevolent Leaders cannot allow an inferior human to breed with a homo superior (yes, I did just call you a homo) so make sure you don't get this ape woman pregnant or you will be terminated for tarnishing the gene pool. You must uphold the standards of your superior breed.
A 7 is 'lowering your standards'? Unless you're some unholy god of masculinity, I doubt anyone would bat an eyelid. Your post makes it sound a lot like you believe yourself to be some kind of pinnacle of the male sex, and it would be scandal for you to taint yourself with those who were born not really ugly at all... You're lucky if you're actually in that position, but hell... you're not. You wouldn't be posting a helplife2 thread if you were :p

The non jerky thing to do would be to talk with her and gauge how much she wants seducing without any kind of reciprocal love. It will probably emerge that she's just in it for shits and giggles and was going to exploit you anyway.

Eh... Everybody Happy!

well it's hard to describe...but on second thought i'd give her a 6 to be honest. i gave her a 7 because i was under the presumption that anything below 6 is unacceptable (because of uni grade system).
so i apologize's 5 or 6 at best.

it's not that i look down on's just that i think i can do better. i did it once...i can do it again...
Whatever you do, get married first so your love can be true in the eyes of the lord.
not's just that a man has to keep his pride (sometimes).

Pride is irrelevant if only you and her know, isn't it? Or have you made a secret pact with yourself to only 'bang hot chics' ? :LOL: Oh and by the way, where the hell are pics?
First shes a seven, then shes a six, and nows shes maybe even a five?

I think a pic is required for this discussion to continue. How can we possibly tell what she actually looks like when you keep lowering her score?

I'm willing to bet shes actually a 2 and you just dont want to admit it, even over the internet.
Pride is irrelevant if only you and her know, isn't it? Or have you made a secret pact with yourself to only 'bang hot chics' ? :LOL: Oh and by the way, where the hell are pics?

nah...i don't like hot chicks...i feel nervous because i always have this feeling to be competitive. and besides hot chicks are not kinky enough for me. so a decent 7 is enough for me.

this is what i'd call an extremely good 7, but it's really more of a solid 8

solid 9 bordering on 10

probably a 7

probably a 4 or 5

the last one is definitely 4

this is a 5

it's hard to conclude but after some thinking and comparing...the girl i'm talking about is somewhere between 4 and 5 leaning on the 4
Eeeeeeeew. I know it's mostly just an awful picture, but still. Eeeeeew.
Your 8 is a terrible picture, girl might look good in real life.

Your 10 is cute. Not really beautiful, but I like her.

Still it would be nice to see a picture of the girl you are actually talking about. Also, post pictures of yourself and let Gemma rate them, for the lulz.
That list is so shit and out of order and filled with awful pictures it's ridiculous.
And since the girl hes talking about is probably actually a 2, I'd say dont do it.

Although, that "probably a 7" would probably be pretty hot if she wanted to be. I'd befriend her just in case she ever did clean up, and then I'd be all over her.

Just kidding, im shy lol.
The 7 could be hot as shit and I wouldn't know. She looks ****ing homeless and worse than any of the others.
you know...alcohol instantly raises the score at times even for 2 points...if vodka or tequila involved
don't discriminate----penetrate! thats what a black guy at work told me and i stuck with it ever since
don't discriminate----penetrate! thats what a black guy at work told me and i stuck with it ever since

Do you ever triple penetrate with your big blue cocks?
Wisdom incarnate.

the more i think of it the more i like it.

but...thing i'll give it some time...because right now i have two additional, potential candidates.

both are borderline 8...and with one i have a date next week. the other is still in the works.