Yup, that entire series would have definitely been improved by a lack of goddamn cats.

Man, I totally thought to myself "This reminds me of that cat comic, only much better" then I see your comment, and read the url on the bottom and was all "holy shit"

They should re-do them in non-stupid-cat form so I can read them.


From Top Right, it reads:

"Name: Kim Ryong-Chul
Date of Enlistment
Homeroom Teacher (Norks are conscripted for 10 years when they're like 15):

Letter of Commendation

Due to his heartfelt unquestioning worship of the Dear Leader General Kim Jong-Il, and his actions to defend the headquarters of revolution in the sacred struggle, this letter of commendation is sent to his hometown with his honorary picture.

Korean People's Army Unit 974
Party Commissar

Juche Year 97 Feburary 16th
that kinda illustrates how restrictive anime actually is. the original characters have so much more distinctiveness and character despite being drawn simpler. less is more I guess

that kinda illustrates how restrictive anime actually is. the original characters have so much more distinctiveness and character despite being drawn simpler. less is more I guess
uh oh, better watch what you say otherwise vegeta will co-oh shit he...he's here!!
I'm calling major anal-retrieval on that graph data.
(also, where did that 30% line go?)

I'm going to come out and say it.

Vegeta, you are a peadophile. Please stop posting your psuedo-kiddy porn pictures, it's ****ing weird and I'm sure it's illegal to view in many countries. Does your "girlfriend" know you find asian children attractive?

I'm sorry my highly censored cartoon drawing offended you.

What other "pseudo-kiddy porn" pictures have I posted?

I don't find asian children attractive. Where did that come from?

I think there are many things you don't understand.


Edit: Just to make you feel better, I edited the image to be even more censored. Now you have only your perverted self to blame for imagining what's going on under those boxes.
Holy shit, sure is reposts around here. (I don't mean the last two images, either.)

There is so much awesome and so much scary in the above image. Not only are the characters knocked off (they're not TELEPHONE-TUBBIES YOU RETARDS) but even the batteries are a rip-off brand.

"Nighttime a bankable actor Electric torch Use." ... what, does Shia LeBeouf have one of these too?

Finally, the eyes ... THE EYES ...

psuedo-kiddy porn pictures, it's ****ing weird and I'm sure it's illegal to view in many countries.
The only countries where it is illegal to possess lolicon are Canada, South Africa, Sweden, the Philippines, and the UK.


I certainly hope you do not live in any of those countries, as you will be legally prosecuted for possessing such images.