Rate the last game you played

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Darksabre said:
Guild Wars - 9/10 - Addictive (and free...ish) game

What do you mean by that? As opposed to WoW with its monthly fees? Or as in "w-a-r-e-z"?
Darksabre said:
Resident Evil Zero - 9/10 - **** Doom 3, this game had better graphics before then...and at a reasonable frame rate.

That game also had preset camera angles and non-polygonal environments though too.
AntiAnto said:
What do you mean by that? As opposed to WoW with its monthly fees? Or as in "w-a-r-e-z"?

free as no monthly fees:thumbs:
Hmm, last game i completed recently was Max Payne 2, loved it 10/10 imo, nice graphics, love the ragdolls, story lines was as good as the 1st, pure brilliance.
Battlefeild 2 /// RPG elements in an online FPS with gameplay that makes any class feal usful and effective, very addictive and very good. Its a pitty its a little buggy, could also do with some more good maps. 9/10

Project Gothem 3 /// Amazing atmosphere and very nice handling. The kudos system seems a little unrewarding online and sometimes in single player but its also a very nice system to compare drivers. Huge amount of unique and different cars that all handle differently. One of the first career based games that alters to your specific car, making choice of car personal choice rather than having the biggest and fastest. Very nice street courses in a very realistic setting allowing for unique and sometimes very difficult courses. 9/10
Darksabre said:
Guild Wars - 9/10 - Addictive (and free...ish) game

Guild wars has no community and the game is very short lived. Yes its free but for the fact it looses all the aspects of an MMO. A game should not be classified by its cost. You really need more reasoning to give Guild Wars 9/10 :D
Guild wars gets 10/10 imho, and with the upcoming expansion ill put it to 11/10, but hey, im an rpg fan :p
Star Wars - Empire At War 8/10 (at the moment, it`s a f*ckin `ard game, so that score may drop if I can`t get any further :D )

The Regiment 3/10 Very poor game, tries to be like Swat 4 and fails miserably
Teta_Bonita said:
Starcraft: 9.9/10
Legendary... A timeless classic in the RTS genre.

BF2: 0.1/10
Lags like crazy for no reason... f*ck you EA! :flame:

F.E.A.R: 8.9/10
Level design could be better, but slowmo is damn cool. :smoking:

Half-Life 2: 9.5/10
hey guys have you heard of this game? its about this dude named gordan freman and he likes to wear tight orange spandex and kill cops and bone chicks who are liek 20 years younger than him its pretty cool you should try it!!!111

Alyx is 9 years younger than gordon :-p
oh yeah, to spite everybody:

Half-Life 2: Fun for the first couple of times through, but once the hype wears off, you'll be back to playing Diablo 2. 4/10, short, boring, and irritating.

*runs away*
Zombie Master: 9/10 - amazingly fun, although a little unstable in a couple of places

-Angry Lawyer
Last 48 hours:

CS:Source 9/10
Hidden: Source 8/10
Warcraft 3 (Warchasers, lan party, wooo! :D) 9/10 (though warchasers gets 51/10)
BF2 10/10
HL2DM 8/10
UT2K4 9/10
CoD 2 7/10
WoW 11/10
Quake 4 - 8.5/10 ...Was a nice action experience, bought it solely for the SP.
And was not disappointed at all... that stroggification process... my god. x.x
Call Of Duty 2 (Xbox 360) - 9.2/10
- Fun game. Playing through on Veteran. Some of the levels are a bitch to pass.

Geometry Wars (Xbox 360) - 8.5/10
- Addicting game. I almost got to the 2 million mark.

Lumines (PSP) - 8.5/10
- Also very addicting. Nice clean graphics and very fun to play.

Rome: Total War (PC) - 9.3/10
- I started playing this again recently. I just wish I had more time to dedicate to it. It eats up a lot of time trying to manage your settlements and such. Great sound and overall quality.
DotA Allstars 6.27 (WC3:TFT)
One of the best multiplayer games of all time. The only reason I keep Warcraft on my computer. Graphics are dated, even for it's time, and the network code isn't that good. But it is the ultimate lan game, and can be great if everyone on B.net has a good connection.

I'd give it 10/10 if they took out the lame stealth heros like Clinkz, Bounty Hunter, Stealth Assassin, and while not really a stealth hero, the Dwarvin Sniper. I hate them so much, they have ruined so many games because anybody can own with them and they are unkillable because of their cowardly invisibility. The sniper because he doesn't have to go anywhere near you to kill you and can shoot you from his base.
Quixoticism said:
DotA Allstars 6.27 (WC3:TFT)
One of the best multiplayer games of all time. The only reason I keep Warcraft on my computer. Graphics are dated, even for it's time, and the network code isn't that good. But it is the ultimate lan game, and can be great if everyone on B.net has a good connection.

I'd give it 10/10 if they took out the lame stealth heros like Clinkz, Bounty Hunter, Stealth Assassin, and while not really a stealth hero, the Dwarvin Sniper. I hate them so much, they have ruined so many games because anybody can own with them and they are unkillable because of their cowardly invisibility. The sniper because he doesn't have to go anywhere near you to kill you and can shoot you from his base.

A simple gem or wards can really kill the effectiveness of the stealth heroes. As for sniper, he's weak to nukers and you need to get to him early. Clinkz/BH are more balanced than they used to be (run speed is low on both and hp is especially low on clinkz). Heroes like Spiritbreaker are just completely imbalanced though. He's so easy to be, all you need is Boots of travel and S&Y and you're set. Luckily he's being changed for the next version.

I bet 6.28 isn't far off either, it's been ages since we've seen a new version.
What Realm do you play on for DotA? Gimme yer usernames!
TrackMania Nations

Pure arcade racing goodness on over the top stunt tracks. Online is only race against the clock but heaps of fun nonetheless. A track editor is included. And it's free!
I can't stand DotA, to be honest. It's like an RPG with all the good bits taken out.

-Angry Lawyer
Teta_Bonita said:
What is this DotA you speak of?

I'm too lazy to use google. D: D: D:

DOTA is a custom map for WC3 that people play A TON on battle.net. 72 all new heroes with 90% new abilities (there's the occasional windwalk and shadow strike and whatnot), and almost 100 new items Everybody picks a hero and 2 teams of 5 go at it and fight and level up. There's creeps (monsters) to kill and the goal is to push through the enemy defenses and kill the frozen throne or world tree.

It's a lot of fun because each game there's going to be a new combination of heroes and everybody has their own strategies with each hero even in terms of abilities they level up first and items they buy. It's a ton of fun.
PES5 - best footy game around. I love it to pieces, even though i've been getting my ass kicked online :( 10/10
silent hill 4 9/10

amazing storyline, which gives it a 9 on its own. the gameplay, the fighting, controls, and graphics all sucked hard but the story saved its ass and rose it to the top.
Black and White 2
Lionhead studios

Rating: 4/10
another case of lost potiental...

- nice looking(creates especially).
- easy to get a grip of.
- creature fights are fun to watch.
- your angel and devil on your shoulder are funny at times.

- enemy AI? where?
- lack of any other gameplay mode other than story mode (skirmish please!!!)
- storyline is rather spotty (it basically sums up to, some chick prayed for a god to save them, ta-da you appear and save some people from the on coming aztec horde, and then it's time to go kick or impress some ass).
- enemy armies move through walls.
- game only feels third complete.
- creatures feel more like a tool than a living breathing creature (compared to BnW1)
- etc.


what could save it?

AI and Modtools (NOW!)
Star wars: empire at war 8.5/10

Earth 2160 7.5/10

Battlefield 2: special forces 4.5/10
Falcon 4.0

Pretty old game, the graphics aren’t exactly that neat.
Still really fun, best combat flight simulator I’ve played.
There’s a lot to learn, the game came with like a 400 page manual.

BF2: 9.6 out of 10 (lots of bugs, but the gameplay is so fantastic that it makes up for them ten-fold)

HL2: 10 out of 10. It and OoT are the closest to perfection I've ever seen.

Quake 2 (alright, I'm not done yet, but I've beaten it before): 9.5 out of 10. Amazingly fun, sweet weapons, and the memories!

Resident Evil 4: 9.7 out of 10. It's the balls. 'Nuff said.
Yah, I just loved re4 as well, I love all the blood and guts :p
AmishSlayer said:
DOTA is a custom map for WC3 that people play A TON on battle.net. 72 all new heroes with 90% new abilities (there's the occasional windwalk and shadow strike and whatnot), and almost 100 new items Everybody picks a hero and 2 teams of 5 go at it and fight and level up. There's creeps (monsters) to kill and the goal is to push through the enemy defenses and kill the frozen throne or world tree.

It's a lot of fun because each game there's going to be a new combination of heroes and everybody has their own strategies with each hero even in terms of abilities they level up first and items they buy. It's a ton of fun.

Sounds intriguing... are they total asshats to newbs?

I just may reinstall WC3+Expansion for this.
xlucidx said:
Sounds intriguing... are they total asshats to newbs?

I just may reinstall WC3+Expansion for this.

Well there's always the occasional douchebag in any game and people that just think if you're not doing better than them you suck...but sometimes you can get some great games going with some good teamwork.

I can show you the ropes if you want.
AmishSlayer said:
Well there's always the occasional douchebag in any game and people that just think if you're not doing better than them you suck...but sometimes you can get some great games going with some good teamwork.

I can show you the ropes if you want.

Sure that'd be nice... I've actually never played WC3 online yet, so... :p
Going to reinstall right now.
I play on USWest and my user name is Quixoticism(bet you never would've guessed)

I use wards against clinkz, he's still a monster, or my team always sucks. :|
Sniper is lame because he can push by himself and not get hit, and his ultimate it nasty, but not so much as Zeus'.
Spirit breaker is pretty imbalanced, but seriously, I would rather fight him any day than Clinkz. He can't disappear when he's almost dead.
Count me in if you guys want to DoTA, I've got a few good friends that I used to play quite a bit with, although we did kind of get burned out...

US East / West (I haven't touched this acct. in a while) - holywtf

Clinkz = line him up with nukers / stun early on and stop his farming, basically play him like N'aix. My fav hero = Pudge!!

Oh and maybe we should have our own DoTA thread instead of hijacking this one? :p
Need For Speed Most Wanted - 8
Its very good, really like the soundtrack (except when it stops my favourite song when something happens). Well done overall. The AI racers are supposed to be relatively competitive.If you struggle, they will be slower. Only thing I dont like about this is the blacklist racers - they are given a best time...yet can go much faster if you are - really they should be able to resemble close to this max time and if the person is too good, they are too good...

Obviously the time should be quicker then. There is also a huge degree of catch-up by them even if you drive a flawless race. Quite annoying to drive for 4-5 mins and be miles ahead most of the way through to lose it at the last corner by just going a bit wide...
Overall great game though

Trackmania: Nations - 10
What can I say...Its great!!! :thumbs:
Wipeout Pure (PSP) - Mind boggling. Ridiculously fast paced, action packed, lightning speed...oh yeah, and of course fast..did i say that already? Keeps you so close to the edge of your seat throughout that youre sitting on the floor and you havent even realised it. Sure its PSP, but its the last game i played :D.
Rainbow Six Lockdown: 6/10 I really like the game, but it's missing so many features
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