Rate the last game you played

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Fight Night Round 3 (Xbox 360) - 9.0/10

- Fun game so far. I created my own boxer and now I'm taking him through various fights to bring him to the top! I've only played for a couple of hours but it's easy to see the quality of this title. :)
Yeah i played Fight Night Round 2 on Xbox, really got into it, i enjoy them tbh
IchI said:
Guild wars has no community and the game is very short lived. Yes its free but for the fact it looses all the aspects of an MMO. A game should not be classified by its cost. You really need more reasoning to give Guild Wars 9/10 :D

It wasn't intended to be a MMORPG, it's more akin to a Co-op RPG. And no community? Jesus man, this is in the top 10 most played games pretty much everday. There are heaps of fansites, guild sites and more. The fact that I like it over WoW is quest variety and a far more fleshed out PvP.

That game also had preset camera angles and non-polygonal environments though too.

Technically it isn't better, but does it really matter? Frankly, if a game looks good, and it plays well...then why does it matter that there is dynamic shadows or fully 3D environments. In my mind, I focus on going "Woah what a scary looking train" instead of going "Hey look at that impressive looking pre rendered train, I wonder how Capcom managed to make some aspects of it move?". And for the preset camera angles, it does surprisely add tension to the game. Sure, it can be confusing when some sort of ugly bastard is chasing you down...but over all it is quite good.
WoW. 11/10 again. It has the bmost beautiful graphics of any MMO despite them not actually being (technically) that brilliant.

Sulkdodds proves my point quite well :D

But still...


(I ain't going back on what I said ;))
Yep the graphics in Guild Wars blow me away tbh, me and a friend started recently taking screenshots of places like Kryta without the hud or Characters in view, they look amazing.
The Matrix : Path of Neo PC - 0/10...

Terrible ****ing consolized piece of shit.
The graphics suck so much ass, yet the game runs like ass for me.
And there's so many graphical glitches it's not even funny, warped ragdolls, clipping through the wazoo...Gah.
I stopped played on the first level and threw the dvd away.

God... Waste of money... I'm sure it's not any better on the consoles.
The Soulkeeper (mod for UT2004) - 8.5/10...

Puts HDR effects in UT2004 along with presenting some interesting melee combat... you can ride dragons and unleash hell on enemies :D
You can whip their head off with this chain-sword-type weapon.
Casting spells is interesting it's basically done the same way you conjure up a god power in Black & White, you draw a symbol and if done correctly you get to cast the spell.

Not many people playing, only one server... but as soon as one person joins that server, it's not long before it's packed.

The maps are ****ing beautiful... floating castles... with an unsuspecting base down below just waiting to be raided...

Fortress that have large gates waiting to be blown apart...

Highly recommended download for those with the game. :D
Oblivion: 8/10
Very nice graphics, some interesting gameplay, but I found it a bit boring overall.

Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith: 7/10
Old game, '98, I think. Definitely fun, though a bit buggy, and plays somewhat different than what I remember.

Brainbread: 9/10
a mod actually, but still so so awesome. One of the better looking half-life mods I've seen, and fdefinitely the most fun I've ever had playing a game, except for maybe diablo 2. Even more fun when you aren't playing with noobs or jerks. zombie blasting-godo times are guaranteed.
xlucidx said:
The Matrix : Path of Neo PC - 0/10...

Terrible ****ing consolized piece of shit.
The graphics suck so much ass, yet the game runs like ass for me.
And there's so many graphical glitches it's not even funny, warped ragdolls, clipping through the wazoo...Gah.
I stopped played on the first level and threw the dvd away.

God... Waste of money... I'm sure it's not any better on the consoles.

But it has giant Smith! :O

Oblivion - 9/10 (in spite of crippling bugs)
Pretty solid gameplay-wise. Huge world with tons to do at your own pace. However some quests get repetitive/predictable pretty fast, and the levelling/advancement system is more than a bit odd (got a mod to allieviate this a bit, but still). Graphics are nice, but demanding. Engine is less-than-solid, the bugs really shit up the experience sometimes. Infact currently I'm unable to play due to the game resetting my computer every 5 minutes... or 5 seconds, whenever it feels like really. Patch already!!

Perfect Dark: Zero (Xbox 360) - 6/10
Meh, standard spy/shooter stuff here. Some nice graphics, especially on the weapons, but the characters look like anime rejects. Coop is kinda fun (but that's pretty much a given).

Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter (360) - 6/10
Decent-ish graphics, couldn't get a hang of the controls or gameplay. Coop might've been fun if we knew wtf we were doing :)
Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion

Is it possible for an imperfect game to be perfect? Yea man. It's not perfect, but with a game this complex it could actually take years to get everything exactly right. It's incredible. They must have spent just as much time fine tuning it as they did with everything else. It needs a patch to fix some of these bugs, and the particle magic effects could be much better, as they don't really look very special for special effects, but I will improve all the particles in a mod - if it has a particle engine like Doom 3, then I will do some incredible things.

Anyway, even as it stands right now, 10/10. This game is the bomb and it is even better than all the hype. Just do what ever you feel like. They took the glaring flaw of Morrowind - the combat - and turned it into it's best asset.

Every 5 or 10 years a game comes along that you just can't miss out on. This is that game. I don't think I've scored any games a perfect 10 in the past 10 years.
Bad^Hat said:
Perfect Dark: Zero (Xbox 360) - 6/10
Meh, standard spy/shooter stuff here. Some nice graphics, especially on the weapons, but the characters look like anime rejects. Coop is kinda fun (but that's pretty much a given).

Couldn't agree more.
Oblivion - 9.2 : Great world but im new to RPG's like this and it gets boring so i need to take breaks.
Project: Snowblind - 7.8 : Great short fun for the 2$ new copy i payed for. Some cool moments nothing special.
Oblivion - 8.9

Could be alot better, but it's probably just me ruining all the fun.
Tomb Raider : Legends Demo - 7.5/10

Meh... Great graphics, good voice acting, beautifully animated... but I just can't stand games where you have all these complex manuevers such as jumping from ledge to ledge - backflipping onto a rope and then swinging towards a pole to reach yet another ledge... only to fall down and start over.
Star Wars: Empire at War - Pretty good fun. Strategic campaign gets a little boring after a while, and the ground battles arent anything special. Space battles are awesome, especially in cinematic view - Capital ships wheeling round, X-Wings and Tie fighters zooming about, laser fire all over the place, great fun.

Overall: 8/10
Shadow of the Colossus: 8.5/10
Great presentation but wish it was longer than 5 hours. Otherwise taking down Colossi is fantastic. No replay value really.

God of War: 8.7/10
Great game, challenging but too short again. Only about 8 hours or so and not too much replay value. Great storyline though.

Paper Mario 2 - The Thousand Year Door: 9.4/10
Awesome awesome game. 30 hours long and a great storyline mixed with some really fun gameplay. I think i remember getting into an argument with someone about how this game has a much better storyline than FEAR ever did. That was when i was about a 3rd of a way through the game. After finishing the game, its so damn obvious which storyline is better. Paper Mario 2 of course.
Oblivion - flawed yet wonderful. It'd be one of those games that bugged me because it could have been so much more if I wasn't having so much fun playing it. 9/10

Beach Spikers - an enjoyable 2 vs. 2 beach volleyball game for the GC. Don't bother on your own, but a good laugh with 3 other mates. 7/10
Time to kick this thread up a bit...

Vampire The Masquerade : Bloodlines - So far... I'm still in Santa Monica, but I'm having a blast.
It's very very underrated imo.
It has great music and voice acting, great graphics.
The controls are very responsive, bashing someone in the face with a bat is strangely satisfying.
Admittedly, before I installed the Unofficial patch... the game crashed a few times on me during load screens... and there was glitchy movement and certain cinematics not playing properly... the patch literally does wonders.

WW2 Online - A friend kept urging me to get the free trial, and I caved in.
I really didn't regret it either, the game is also pretty underrated... I think the graphics and realism is what scares off most would-be-players.
Sure the graphics are god awful, but the gameplay is what really shines.
It only takes about 2 shots to get killed.

Oh first things first, the thing that's SO awesome about it... every single unit / ship / tank / vehicle / AA Gun / Arty / etc. that you see, is controlled by players.
There isn't a single thing in the game that's AI controlled.
I was playing in a raid on this city with my buddy, the raid consist of over 200 players... they were paradropping and getting dropped off in trucks.
There was an air raid siren going off as B17 bombers bombed the shit out of the hillside that had tanks on it...
God, I think I might play some more later on today.
Far cry
I'd give it 6 but the first few levels are kind of fun until it becomes stupid and repetative.
I had the games that I play and it's time for me to rate them.

Resident Evil 1 remake- 10/10 , thrill rating-100% (Double_Blade's choice!)

Well, ever since I got my hands on the game on 2005 last year, I really love this game! And there is a cutscene that a zombie eating a officer and it suddenly turns around and his mouth full of blood, eeek!!! And if you had this game, good for you. Because get ready and there will be zombies suddenly burst out of the room, and this game is real hard. But fun though. And also, definetly not for viewers who are scared of horrific zombies and such.
xlucidx said:
WW2 Online - A friend kept urging me to get the free trial, and I caved in.
I really didn't regret it either, the game is also pretty underrated... I think the graphics and realism is what scares off most would-be-players.
Sure the graphics are god awful, but the gameplay is what really shines.
It only takes about 2 shots to get killed.

Oh first things first, the thing that's SO awesome about it... every single unit / ship / tank / vehicle / AA Gun / Arty / etc. that you see, is controlled by players.
There isn't a single thing in the game that's AI controlled.
I was playing in a raid on this city with my buddy, the raid consist of over 200 players... they were paradropping and getting dropped off in trucks.
There was an air raid siren going off as B17 bombers bombed the shit out of the hillside that had tanks on it...
God, I think I might play some more later on today.

My god, this sounds like the best game ever (online FPS wise!)

EDIT: I've seen this in the stores, but I heard no one was playing it much D:
F.E.A.R 10/10
HL1 Episode 1 9/10
Hitman blood money 8.7/10
onimusha down of dreams 5.6/10
Samon said:
FEAR: 10/10!?

Are you mad?

That fact that he put it above Episode One bewilders me D: (though I thought FEAR was pretty decent).
PimpinPenguin said:
Why whats wrong with that i would give FEAR 10/10 it's a great game some bits are better the episode 1
I'd swap the 9/10 and 10/10.
Darksabre said:
EDIT: I've seen this in the stores, but I heard no one was playing it much D:

Where'd you hear that from?! o_O

As a warning, If you plan on trying the trial...
Prepare for a lot of walking... sure I hated the fact that you had to run to most of the objectives(you can't exactly get in a jeep and drive around, you actually spawn as the jeep. :p... but you can drive it to a vital action point and exit it... and it becomes a spawn point so people don't have to travel as far)...
But once you get into the action, it's really intense.

Yesterday, me, my bud, and about 3 other guys were controlling a Destroyer...
On our way to Willemsted, as it was being invaded by Germans, to provide artillery support.
It was literally a 15 minute ride there... and those were an intense 15 minutes.
Almost every second you'd hear over the voice comm "Enemy Fighters # o clock!" and everywhere you looked you'd see AA rounds being shot in the air, while enemy bombers and fighters riddled our ships with holes.
The water around us was getting splashed about by the bombs...
God it felt like a ****ing war movie.

Oh and as soldiers were parachuting into the city, some got scattered and fell in the water, me and 2 other ships waited around and dropped lifeboats for them. n.n
Most of the parachutists didn't even make it onto the the ground sadly, the AA and fighter planes shot them down... we lost the city, our ships were destroyed.
It was disappointing, but very intense.

One more thing, this all happened in my FIRST day of playing... hell my first 4 hours of playing even.
Me and My Katamari 10/10

Bloody legendary game by itself, addicting and just generally awesome.
PimpinPenguin said:
Why whats wrong with that i would give FEAR 10/10 it's a great game some bits are better the episode 1

Because its a pretty damn average game. :p
xlucidx said:
WW2 Online - A friend kept urging me to get the free trial, and I caved in.
I really didn't regret it either, the game is also pretty underrated... I think the graphics and realism is what scares off most would-be-players.
Sure the graphics are god awful, but the gameplay is what really shines.
It only takes about 2 shots to get killed.

Oh first things first, the thing that's SO awesome about it... every single unit / ship / tank / vehicle / AA Gun / Arty / etc. that you see, is controlled by players.
There isn't a single thing in the game that's AI controlled.
I was playing in a raid on this city with my buddy, the raid consist of over 200 players... they were paradropping and getting dropped off in trucks.
There was an air raid siren going off as B17 bombers bombed the shit out of the hillside that had tanks on it...
God, I think I might play some more later on today.


I agree with you Salmon.
Samon said:
Because its a pretty damn average game. :p

Its a HalfLife clone kinda.
F.E.A.R. was by far one of the absolute best single player games I've ever played. Let's see, what I've been playing lately:

Black & White 2: 8/10 It's fun, but it's too complicated at some points to keep your people happy and such, and it gets annoying.
Condemned: Criminal Origins: 9/10 It was incredibly short, but it was great while it lasted. Loved smashing peoples faces in with the paper cutter.
Half Life 1: 10/10 Played it through for the 50th time or so lol.
BF2: 10/10 to 1/10 Depends on the server. When it's clay-grenade-c4 fest 2k6, I absolutely loathe the game.

GordonFreeman911 said:
I agree with you Salmon.

Hahaha, yeah Salmon!
Natural Selection!

Teamwork + dark and gritty interiors + chill-enducing aliens + RPG elements =
Orgasm / 10

Samon said:
Because its a pretty damn average game. :p

its not a pretty damn avergae game.. i didn't any first person game that i could compare it with fear. the game is awesome and deserve 10/10
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