Rate the last game you played

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Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Stolen from the TV/films section. I'll start it off with a few FPSs.

Deus Ex 9.6/10
Brilliant. One of the all time great FPSs.

F.E.A.R. 7/10
Intense firefights and scary girls. A good mix.

Quake 4 5/10
OK. Nothing special, but not crap either.
Fear-8 1/2 out of 10
Like you said;good mix of scary girls and gunfights

Serious Sam 2-8 out of 10
Nothing particularly special, but fun

Counterstrike Source-9 out of 10
just got these the last few weeks so:

God of War: 9/10-9.5/10

pure awesomeness :p
just a fantastic game, absolutely epic in nearly all ways, great gameplay, graphics and sound, just not enough replay value and not being able to use your unlocks on repeat playthroughs is teh lame...

Sniper Elite:7-8/10 i havent finished this one yet but am enjoying it, very tense game with surprisingly good enemy ai, not the best looking but does the job, properly calculating bulletdrop, wind effect, distance etc to see the bullet hit its target in bullettime is awesome, a few rather stale missions though and the story isnt the best

Shadow of the Colussus:not finished it yet but really enjoying it, like nothing i've ever played, fantastic score and atmosphere, shame about the fps
Resident Evil 4(ps2)- 9.5/10 I only wish it were scarier and harder
Played through Half-life 2 again the other day. 9.8/10
Superb game in every way, shape and form.

Condemned: 9.1/10
Excellent from start to finish. Fantastic melee combat, but weak gunplay - doesn't matter though, I rarely, if ever, picked up a gun. Good story, but as others have said, teases more than it delivers. Finale needed beefing up.

Quake 4: 4.9/10
Meh. Fun combat, but dull levels, dull story, horrid vehicles and some shit shit enemies.

Perfect Dark 0: 7/10
Looks awesome. Every now and then plays awesome. But its stained by shite story, shite acting, some lackluster level design and some of the worst dialouge to worm its way into videogaming.
Eternal Darkness: 8.5/10

A little rough and old, but still awesome.
Completed Metal Gear Solid 3 a few days ago. 9.6/10. I'm all hyped up for MGS4 now. Hideo Kojima is a god. The ending was just pure brillance.
Counter-Strike Source- 9/10
Very awesome, but i feel that there is something missing, but i dont know what.
BF2/BF2:SF:: 8/10
great game, but only really outstanding when played with a decent squad.

F.E.A.R: 7/10
awesome slomo fights, lotsa debris, powerful shotgun, kickass ending, nuff said.

Call of Duty 2: 8/10
immersive SP, WW2 but still fresh, great multiplayer aspect.
Battlefront 2 - 8/10... Fun singleplayer, Great multiplayer... gets a bit repetitive after awhile though.

Jedi Academy 6/10... Passable singleplayer... , Solid multiplayer(mainly for the RPG servers.)

Republic Commando 8.5/10... Great singleplayer... I mean I found nothing wrong with the SP except that it's over too quickly, the multiplayer's nothing to write home about... it's standard deathmatch & ctf stuff.
Psychonauts - 10/10 - Brilliant, witty, creative gaming.
Dungeon Siege 2: Fun, addictive even. Can't really think of any downfalls, but don't wanna give it a perfect... 9/10
Half-Life Source: Fun, great game with extra physics. 8/10
Lego Star Wars: Two of the greatest things ever combined. 7/10
Condition Zero: Alright gameplay- it's counterstrike without the assholes. 5/10
Star Wars: Empire At War: 7.7/10
Alot of fun, and enjoyable game play... but at the same time alot is missing and it seems somehow hollow at times. (Plus I find it to easy exploit AI in games these days :x )

Black and White 2: 6.9/10
Its good to an extent, but they removed alot of good things that the original had, the AI doesnt fight back at all, theres no gods but you, the city isn't quite as alive as i want it to be... generally just disappointing leaving a sour taste.

The Movies: 8.1/10
I've had a lot of good laughs out of this game, and I just love it to pieces. Again like black and white 2 though, loinhead left out some pretty essential and obvious features that would have made it steller :(
Played trough:
Zone of the Enders 2 8/10
King Kong 8/10
A leaning feature and the riot shield. That's what's missing from CS Source...
F.E.A.R. 7 / 10

Good game, the 'bland' factor made the last few missions a bit of a drag.
Anthraxxx said:
A leaning feature and the riot shield. That's what's missing from CS Source...
maybe. i think what might be missing is vehicles, but then i should go play bf2. maybe more explosive weapons. maybe a smoke grenade that makes u less accurate and slower. drugged. or maybe more melle weapons. i agree with the riot shield though. i just got an idea... maybe we need more types of maps! like de and cs. there could be a theft mode, where the ts steal the something and have to escape. also an assasination mode where the ts try to assasinate someone. this someone hides in some spot, which can be different each round. or some a mode where cts have to stop ts from deploying a missle to some very important place.
In anticipation for Twilight Princess and what with my PC broken and all:

Zelda: Ocarina of Time 9.7/10
Almost perfect, with only a few annoying times of complete "oh shit what do I do now?"

Zelda: Majora's Mask 9.2/10
IMO better dungeons than OoT, but too few of them and the 3 day time limit is crappy.

Zelda: Wind Waker 9.1/10
Cartoony graphics didn't put me off; length of game and annoying sailing did. Still near perfect.

Zelda: Four Swords 8.3/10
Annoying that you need 4 GBAs and 3 Link ( :p ) cables to get the most out of it, but when you have them, it's superb mobile adventuring.

Zelda: Four Swords Adventures 8.5/10
A more streamlined adventure and all the better than the prequel for being able to play single player.

Zelda: A Link to the Past - /10
No score purely because I still can't complete it.

Now that my PC is fixed:
The Movies 8/10
Making my English teacher marry Spartacus has always been something I wanted to do. And now I can do it whilst perfecting my Kubrick-esque (read: crappy) directing skills
Freecell - 6/10: A good time filler, but frustrating at times, graphics are rather dated too. Still, it runs on this shit laptop :D
BF2 - 6/10 without a working squad, 9.5/10 with one.
DODS: 1/10 without a working team, 2/10 with a working team, 9/10 when you have no little kids on the server.
Half-Life 2 (Garry's Mod) - 10/10

Honestly, the Role Playing servers are hilarous and took most of my week-end times.

EDIT: Retrospectively, the adverb "honestly" has no purpose at all in my previous sentence, because lying about my favorite game would be an epic waste of time.
Thief 3 - 7/10 -- A golden piece of artwork, but has cobwebs and rust stains over it (bugs and AI glitches, also feels very consoley).

Starcraft - 9/10 -- An amazing RTS, possibly the best ever, but is very hard for noobs to pick up.
Hitman: Contracts - 6.5/10

I've always been kind of a fan of the hitman games, and tbh I liked this one better than the 2nd one since it revisited my favourite levels and there weren't any levels where you had to go on a bloodbath rampage. But there's still the dodgy AI, glitching and mediocre mess-ups characteristic of the series (like suddenly losing the feature to choose the guns you take on a mission?). Plus although the real-time lighting is nice, it really isn't such a great looking game that it should be giving me mouse lag. And I never realised how dodgy the ragdolls looked until playing HL2.
Starcraft: 9.9/10
Legendary... A timeless classic in the RTS genre.

BF2: 0.1/10
Lags like crazy for no reason... f*ck you EA! :flame:

F.E.A.R: 8.9/10
Level design could be better, but slowmo is damn cool. :smoking:

Half-Life 2: 9.5/10
hey guys have you heard of this game? its about this dude named gordan freman and he likes to wear tight orange spandex and kill cops and bone chicks who are liek 20 years younger than him its pretty cool you should try it!!!111
Teta, is your computer overclocked? If so, that is why BF2 is slow.
FEAR - 9/10
Awesome fun... Scary too
Battlefield 2 - 9/10
Only 9/10 when with HL2 people and they have mics.
Black (Demo) - 8/10 - Shit blows up big, sounds big, lots of shit blowing up, people dying, shit flying everywhere, particles out the wazoo.... basically just plain, good, old-fashioned fun.
Metroid Prime: 9.0
Metroid games always follow a general formula but they still kick ass. Story isn't involved but that's not what I care about.

Kingdom Hearts - 9.4
Also an awesome game. Beaten it before and playing again now. It's one of the harder games when played on expert with choosing high attack power and low defense. Loved seeing the disney worlds and other game characters come together.

BLACK - 8.2

Beat it. Firefights are good fun, graphics are nice (effects are great), story doesn't interest me and the AI isn't special like FEAR or anything. The more I played this the more I realized the AI could use some more work as there are some weird occurances and silly behavior at times.

Sunset Riders - 8.0
SNES classic. Fun for co-op and pretty hard. I laughed at the definitely not PC comment from the indian boss, "Chief Wigwam" when I beat him - "ARG, I'm pow-wowed out"
Mortal Kombat Deception 7/10

A great game but the constant training sequences were so annoying.
Deus Ex - 9.5/10
Awesome game, currently hooked on it again

The Sims 2 - 5/10
Oh dear god help me burn the game take it away

Call of Duty 2 - 7/10
Fun stuff, nothing incredible though
Starcraft: 1.7 * 10^900 out of 10

You do not know gaming until you've played Starcraft.
Resident Evil Zero - 9/10 - **** Doom 3, this game had better graphics before then...and at a reasonable frame rate.

Guild Wars - 9/10 - Addictive (and free...ish) game
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