Rate the last game you played

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Final Fantasy VIII... finally got around to playing it all the way through 10 years later! I hardly ever give a game a 10 rating, but I think this one deserves it if any game does. 10/10! It took me over 50 hours, but it seems like it just flew by... just awesome.
Resident Evil 5 - 9/10

thoroughly enjoyed playing through a couple of times with a friend
despite the lack of control whilst aiming :p
Killzone 2 6.5/10

Not a great game at all. Graphics aside the gameplay was horrible, the controls were shit and the enemies were annoying and not fun at all. Plus variety??? hell no!! you shoot the same guy that screams the same way over and over again. I liked the demo but i didn't expect the whole game to be just like it.
and then when you go online, its BORING! its either too small of areas to fight in or too big. this game could have came out 10 years ago the way they were doing things. biggest disappointment of the PS3 yet for me. I was so glad to finish the game and trade it back in.
GodFather 2 PC - 4/10

Everything that was wrong with the first game applies here. Controls for the cars are too arcadey with a choice of two crap camera's, graphics comparable to the PC port of Saints Row 2 and it still cannot hold a candle to Mafia, even though it's a brand new game.

It does have some interesting ideas, such as the intimidation stuff but it's no enough to save this from being forgotten.
Killzone 2 Demo 6/10 This is the best looking game I've ever played. Okay, now that we've got the positive aspects out of the way, we can proceed. Completely generic, move from place to place, kill everything in an area, move to the next area, kill everything, etc. Incredibly gray and gritty and it throws blood on your screen so don't get your hopes up for seeing something new or interesting with the gorgeous graphics. Gameplay is unnatural, walking too slow, running too fast, the gun is unwieldy and completely clunky to use(it's not the sensitivity, I fixed that, aiming is just super awkward). Good job demo.
Overlord - Amazing/10


I agree , that game was incredibly good.

I just fired up CnC Renegade for the first time in god knows how long. Westwood's first and last foray into the first person shooter genre will forever stick out in my memories as they did particularly well. I loved every part of it exept the voice acting , it was just... Blegh. All in all I would rate it 8.5 / 10 (points deducted for the voice acting and very minor glitches).
GTA IV: 9 /10

so I finally got around to playing this. and I absolutely love it. the amount of detail in this game is insane. the story is great, all the voice acting is superb, the characters are great...well to cut it short pretty much everything is great in this game. it gets 1 mark down because I still think the game could have been better optimized...but to be honest the game still looks absolutely stunning with all settings at medium and a 1024x786 res...screenshots won't justify it though you need to see it in motion. also the game could use a little more mission variety.
Far Cry

Outstanding engine(not only the graphics), and an awesome level design which I couldn't find in any other game. Very varied, and it never gets boring because they keep up bringing new things until the end.
The only problem I found was the game being too easy once you know how it works, even on the highest difficulty.
Far Cry

Outstanding engine(not only the graphics), and an awesome level design which I couldn't find in any other game. Very varied, and it never gets boring because they keep up bringing new things until the end.
The only problem I found was the game being too easy once you know how it works, even on the highest difficulty.

Easy? Far Cry 1 with it's instakills from the Trigans, on hard? Man, you must be hardcore.
Classic Doom mod for Doom3 engine. So much fun!! I need more. Painkiller was close... the enemies just don't frag as well (although the ragdoll is a hoot).
Left 4 Dead 9/10

Only been playing Campaign so far, and I'm really enjoying it. My only real complaints are the matchmaking/lobby system(and the clunky semi-official server browser isn't much better, before anyone mentions it) and the fact that 1 or 2 bad players are enough to ruin your team.

I'll get to Versus once I'm bored with Campaign.
Braid PC - Thisshitismentalhard/10

I really cannot get my head around some of the puzzles in this game :(
Civilization Revolution (360 version) 8/10

Highly addictive, easy to use controls, and play how you want

Annoying advisers, no undo button, slow loading area/menu/freezes

Overall highly recommended
Guild Wars Random Arenas: 9/10

Probably the best RPG PvP to be had out there. Organized PvP in GW is pretty lame, though, as is ALL of the PvE.
Resident Evil 5 7+ or 8- out of 10
Very fun but co-op is a must so don't get it if you're not going to be able to get some time alone with a friend to play it with. As it is I only got to play it on weekends (with my brother) so it took a few weeks to finish. Some annoying bits but mostly good throughout. I found it anticlimactic though.
Fighting human Wesker is far more fun than fighting mutant Wesker. Getting in the counterattacks and stunning him for a five-piece combo were very satisfying. I like the way they blended in those kind of quicktime events with the bosses. When quicktime events are done this way I feel like I'm doing something. On the other hand, when they're in cutscenes it's simply a case of, as Yahtzee puts it, press X to not die. I don't like those and killing Wesker in one was a massive anti-climax. The helicopter riding off into the sunrise gave me a feeling of "That's IT?", espeically with Chris' final words, which are about as original and intelligent as Doom 3.

Did anyone else kill Jill BTW? She was annoying the hell out of me with that machine gun so I blew her head off with a magnum and got a "YOUR PARTNER DIED" screen.

Another odd way to die, during the first proper fight, just after the execution, I died in the house, and it went through a loading screen before I got the "YOU DIED" screen. I though for a moment that would happen every time I died and was a bit annoyed. Thank god that's not the case.
Fallout 3 - 9/10

SO much better on the PC. I can aim without using VATS like 80% of every fight, and it looks much better.
Ultimate Spiderman - 4/10

This really stunk, and it's too bad, because it was based on the best Spiderman series in recent years (Ultimate), and flaunted the most satisfying web-swinging gameplay I've yet to play in a Spiderman game. But alas, it was not to be.

The game is structured in a such a way that you're made to complete side quests in order to trigger the next mission, which is really just a shallow mechanism through which the developers can extend the play time. Whatever, I finished in six-hours anyway. Basically, you either complete races, beat up gangs, collect tokens or fulfill 'City Quests', which simply boils down to: stopping bad guys, taking people to the hospital, and saving incompetent people who manage to slip on a balcony or catwalk.

I was hoping at this point that the actual content of the story-based gameplay would make up for the mile-long downfalls of the intermediate mode, but that wasn't to be either. Your basic Ultimate Spiderman is broken down as follows: encounter villain. Pursue villain across the city, ensuring you remain within the 'proximity bar', so as not to lose him. Battle villain. As the game alternates between playing as Spiderman and Venom, you might expect this formula to be unique to only one. It's not. You chase Electro as Venom, Green Goblin as Spiderman, and so on -- it's really very formulaic. What's sad is, y'know, they tried the whole 'chase villain; remain in proximity' gameplay in previous Spiderman games, and even then it was about as fun as trapping your fingers in the car door. It's still here because...?

Shack it all up with a stale, uneventful New York, a hollow storyline devoid of any meaning to readers outside of Ultimate and a joke to those who are, and you've got a game that's worth neither the time nor effort.
Well, the web-swinging. I like Spiderman a lot, and web-swinging makes me all...wet.
Samon's right, web swinging makes for insanely fun gameplay and is just about the only thing Spiderman games are good for.

Rockband 2 10/10 I just played 'Don't Stop Believing' with my friends. Seriously. ****in hell yes.

Little Big Planet: Silent Hill 8/10 This is a great level, though I'm not familiar with the series. Probably far better if you are.

Mario Kart Wii 9/10 Fun fun fun. Some of the new courses are just pure awesome. It's a shame they screwed up Battle, but everything else is fantastic.
Easy? Far Cry 1 with it's instakills from the Trigans, on hard? Man, you must be hardcore.

Yeah, these monsters are annoying as hell. Those levels took me pretty long and were no fun at all.
But I'm mainly talking about the humans, they eg don't throw a grenade to get you out of your cover, but instead they (carefully) walk to you so you can easily kill them once you see their heads.

Well, "easy" might be a bit too extreme, I'm not good at shooters at all, but I've just played Far Cry very much.
Wanted: Weapons of Fate - 7/10

Nice gunplay and dialogue. Decent graphics. Cover is too sticky. Too ****ing easy. Especially when you get the ability to curve bullets and use Shrapnel Storm. Hell you could finish the game using only melee atatcks, except on the bosses (The Russian is an exception).

Resident Evil 5 - 6/10

Eh not my kind of game but cool stuff anyway.
GTA Chinatown Wars - 9/10

Great little game. While commuting the last 2 weeks I have basically just driven cabs from A to B and meddled in the pharmaceutical trade but, man, that's fun. Cruise around, score some drugs, engage in crosstown traffic, maybe cause a little mayhem, and get stinking rich while doing so. It is great for my half hour trips in the tram from and to work. This weekend I had a couple of longer sessions, so I started the campaign properly. The 'cutscenes' might be simple cartoony images with text, but the missions themselves are fun. Plus I really like the Chinese mafia setting. The gameplay has it quirks, especially the targeting system, but those are just minor quibbles. On a whole, driving, fighting and the mini-games are very enjoyable. Graphically it looks amazing, judging by DS standards. Liberty City is full of detail, from potholes in the streets to rundown billboards. Just driving around and enjoying the sights is entertaining. The sound is also very well done. The speakers don't do it justice, so using earphones is recommended (especially when T+S Radio is playing). On a whole it's a convincing experience, very worthy of the GTA name. I suspect I am not the only one for whom Chinatown Wars is the DS's killer app.
Ah I remember ultimate spiderman, that score is entirely justified. I was SO disappointed as a kid after getting that game :(
Gmod 10/10

Oh my god i almost pissed myself when in the "Red Letter Day" i accidentally shot Kleiner in the ass with harpoon gun.
Flower - beautiful/10. For 6 hours me and two friends experienced one of the loveliest things to happen to video games. I've no desire to play it again other than to show it off to friends, but it's one of few games i'm pleased to have experienced.

Henry Hatsworth - 9/10. Gameplay mechanics borrowed from a variety of the better platform games of yesteryear combined seemlessly with puzzle. Each game type intergrates perfectly with the other, resulting in an experience that's oddly familiar yet unlike anything else. It's also gets pretty tough. Remember that? When games used to be hard? When completing one gave a sense of achievement and involved more than pushing forward on the joypad for 8 hours?

Old, new school goodness and a must for 2d fans.
Tomb Raider Underworld

It was quite some fun, and the graphics are pretty good. But everything just feels very cheap, from the engine to the AI. Everything seems to be made to *work*, but worked out very minimal.
Assassin's creed 8/10

I am actually surprised at this. I got this in a 2 for £30 deal about a week ago as it was the only other game that interested me in the deal. I was willing to give it another chance after trying it on PC and being left with a feeling of "meh" and when I heard news of the sequel I got actually kinda excited and dived into the game (no pun intended :p )

And surprisingly I realy enjoyed it. I think my time with the pc version I must have been put off with the controls cos it felt much better with a controller this time round. Also the investigation missions I didn't find that bad really and some of them like the informer missions were actually kinda fun.

However the biggest complaint I have is the bloody terrible combat which wouldn't be too much of a problem if the designers weren't stupid enough to keep putting you in fights were you are innummerably outnumbered. I am especially referring to the hair pullingly frustrating boss fight with robert de sable.

But yeah still a good game and can't wait for the sequel :)
Assassin's creed 8/10

I am actually surprised at this. I got this in a 2 for £30 deal about a week ago as it was the only other game that interested me in the deal. I was willing to give it another chance after trying it on PC and being left with a feeling of "meh" and when I heard news of the sequel I got actually kinda excited and dived into the game (no pun intended :p )

And surprisingly I realy enjoyed it. I think my time with the pc version I must have been put off with the controls cos it felt much better with a controller this time round. Also the investigation missions I didn't find that bad really and some of them like the informer missions were actually kinda fun.

However the biggest complaint I have is the bloody terrible combat which wouldn't be too much of a problem if the designers weren't stupid enough to keep putting you in fights were you are innummerably outnumbered. I am especially referring to the hair pullingly frustrating boss fight with robert de sable.

But yeah still a good game and can't wait for the sequel :)

The swordfighting is the best bit about the game, you have mastered the counterkill haven't you?
Good Sword fighting?!

*grumbles something about gameplay and moves on*
That's what I thought as well. The counter in that game reminds me of the counter kill in LOTR: Return of the King. Once you have it, you're indestructible.

Which is why I would never find the combat in AC frustrating, as using the counter you can pretty much clear up any number of enemy.
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