Rate the last game you played

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The Suffering: Prison is Hell

A decent TPP shooter with a horror-esque atmosphere. It's quite amazing, in character and monster design as well as the underlying theme of "capital punishment" and it's consequences.
I find it HL1 difficulty pretty ludicrous at times. Nihilanth was hard, but mostly, he just sucked balls in terms of gameplay.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl - 9/10

Good game for sure, should be played by all. You have to get used to the shooting, whenever I run I'm always expecting my crosshair to shrink to I can precision shoot, but it doesn't, kind of odd the way it works, but still good, I just turn the crosshair off. Or switch to my knife.

Doom 3 - 8/10

I don't know why everyone hates this game, it's a good shooter, doesn't do anything new or innovative, but still fun and gives you frights every now and then.

Thief 3 - 8/10

I've never played any of the Thief games, so I read up on all the story for the last 2 then started this. This game is better then Splinter Cell. If only you could take hostages..

World in Conflict - 8.5/10

Awesome RTS, if Company of Heroes is anything like this game, I need to play that.

Penumbra: Black Plague
- 10/10

Amazing game. Adventure game. Physics based puzzles, no annoying combat to detract from gameplay (although there is enemies). Scary game, well worth buying.

I recently got a new graphics card and have been testing out all of the games that I owned, but could never play before, that's why there are so many.
The Suffering: Prison is Hell

A decent TPP shooter with a horror-esque atmosphere. It's quite amazing, in character and monster design as well as the underlying theme of "capital punishment" and it's consequences.
Fuuuuuuck yeah. The sequel is a lot more action oriented though, but the monsters taking the form of various urban legends, street life, and disasters was cool as hell. Needs a third installment for current-gen systems more like the first game. Really show off the details in the monsters.

Unreal Tournament 3 - 6/10

Mmmm, gore.
Hey you're that hot babe, who I did not believe was a hot babe, and then you unbanned me from steam powered forums.

Dear God that was a while ago!

S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl - 9/10

Good game for sure, should be played by all. You have to get used to the shooting, whenever I run I'm always expecting my crosshair to shrink to I can precision shoot, but it doesn't, kind of odd the way it works, but still good, I just turn the crosshair off. Or switch to my knife.

Ah, awesome game...I loved how you could get the different endings.

I got the blind one and it was really upsetting...despite it being the happiest.
I loved how the game made you feel so isolated. It was really effectively done.
Bioshock- 7.5/10

Very well made game albeit a few major gameplay fouls. Beautiful setting, environment, and graphics. Awesome big band era soundtract to set the mood. Terrific "betrayal and revenge" story blended with philosophical and ethical issues.

The only thing I didn't like about it was that it seemed ridiculously easy at times. This is because of the vita chambers and item/weapon vendors at every corner.

There's no real consequence from dying, so I wasn't really compelled to try very hard knowing I'd just be resurrected at a vita chamber only 20 feet away. Plus the in-game hints cannot be totally disabled, which is a immersion breaker when an obnoxious pop-up appears telling you to "go to location-x and do this" while I'm sightseeing the beautiful environments.
F**king noobish casual gamers. Go play checkers or something. Quit trying to ruin our games.

Furthermore, the physics are buggy at times too and aren't really that terrific to being with. Overall, an above average game, but not outstanding.
Warhammer 40,000: FireWarrior - 2/10

Holy shit this is a horrible game. Basically, it's an FPS set in the Warhammer 40k universe and you play as a Tau FireWarrior. I was hoping it wouldn't be as bad as everyone says but holy ****ing shit this is horrible.
Soul Caliber 4 - 9/10

An incredibly fun fighting game, with a long list of diverse characters to choose from, plenty of non-multiplayer game to chew through, and gorgeous graphics. Also the character creation bit was a fantastic addition, along with the ability to randomly generate a character to battle with (some of the creations the game comes up with are absolutely hilarious).

My only gripe is that as cool as it sounded to have those bonus characters, all of them as characters are no fun at all. Yoda is too slow, and his size makes it very difficult to hit and impossible to grab. The Apprentice, though I never played as him was WAY too overpowered, with a bunch of area of effect and projectile moves.

All in all, a great game and incredibly fun to play.
I noticed you playing that yesterday asshole. **** you, I want it. :(

The Darkness - 8/10

Still good.
I noticed you playing that yesterday asshole. **** you, I want it. :(

The Darkness - 8/10

Still good.

I don't own it Willie, I rented it (though it is such a tempting purchase I'm low on cash).

I liked the Darkness (from what I played in the demo). Watching Popeye was bomb.
OMg soul caliber 4 already out! im going to the store and get it now!
Flatout Ultimate Carnage (PC) - 8.5/10

Finally, an arcade racing game that is actually immense fun to play. I never managed to play past the derby tracks in the first 2 games, but I'm already on the Race tracks in UC.

Heres me playing a bit:-

Flatout Ultimate Carnage (PC) - 8.5/10

Finally, an arcade racing game that is actually immense fun to play. I never managed to play past the derby tracks in the first 2 games, but I'm already on the Race tracks in UC.

Heres me playing a bit:-

I like how nothing in that game seems to have mass...

Oh wait, I don't.
Braid - 8/10

Awesome. Unique, visually and aurally stunning, and brain bending as all ****.
stalker shadow of chernobyl 7/10

Just started playing stalker and it seems good but I am having trouble getting into it right now.
Braid - 8/10

Awesome. Unique, visually and aurally stunning, and brain bending as all ****.

This. I played only the trial. If you dont want to get all the puzzle peices the game seems short. However some of the peices take some real creativity to understand. Most are sitting there, just out of reach in plain view, yet they require a complicated solution.

Visually, its gorgeous. It has probably the most pleasing 2-d artwork I have ever seen in a game. The books at the beginning of each world are wonderfully written, and the music is really cool (except when you rewind x8, then it sounds really creepy).

Try it. Now.
The Wonderful End of the World - 7.5/10

Pretty fun, I beat the entire game in like an hour, I've never played Katamari Damacy, but from the videos I've seen, this game is exactly like that, except your a puppet, and the stuff you gather determines how you look (like if you gather lots of chairs, you'll be a guy made out of chairs), you get bigger as you collect.

Only gripe I've had with the game is that you go to pick up stuff that is JUST out of your size limit (you need to be a certain size or bigger to pick up certain objects), you go to pick it up then walk into it, and sometimes you get stuck..

Other then that, pretty fun, but VERY short.
This. I played only the trial. If you dont want to get all the puzzle peices the game seems short. However some of the peices take some real creativity to understand. Most are sitting there, just out of reach in plain view, yet they require a complicated solution.

Visually, its gorgeous. It has probably the most pleasing 2-d artwork I have ever seen in a game. The books at the beginning of each world are wonderfully written, and the music is really cool (except when you rewind x8, then it sounds really creepy).

Try it. Now.
All of this.

I'm getting towards the end now, only about 4 pieces left to collect, and it's starting to get pretty obscure. I've had some serious "holy shit!" moments figuring out the last few, a lot of frustration trying to get there but the payoff is immense. Most satisfying puzzle game I've played... maybe ever.
I needed help for 3 peices, but that was it. I still feel dirty, cause the solutions were so brilliant, though to be honest I NEVER would have thought of them.
Half-Life 9/10 Ah, what a classic. My time was 7:33:30
Syberia 2 8/10

It's the first adventure game I've ever played, though I only have about 2/3 of the game completed. Really tough at times, though maybe that's because I've never played this type of game before. The voice acting kinda sucks at times but better than most games, story is OK.
Civilization Revolution on 360 - 9.5/10, pretty damn epic for a RTS. Funny too...

Advice, buy it...
Portal - 9/10. I'm finally on test chamber 18!!!!!111 WOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!11111
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl 10/10

after getting used to the shooting and other intricacies of the game I must say this is simply an astounding game. With amazing gameplay, depth, storytelling, atmosphere and also genuinely scary at points with many "holy ****" moments this game has to be played to be believed :D

EDIT: make it 9/10 cos I was a little bit generous and forgot to take into account alot of the technical hiccups this game has. My rig can run crysis on high with only occasional hitches but this game will stuttter quite often (not a big deal but the principle remains) and also one bug got very enfuriating towards the end of the game that thankfully seemed to fix itself: everytime I tried to save the game would crash. WTF?! O_O
Portal - 9/10. I'm finally on test chamber 18!!!!!111 WOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!11111
Portal- 8/10

A fantastic game indeed, but I'm going with one point less since I believe more than half of the game and it's creativity was squandered with tutorials before the more challenging puzzles started to appear. GlaDOS was f**king hilarious too. One of my favorite antagonists in a video game story to date.

She made the game fs. Without here, Portal would've only been an average puzzle fair without the LOLs.

BTW, Portal reminds me of an ancient NES puzzle/adventure game called "The adventures of Lolo & Lala.".
Savage 2 - 6/10...

It's fun when you actually join a god damn server.
Made a new demo account before I thought about buying, now I'm positive I'm not paying for it.
114 players and only 13 servers, something's wrong with that.
Warcraft 3: 8/10
Your PC shouldn't be such a lousy driver then! :> Ha,ha get it? CRASHING?

/lame joke is still a lame joke

But has some meaning. ^Look at the underline!^
take this as a sign and switch to a different video driver.
No, no. My friends and I play a certain mod that results in us massing mobs at each other causing our clients to crash.
No, no. My friends and I play a certain mod that results in us massing mobs at each other causing our clients to crash.
Would've been awesome as hell though if that was your PC's problem. No, it's not "Bible code" but "Saturos code!" :>

Except you have to wade through my corny ass jokes to get the meaning.
Second Sight (PC) - 7/10

Good game, cool story, nice execution besides two things:

1) The Camera. This game is a 3rd person stealth/action game, so it has similar camera/movement to that of Splinter Cell, except one thing. Say you have your back to a wall, and your camera is facing the front of your guy. Now, if you wanted to look in front of your guy (moving the camera to the back of him), the camera would sort of zoom in when it hit the wall in a normal game, right? This game, it just stops, you can bypass this by moving your mouse really fast/long, and it'll skip over the wall and appear on the other side of your guy. It is so ridiculous, it just pisses me off, if your in a narrow hallway, forget about look around alot.. Also, the camera doesn't follow the back of your guy very well (so if your auto-aim goes to a guy off screen, the camera will slowly move to point him unless you violently force it to look at the guy).

2) Targeting. It's not so bad for guns (although still annoying at times), but for your psi powers it's RETARDED! Ok, so first off this game has awesome targeting, I first want to say why it's bad, then you'll realize why it's sort of 50/50 bad/good. It's bad because you can't choose your initial target, while not bad in itself (just move to target another guy), you have precision aiming. So say you hold down the mouse button to aim at a guy, it'll make you face his general direction, then within the radius of your targeting thing, you can aim around (so for head shots or whatever), but the reason why it sucks is switching targets. You have to move your mouse a hell of a lot to one side to get the targeting off of the guy and onto another. It's just annoying at times where your aiming at a guy you can't see (camera/aiming issues, sometimes it aims at a guy you can't see to your right/left, and the camera takes forever to turn), so you go to switch your target and it takes too long to switch.

Now for the psi-powers.. You might as well not use offensive psi-powers, because when you are aiming with your psi-powers, not only do you have the bad targeting of guns, but with psi powers it locks onto objects like barrels or whatever, so it's even that much more targets you'd have to cycle through to get to your target.

Aiming good because of the precision thing, you hold the right mouse button to aim, then you can aim around slightly to shoot the guy in the head/leg/arm/torso/shoulder/etc. I like the aiming in this game, I hate the targeting.

That being said, everything else in this game is awesome. The sniping in this game has to be one of the best things I've ever seen, you target a guy, and then in a little window in the corner of your screen, it shows vision through the scope. So in this little window you see a zoomed in version of what your targeting, and the rest of the screen you see just normal view. It's cool because you can see if a guy is running at you or whatever.

This game is also cool with the stealth/action. You are a guy who has amnesia, and while trying to escape the facility where you woke up, you use stealth (you don't have to, but it's advisable), but when your guy has flashbacks of his past life, it's all action with guns and what-not, but no psi-powers.

All in all, the game has two major flaws, but other then the camera and targeting, this game is awesome. Play it.
Second Sight (PC) - 7/10
Did you finish the game yet?

For those of you who played Second sight, did you see any similarities with it's story and Bioshock's?

Second Sight has a Tenebaum character, a hateable antagonist, and little children. :p

BTW, Second Sight's ending is very much like Bioshock's too. (after defeating Atlas)
Strong Bads Cool Game For Attractive People - 8/10

Yes, yes, I know I had no business playing this game, but it's another well made game from Telltale.
The graphics are very very close to the subject matter, and it is really funny, if a little easy (4 hours to finish).
Not up to par with Sam and Max season 2 yet, bu this is the first episode, and has started excellently.

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